Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

235 ratings
Tips and tricks the game doesn't tell you in H3
By Systems
This guide is for people who are new to the game, veterans, or people like me who f*cking love guns. It will show some lesser known feature or questions some might have.These are some tips and tricks you probably didn't know where in the game. It will cover guns, quickslots, grenades, the backpack, and more. Please leave a like to get this on the front pages!
Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't updated the guide in awhile, I've just been lazy. In the coming week I'm going to make an effort to update the guide more, respond to comments, etc. Thank you for all the support, I read all the comments and and truly humbled to have this much attention and praise. AND THANK YOU ALL WHO HAVE BEEN FAVORITED, GIVEN PRAISE, OR RATED THE GUIDE, IT REALLY MEANS ALOT. Love you all, Systems. <3
Pistol tricks
Locking back the slide
You may know about how you can release a slide on the pistol by pressing left and down on the track pad once the last round is shot and the slide is back, but did you know you can lock the slide open anytime? Simply pull the slide back with one hand, and with the other hand hold the guns grip press left and up on the track pad the the slide should lock in place.

Dual wielding tricks and reloading
Dual wielding is a power fantasy that most people desire and can be achieved in H3. In order to dual wield you need to have two open slots in your inventory, and (optional), two sets of the ammo in a convenient location. For pistols, when you empty your magazine, drop the magazine and put the two pistols in a quickslot. Put the ammo behind the gun into the magazine port, and it should lock in. To charge the gun either release the slides of each gun by pressing left and down on the track pad, or you can put the unlocked slides of each gun on top of each other and pull opposite directions, like the picture below.

Revolver reloading
You can reload a revolver the conventional way, or, with one hand. To reload it open the chamber, press the trigger, and thrust downward. Remember to hold the trigger down.

Detective revolver
This revolver takes both its own ammo and two other components, the thermal clip and battery. When you get the gun its already equipped with a thermal clip, but you need to spawn your own battery. If you fire the gun too much without pause the barrel will begin to turn orange and begin to smoke. It will start to shoot out little pieces of the gun and eventually explode. To prevent this, carry a thermal clip around with you and open the chamber on the top left of the barrel to replace it.
BullPup and Rifle firemodes
Changing bullpup firemodes
Most firearms have different fire modes, the most common being semi and fully automatic. While you can access them normally using the track pad, bullpup rifles and the Kriss Vector are an exception. With the pictures above, it shows where the second fire selector fully fully automatic is on these weapons. To access these, you need to manually click them on the weapon. For the L85A2, its on the back, the QBZ-95 rifle, the only fire selector switch is on the back, for the FAMAS, there is a switch next to the magazine port, and for the Kriss Vector its on the front.
One handed grenade throw
Grenades can be thrown using one hand, which is extremely useful in situations where you cannot drop your weapon or don't have time to put it in a quick slot. Simply have one hand free, and press up on the track pad to activate the laser grabber, (make sure you have a grenade in a quickslot), look down at the grenade, grab the pin out with the laser and throw it. This only works on grenades with pins. You can also light dynamite and other lit explosives by just putting an open lighter in a quickslot and putting the explosives wick above lighting it.
How to use backpacks
The backpack is a device used to hold extra ammo, guns, grenades, attachments, etc. It may be hard to understand how to use at first, but its treated like a normal backpack. Grab the back pack, and look down as far in as you can and you should see a white circle like for the quickbelt, this is for your backpack. Alternatively, you can sling the backpack over your back until you feel a little buzz indicating the backpack will attach there. (hint, to make take and hold more fun, keep your ammo on the backpack and put it down at each hold point as an resupply point.)
Quickslot tips
The quickslots will vary in usage from playstyle and gamemode. For example, in the Meat Grinder, its better to have the packrat layout so you can hold more. (You can change this from the main menu or by spawning the options panel). However what you might not have known is that each rig is outfitted with two shoulder slots on each side that can fit any weapon in the game. Simply put the weapon up and over your shoulder until you feel the little buzz. Another tip is that you can put a flashlight in a quickslot so you don't have to hold it.
Hand-to hand combat
Tips to use when you don't have a gun
In H3 physics are actually prominent and can be seen in the game. For example. You can break the Sosigs necks, body, legs, and even tear them apart. To do so, just grab them with both hands and twist the part you want. A neck will always be a instant kill. To tear apart the body just grab two parts and pull opposite directions. (These are only for the sosigs) Knives and sharp objects also stick into the sosigs, and for two handed weapons using both hands always results in more power.
Chambering a bolt action rifle
Reloading a bolt action rifle fast
The bolt action rifles in H3 are not incredibly hard to use, simply flip the safety off, pull the bolt back, and fire. However, for you to pull the bolt back you must detach your hand from the gun and manually pull it back. There is one trick to remedy this. With your hand that is holding the trigger, press right and up on the track pad and pull the bolt back and forward again. You don't need to have your hand leave the trigger.
Shotgun Tips/Reloading
Shotgun tips
Just a cool thing I saw. On the back of the M590A1 Shotgun on the right side of the stock there is a little port for a single shotgun shell.

One handed shotgun reloading (Pump action only)
To perform a one handed shotgun reload you need to have the shotgun not locked, meaning if you drop it and it does not go back to a quickslot your good. When you shoot a shot, with one hand grab the pump and jerk it up to open the chamber, then jerk down to close it. If this doesn't work, make sure that there is nothing in the chamber or it hasn't already been primed. To check this simply pull the trigger.
Gun Holding Positions/Carrying Handle
Holding onto the carrying handle
In H3 there are guns with carrying handles, such as the M249, FAL and Classic M4. These can be interacted with, but not with how you think. With the M4 carrying handle, just grab the top how you normally would. But with guns like the M249 and FAL, find the carrying handle and put your hand above where it connects to the gun, the joint. You should see the little dot light up and you can hold it from there.
Changing Red Dot Reticles
Changing your red dot reticle
Unknown to me and probably you, you can change your reticle on the basic red dot sight. At the back of the sight there is a little knob you can press that will change it. There are about 4-5 different ones that work great. I don't know if this is the case for other sights even though I've tried but if it is let me know.
Upcoming Information
Due to my vive not working and having to send it in to repair, I haven't been able to update this guide in awhile, however, there's still more I need to add:
M2 Carbine Full Auto fire mode
Spas-12 Pump action toggle
Picking up individual bullets/shells
Twirling Revolvers
Riot Shield
Topping off with clips
Ak Tactical reload
Empty Ammo from the mag
Cocking/De-cocking hammer
Fanning hammer
Cyber grenade
Final Notes
Thank you for reading this guide, I know I didn't cover everything but these are the main ones I found that are not directly told to you. If you have a tip you didn't see, leave it in the description or on my profile. I will update it as I see fit. Thanks!
crab 2 Aug, 2024 @ 1:16pm 
what about streamlined controls
Jesus 3 May, 2024 @ 3:40am 
We are so back.

What are you going to add next?
Dubster 29 Mar, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
i hope that you get your vive fixed, and thanks for this list!
Traso 5 Dec, 2021 @ 7:13pm 
the only one i didnt know was the last one
ImNotTimmy 7 Jul, 2021 @ 1:19pm 
Some Random Dude 15 Apr, 2021 @ 7:05pm 
Thanks for the tip on the bolt actions I keep getting constantly screwed over in T&H because I couldn't cycle the bolt fast enough
Pookaball 29 Dec, 2020 @ 11:12am 
ok I get it the backpack is a separate item and the quickbelt slot is only useable with that
Pookaball 29 Dec, 2020 @ 11:05am 
I don't get it, how does the backpack work? I can't seem to find it. Using Tactical Mk2 quickbelt but I've checked out the other belts too and I don't see it
Cat-Bear 22 Nov, 2020 @ 6:09am 
you ever did get that fixed?
Systems  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 7:21pm 
Yes, I will get that ASAP