Heroes of Hammerwatch

Heroes of Hammerwatch

54 ratings
how to gamble: a guide on winning/losing
By Awesome Opossum
this is a guide on gambling in Heros of Hammerwatch, and how to possibly win at it

How to Gamble in town
theres a guy in the tavern at a green table who if talked to will gamble with you
the tavern is unlocked by finding the owner randomly on the prison floors
the game is played by both the dealer and the player getting a card
whoever has a higher number on the card wins, if it is a tie the dealer wins
the cards are numbered 1-10 plus a spike trap card which always wins

Winning drinks, blueprints, and dyes
gambling 5,000 and above gives a chance at winning a bonus prize which can either be a bp(blueprint), drink or dye.

5,000 gives the smallest chance to win a prize
10,000 gives a higher chance to win a prize
100,000 guarantees a bonus prize if you win
1,000,000 guarantees a rare prize if you win

if you got money to spend this can be an easy way to get all the bps, drinks, and dyes unlocked
personally i gamble at 100,000 because the animations are much faster
Gambler's fallacy
honestly the house has a lot better chance to win at this mini game then you do, so its probably not a great idea to gamble if you wanna gain money.
Anyhow, what i thought was an original idea but it turned out its called the Gambler's Fallacy (thanks to MoonShadow48 for telling me about that its real interesting to read about)

anyhow this method as been proven wrong by people who are smarter then me and stuff

so theres what i think is a random chance for you to win its like a 30-40% chance of winning or something, i just know its not great. but what you can do with this is lose with a bunch of small bets and then right after losing a bunch, bet a lot. because if theres a 30% chance of winning that means every 10 games you would win 3 games so with my logic if you lose 6 times in a row its a lot more likey that the next time you gamble your statistically more likely to win so you should bet money.

Basiclally the Gambler's Fallacy dosnt work because the next bet is not affected at all by the previous so even if you were to lose 30 games in a row, it does not mean the 31st game will be a win.
Whether you win or lose is not random but its also confusing
ive tested this one by duplacting a save file 3 times and playing 10 games all betting 500 each time, and each time i would record whether i won or lost and how much by, and what i discovered is that for each of the 3 games all of the wins and losses where the same. (i won 5 out of the ten)
But when i tried to abuse this i found out that what cards you get are reliant on the amount you bet
i played 10 rounds again in the same manner as last time execpt this time i did a differnt bet amount and found out that the scores did not match (this time on the 500 bet i won 8/10) (on the one i did with the 1000 bet i got 4/10)
so its a bit harder to abuse this

so ive tested this some more and found out that you can the bets are indeed predetermined but it also seems that they are preset for certain bets. so if you bet on 5000 and lose 6-9 and then bet on 100,000 and win 5-2 and then reload the save and skip betting on 5000 and bet on 100,000 again you will win by 5-2 again

Update: you can win drinks, dyes, and blueprints from gambling at certain amounts (5,000 , 10,000 , 100,000 , and 1,000,000)
Whether you win or not isnt random. the reward you get also isnt random if you win a dye. it seems to be a random drink however.

thanks to IPWIW for telling how to test if it's random
and thanks to Catman for prompting me to retest whether rewards are random

ive tested whether or not playing a run resets this order of whether you win or not and it does not seem to do anything. but i only tested a single arena run (where i lost)
Multiplayer how does it affect Gambling in town?
You might think that gambling would work differntly in mutliplayer since other players can gamble at the same time that you can. After testing the game by reloading a save and relaunching and doing the same 10 bets in a row while letting another player (AGV | Crumlink (who did not duplicate his save i assume)) also bet. i got the same 10 bets while crumlink got differnt bets despite betting at the same time each test. thus i have concluded that gambling in multiplayer dosnt affect anything results wise
Luck and how it affects Gambling in Town
Ive tested the luck stat a lot, and it dosnt do anything to gambling which is a shame
Ive played several games with and without the luck stat in order to see if it has an effect and it turns out it does not have any affect on gambling. im pretty sure its because luck increases the %chances of things happening but the actual card game thing isnt based on %
My new and Recently Tested and complex method to win
its save scumming basically

I dont think this method works as well as it should anymore because betting dosnt seem to change whether you win or lose on a higher bet

So here is my idea, since we know that we can predict whether we win or not to a degree, by duplicating our savegames my idea is that you bet the highest you can on an alternate save to see if you would win, if you don't win, delete that save and duplicate the save you haven't gambled on again, and this time when gambling bet the 2nd highest bet, if that dosnt work do the same thing as before until you get a win or get to the smallest bet and lose. once you get a winning bet or lose do that on your main save, that way you either win a game or lose the lowest amount. once you do the first bet your gonna want to repeat the process over again betting from the highest amount on your alternate profilesave until you either win a bet or lose 500 the minumium amount.
Remember to delete your alternate gamesave after each time you test a bet

I made a video proving it works im not entirely sure if the link works so if it dosnt just look up "kindergartenlogic heroes of hammerwatch" and you should find my video

another method to win differnt things
Want a specific drink? and possibly blueprint (i have never gotten a bp from gambling myself)
Well using the save scumming method you can get that specific reward that you desire.

First get a save where you will win on the next high gamble 5,000 to 1,000,000
(copy the save and test if you will win to be sure)

secondly copy that save before you gamble so you have 1 backup
load the copy and gamble at anywhere from 5,000 to 1,000,000
if you didnt win then reload your original copy and delete the copy where you didnt get the item you wanted.
again copy your orignal save and gamble again.
repeat untill you get the item you want
Summary and what i reccomend
the save scumming method can be really helpful for gaining gold at a low level
however its probably not as effective as doing a gold run on higher ngs
gambling dosnt work in merc mode so its not useful at all on there

cheating gambling for a specific dye, drink, or bp would work but i'd say its probably easier and better to just do tower runs until you get that bp, dye, drink, or until you get enough gold to gamble for it.

How to Gamble in Tower/Pyramid/Temple
Gamblers can appear like in the image below when you open up those cracks in the walls. if you talk to him you can select items that you've collected and gamble them for a chance at getting a better item.

ignore the fact that these screenshots are from differnt games

gamblers can appear in Forsaken tower, Pyramid of Prophecy, and Moon temple.
they will not appear in the arena
gamblers in the Moon Temple DLC will often not be in cracks in the walls and instead just be hanging out in rooms.

There are two achievements for gambling. one is just for gambling anything, and the other is for gambling and winning a red item

1 white item gives you the chances of 67% white item, and 34% for a green
1 green item gives 67% for a white and 34% for a green as well.
1 blue item is 67% green and 34% blue
1 purple item is 20% green and 80% blue
1 red is 50% blue 50% purple

green items are worth the same as a white item if you are only betting one item

however if you bet
2 greens its worth 67% green and 34% blue
to get 67% green and 34% blue with white items you would need 6 whites

attuned items don't seem to be worth more in gambling then regular ones
Is whether i win or lose in Tower/Pyramid/Temple Gambling random?
yea its pretty random unlike the gambling in town
i did reloaded a save 10 times and bet the same 3 blue items each time and was able to get completely random rewards
although despite having a 50% chance to get a blue item i got a purple item 7 out of the 10 times i did this
Luck and how it affects Gambling in Tower/Pyramid/Temple
Ive tested the luck stat a lot, and it dosnt seem to do anything to gambling which is a shame
Ive played several games with and without the luck stat in order to see if it has an effect and it dosnt seem like it increases the chances of rarer items appearing. its possible that it affects the chances of rarer items appearing and just dosnt show it in the gambler menu. 3 blue items give a chance of 50% purple and 50% blue with a luck of 0 or a luck of 18
My new and mostly tested and complex method to win
Basically its save scumming

it dosnt work in multiplayer very well
1.first bet all you want till you get a chance at getting the color item you want
2.then exit to menu
3.make a copy of your profile
4. use that copy and gamble your items
5. if you fail to get the item you want, delete that save and repeat steps 3 to 5
6. once you get the item you then you have succeeded congrats!
Summary and what i reccomend
Luck dosnt affect gambling in tower but you can save scum till you get the item you want.
i peronally wouldnt save scum for an item because i feel it isnt worth the time.
when i do gamble i typically gamble away any items that i wont use, like the book of enlightenment if im at lvl cap. ive also know people who gamble away the scrolls they get because they arnt too good. another thing ill do is gamble a single white item so that either way i allways get an item of the same quality or a green item.
Honestly i have no idea what the actual statistics are
i dont really understand how the algorithms decide whether or not you will win

if you know more about how the game works then i do please share that information
thanks to MoonShadow48, IPWIW, and AGV | Crumlinkfor helping out with the guide
Redfanger 14 Dec, 2022 @ 6:28am 
@Tsuki Zero it's still needed to unlock the blueprints and potions. Works much better than just grinding the dungeons
Tsuki Zero 8 Dec, 2022 @ 10:08am 
in short, gambling is crap and useless.
Redfanger 6 Feb, 2021 @ 6:10pm 
@Awesome Opossum Well, it's been a year. I quitted the game for some time, decided to return after Moon Temple. Then I remembered I have a promise to keep. I've run a lot of tests and looks like nothing can change the sequence. It's cyphered somehwere and I believe whether it finally determined, or generated by a well-determined formula. Anyway, the sequence is transferred to profiles unchanged, so the most profitable way is to run the sequence in the twink profile and know one's wins/loses for sure. And use it for just wasting the gold after the dungeon run when it's inevtiable or multiplying it when it's possible.

Another interesting thing: I managed to keep more then 100 games in a row with 100k bet and never run out of money. I don't know for sure when it could end. The longest lose streak I had is 8.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
BikeHelmet 19 Nov, 2020 @ 4:24am 
This guide is awesome! Great job investigating and discovering how it works. It answered a lot of questions.
mac 6 Aug, 2020 @ 3:14pm 
8 likes for this useless guide? tel7aso 6eezi ya chlab :)
Redart15 15 Feb, 2020 @ 8:36am 
I don't think you can reset it. Only way to get a different seed is to start a new profile. That means that its harder to abuse if not impossible, however it is pretty op for farming drinks,blueprints and dyes.
Awesome Opossum  [author] 7 Feb, 2020 @ 12:12pm 
@Redfanger well if you do figure out how to reset it be sure to share
Redfanger 7 Feb, 2020 @ 7:31am 
@Awesome Opossum I got interested in your research. Deciced to run some tests. I think something has to reset the sequnce of losing/winning. Now I know that doing a dungeon run and changing a character doesn't reset it. I believe something should do it.

the best thought I've come up with: run all the sequences from 500 to max available (1 - win/0- lose)
500: 101110111110000
1000: 011101100010010
and so on
then combine and optimize them in order to minimize the losses and maximize the wins by putting the higher roll into the sequence
still figuring out how to reset it. Gotta be the way
Awesome Opossum  [author] 12 Jan, 2020 @ 9:00am 
@Sunshine Rain and @TropicalLazerBeams from what ive tested it seems that gambling on a lower bet wont change whether you win or lose on a higher bet. making the save scumming method not effective anymore
Awesome Opossum  [author] 12 Jan, 2020 @ 8:30am 
@Catman Just tested it and it seems some of the rewards are predetermined as you said, so ill have to update my guide a little