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FU + Extended GUI Patch
85.290 KB
2019年3月13日 12時02分
2020年10月2日 11時26分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

FU + Extended GUI Patch

Fixes incompatibilities between FU and Extended GUI.

Specifically, fixes the armor tab on the Spinning Wheel, the new mech horn/module tab at the Mech Crafting Table, and the new tabs for the Basic Crafting menu.
32 件のコメント
Xytronix 2023年9月30日 4時19分 
Which one?
플랑도르 스칼렛 2022年7月4日 11時29分 
There's critical bug with crafting ui. DO NOT USE
RunYouCleverBoy 2021年12月2日 4時05分 
sorry. i think srardust-UI interface is messed it up. now without stardust ui -all's good
RunYouCleverBoy 2021年12月1日 12時07分 
does not work -extra items in list over top border..
WatcherCCG 2021年11月1日 20時52分 
Well, I don't know if you're still playing. If not, fair enough. But if you're willing to spend the time, I for one would be very grateful.
RobotLucca  [作成者] 2021年11月1日 20時38分 
It's been quite some time, it's completely possible that something has changed and this is now out of date
WatcherCCG 2021年10月31日 22時13分 
Mech Crafting Table is still messed up.
Vas 2020年12月11日 5時32分 
Game throws an error from this mod occasionally. Not sure if its important.

[Error] Could not apply patch from file /interface/windowconfig/craftingwheel.config.patch in source: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\211820\1681880007\contents.pak. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'lblArmorTab' in pathApply("/paneLayout/lblArmorTab/position")

If you're using this as some sort of compatibility with something, you can always run a test first to see if thing exists before attempting to apply a patch, to prevent errors.
☥¤§ÑîGHTMÃRɧ¤☥ 2020年11月15日 2時07分 
still has a bugged mech icon on the crafting table please fix this annoying bug.
Umbra Animo 2020年11月14日 15時12分 
thanks I only today learned Gui was giving me a problem (I hadn't been playing the game much recently)