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BANA CASH : All Around Guide [Purchase, Redeem , Rewards and Events]
Oleh PureRandomosity
Learn more about how to purchase and redeem BANA CASH and more.
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Purchase and Redeeming Bana Cash
I.Purchase and Redeeming
BanaCash reflects at your account between 24-48 hours if not immediate.

How do I charge BANA CASH onto my account? 1.Go to
3.Purchase Bana Cash
4.Select your method of payment >Follow the transaction process
OR Go the Fashion Mall>Click "Charge Cash">Redirected to the Redbana site. Not logging in first will cause an error

TIP: Overcharges via conversion rates may apply. Example: Paying $23.00 CAD for $20 USD BANA CASH.
GIFT BANA CASH / REDBANA WEBSHOP! Click the hyperlink OR Go to>
Login > Click 'Shop' on the top right corner > Type in the recipient's ID > Select Amount $ > Send
Terms of use:
•Gifting can be temporarily unavailable when the "Shop" section is under maintenance
•Bana Cash will be received within 24 hours after gifting it. Banacash sent during the weekends will be arriving either on Sunday or Monday.
•Our system is case sensitive. Please be sure to check the recipient's Redbana ID thoroughly to prevent any issues.
•Redbana will not be responsible for disputes between the sender and the receive.
•There will be a 5% usage charge for the Bana Cash Gift.
•In the case of refunds or chargebacks, the sender and the receiver are both responsible for any issues relating to the Bana Cash used.
Purchase STEAM WALLET codes at a retailer or buy them directly through the site here: .

Q&A: I added funds on Steam, but it's not showing up on the game! What's going on?
Adding Steam funds onto a Steam account will not redeem on Audition automatically. Make another transaction through Audition's website order to add Steam funds to the game!


PAY WITH GIFT CARD/OBucks Open bucks only accepts USD, CAD, HKD.Openbucks does not accept other currencies.
Purchases are anonymous , no extra fees or credit card information is required.

"O BUCKS" are available on

"Pay with Gift Card">Redircted to Obucks>Select GiftCard>Enter the Gift Card number and Pin>Enter Email> Done!

TIP:The CVS gift card for prescriptions won't be accepted as an OpenBucks payment. Purchase the in-store CVS gift card!
TIP: E-Giftcards should work as long as they are of USD , CAD or HKD currency. Other currencies may not work.
TIP: Limit up to 5 gift cards of the same vendor for 1 purchase.
TIP:Make an account with OpenBucks to save your current giftcards for other purchases, earn Obucks points and receive promotions and deals.

Added back to the site on 9/25/2015
Section last updated 9/1/2017

GO CASH CARD: A gaming currency card. Purchase these at a retailer or online.
"GoCashCard" > Select $ Amount > Scratch the back of the card to reveal the PIN> Redeem>

You will not be redirected to a confirmation page upon redemption, instead, message displayed as "Card is Redeemed" will appear as confirmation of your payment.

It is crucial to select the exact amount of GoCash and not a lesser amount to use next time. You will not be able to recieve the excess cash or split the amount onto two Redbana accounts (use Webshop to gift BC). There is a high possibility that you will not be able to receive the excess cash.

You cannot split 1 GOCASH CARD into 2 accounts.

CREDIT CARD - Make credit card transactions through the Redbana or Steam site.You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express with PayPal in purchasing Bana cash.
VISA PREPAID CARDS- A great alternative for credit/debit card purchases.

Q&A:I would like to do an ONLINE transaction to get BANA CASH, but I don't have any way of getting a credit/debit card. I want to use cash money. Any suggestions?

Yes! Purchase any VISA GIFT CARD , VANILLA, AMERICAN EXPRESS or GREENDOT prepaid cards . These work just like the regular credit/debit cards, but will not contain or ask for any personal information of yours upon activating it.It's only for temporary use. This is not a credit/debit card that is issued from a bank or will ask for a social security number. Access the status of the gift card on the vendors site , stated on the back of the card.

TIP:There will be a small fee for activation upon buying prepaid cards.
PAYPAL- a system used to support credit/debit/prepaid cards.Link credit/debit cards for transactions through the site. Verification is required before the account is considered VERFIED to unlock other features.

Other Features include Send Money : Sending to friends abroad , Sending a digital gift card , Transfer money from your bank onto paypal balance ,

Q&A: How do I verify my PayPal account?
To verify your PayPal account, register a valid credit/debit card that contains your information or social security number. Prepaid credit/debit gift cards will not work because they don't contain any personal information about the account holder other than a ZIP code most of the time.

Q&A: I have a VERIFIED paypal account.I don't want to purchase the BANA CASH using credit/debit cards. Is there a way I can add cash to my paypal account with using cash money?

PAYPAL CASH: Allows you to Add funds onto your PayPal account using CASH money. * For Verified PayPal members only.

This method will allow you to add funds onto your PayPal account using cash. The products and items purchased using a PayPal balance will only be listed on a PayPal account rather than on a bank statement from a credit card purchase on PayPal. This adds another layer of security for those that do not want to share any credit/debit card information with a specified company. It only lists the following paypal email address (and maybe a legal listed first and last name in some cases) other than the last 4 digits of a credit card number etc.

PAYPAL CASH is the newest system from their old PAYPAL LOAD card system. 1.Go to
2.Log in to generate a barcode Log in and pick a retailer.
3.A custom barcode will appear for you to print out or present on your smartphone.
4.Bring your cash and barcode to the register at the retailer. A service fee of $3.95 will apply.
5.Your money will automatically be added to your PayPal account, and you’ll receive an email confirmation.

TIP:CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS CAN NOT BE USED at certain retailers. Be prepared to pay with cash.

Terms of Use
A service fee of $3.95 applies. Other restrictions apply.
  • Keep your receipt. You’ll receive an email to confirm your money was sent to your PayPal account. Each barcode can only be used once. Mobile barcode will expire within 1 hour of being created. Printed barcode expires in 48 hours. For SMS, carrier message rates apply.
Rewards Programs
Ebates , Swagbucks, DO$H , Offgamers, Gyft and Groupon all have Cash-Back or promotional opportunities for you to get cash-back or rewards!
If you shop online, this is a plus!
Bana Cash events
III. Bana Cash Events. The following events are re-occurring events on Redbana server in News and Announcements. There's no limit to the different variations of Bana Cash Events

Bana Cash Prizes:
Redbana Staff tops up your account with specified amounts of Bana Cash through Audition Events.

Bana Bonanza - Previously "Bana Gacha": Purchase Gacha tickets to spin and win prizes.

Mall-Wide Sale: % Off of Fashion Mall and/or Couple Mall Items for a specified time.

Top-Up Events: Earn additional Bana Cash after redeeming cash within the specified time frame.

Pay Back / Cash Back Events : Earn a % of the specified amount of Bana Cash spent (not redeemed) after the event is over.

Point Shop- Compiles all Bana Cash spent within the specified time frame and gives AP points to spend in the Point Shop for a Limited Time.

Player Hosted Events : Users are allowed to hold their own events on the forums or in game. Terms and Conditions still apply.
1 Komentar
Suly 11 Jul 2020 @ 8:25pm 
hello so I just bought banana cash today and it showed on my account bank in the game's link but not in mall so I need to wait or what should I do now ?