Zombie Shooter

Zombie Shooter

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The Survival Mode Isn't Endless...
By JanReyZHD
Finally, I have survived from the mass attack and make it to the end.
What is the ending like?
As I expected, the bosses( yes, there are two coming one by one, one is a normal boss, the other is one in survival-mode-boss style) appeared, but were weak. After that, some common zombies came out but the screen soon went dark and then it turned into campaign mode's store...without high score record( excuse me? I have just got about 900000). It seems that you have that magma minigun from the beginning of the campaign mode, but when you start the game, you don't...Then I quit the game.
How to make it to the end?
Unfortunately, it is LUCK that matters. You have to be lucky enough that you can just find a shield and then kill most of the zombies that surround you, especially the strongest tall black skeletons and those red missile launcher guys. You can be a stationed turret when you're invulnerable. After the most dangerous period passes, it is easy then to stay alive.

Although luck is important, there's still a trick-you can move around the boxes located at the bottom of the map.
When deadly missiles come from the red guys and those skeletons, move and let those missiles hit those blocks, meanwhile you should clear the area around and focus on the health packs and armors. You can get fewer hit and let armor more effective by doing so.
This guide was made on April.8, 2019. If the game is updated then, the ending might be different.
J- Sama 12 Jan @ 6:26pm 
2025 baby :csgogun::Toxic_Geralt:
TaylorHasRocks 17 Jan, 2023 @ 8:50pm 
As far as I can remember, you would be able to cheat in survive mode in zombie shooter, which you couldn't do in alien shooter. And then I eventually found that ending, but there's a way to skip it. As the screen starts to turn black, immediately hit escape to bring up the menu, then just exit out of the menu and survive mode continues, but from now on it's just a those very tall boss zombies coming at you once in a while.
Mr.P 26 Nov, 2022 @ 3:45am 
Well..... I'm here to intercept the one who want to do like Funaoe22.
Funaoe22 22 Feb, 2022 @ 6:11pm 
im just here cause the comments below are on 2020 and 2021 so im here so it gose in order
2022 baby
Postal Dude 28 Jul, 2020 @ 10:10pm 
wow! that's interesting!