Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

157 ratings
How to exploit a Sentry-Buster
By Simon
This is a guide to explain different exploits for the Sentry-Buster in MvM.
This includes the running in circles and the immediate explosion of the Sentry-Buster.
From time to time I see people instantly picking engineer in mvm but in most cases they dont know what you mean when you say, that you want him to glitch a Sentry-Buster.

Exactly this reason inspired me to make this guide.

First of all there are 2 kinds of exploits existing for the Sentry-Buster.

  1. The Sentry-Buster is walking in circles in a specific place
  2. The Sentry-Buster immediatly explodes
1. Running in cricles
1.1. What is needed
In order to let the Sentry-Buster walk in one place, you need to have maxed out jump height.

It is also possible to achieve it with Sentry-Jumping but it is a lot easier with jump height.

In addition to that you need a keybind with the "destroy 2" command. (This command destroys the Sentry)
1.1.1 Keybindings
For people who dont know how to make your own keybind, here is a little explanation.

Someone who already knows it, can skip to the next point.

First of all you need to open your console and type in the following:

I just assume that you know how to open the consle, and therefore I'm not explaining it.

The Syntax of the command to bind things is:

bind "key“ „command“;

We specificly need the command "destroy 2" to be bound to any key, so the Syntax needs to be:

bind "key“ "destroy 2“;

Here is an example on how to bind the command to the key "7" (and yes thats the key I am using for it):

bind "7“ "destroy 2“;

Some keys for example numpad 1 or Pagedown have a specific name. You can see all the names of the keys in the picture below:

Here is the TF2 Wiki Page of this topic.
1.2. How does it work
If you want to use the exploit, it's better to let your teammates know through voice- or textchat so they dont attack the Sentry-Buster since a destroyed Sentry-Buster can't be used for this exploit.

As soon as you see a Sentry-Buster spawning and you don't simultaneously get shot by a horde of robots, you take your sentry and walk to the place where you want the Sentry-Buster to walk in circles.

Now you jump and at the peak of it you hit your key which you bound to "destroy 2". Your Sentry will get destroyed but it's a necessary step for the exploit to work.

Use Building Upgrade canteens in order to get a level 3 Sentry as fast as possible back.

And thats pretty much it. It's fairly simple and it works in any place and on any map.

Here is a little visualization of the process:

One method on Manhatten you can also do consistently is running of the crates and destroy your Sentry right before you hit the ground. It might take some practise but you are able to do this without any jump height upgrades! It should look like that:

Big thanks to Sorcière and Idiotic Noob #214 for telling me about this method!

Which spots should be used for the Sentry-Buster and which not will be explained in the next point.

This exploit doesnt prevent new Sentry-Buster from spawning. You still have to watch out for them. The new Sentry-Buster will not have any influence on the glitched one and you can destroy them as you wish.
1.3 The Positioning
It doesnt have any real usage when the Sentry-Buster is in the visual sight of the Sentry since we want the Sentry-Buster to be alive as long as possible and not getting attacked by your sentry will have a huge impact on that.

Ideal places for the Sentry-Buster can be determined by the following attributes:

  1. The Sentry-Buster is not in the range or in line of sight of the Sentry
  2. The Spot is not on the path of the robots
  3. There is some kind of cover of incoming robots
  4. The distance from the medic to the buster isnt that far

Many places have most of the attributes but the first one should always be given.

Here are some exapmles of spots on Manhatten and Rottenburg which are used often:

Some of you may ask yourself whats the last attribute for. It determines the level of efficiency of the exploit which has a lot to do with the usage and will be explained in the next point.
1.4. Usage
The exploit doesnt help the engie or any other class in any way with one exception, the medic.

We will make use of the effect from the ubersaw.

The effect also applys when the Sentry-Buster is getting hit. And because the Sentry-Buster is running in circles, it is an excellent target for the medic to farm ÜberCharge.

Therefore, we as an engineer, can help the medic a lot for just 300 Credits.
The Medic itself can then help other teammates with the ÜberCharge to fight incoming robots.

Because of the frequent ÜberCharge, the waves difficuilty is lowered.

Of course you can also use the exploit for fun and glitch as many Sentry-Buster as you can (my record is currently 8 at a time)
2. Immediate Explosion
2.1 What is needed
For this exploit you also need maxed out jump height but thats it.

2.2. How does it work
Bceause this exploit only works in specific places and I just know from 2 of them in the operation Two-Cities, I will only show them.

If you want to let the Sentry-Buster explode without even touching or damaging it, you just need to go these places:

If you reached them, just jump and wait for about one to two seconds.

The process should look like that:



If you did it right, you should hear the Sentry-Buster explode.

This exploit also works when the Sentry-Buster is still in the spawn area where he cant get attacked!
2.3. Usage
If this exploit has a usage is up to you. I just use it when an annoying pyro is my lobby who plays with the Sentry-Buster.
For people who always wondered how the engineer is placing the teleporter in the spawn door like it's seen in the picture.

It's pretty simple and it just requires a specific way of placing it which can be seen here:

You must stand in the exact same position as in the picture and place the entrance.

Thanks for reading my guide! I hope it could help or teach you something.
Because this is my first guide, I would really appreciate any feedback for example in form of likes or comments.

Please keep in mind that I am not a native speaker and therefore still make a lot of grammar mistakes etc.
Misa 29 Aug, 2024 @ 11:00am 
still works
C_Zephyr 16 May, 2024 @ 11:51am 
There is a spot on mannworks (i believe it's one of the big rocks by robot spawn like Rottenberg) and Coaltown (on the edge of the canopy of the right building by robot spawn) for instant explosion as well
Momomazos 27 Apr, 2024 @ 12:05pm 
Awesome guide
indy and her jones 20 Apr, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
Can't believe it still works. Instant explosion also works here too:
Simon  [author] 13 Apr, 2022 @ 9:51am 
Yeah, they never bothered to patch it which is awesome.
CSpicer337 13 Apr, 2022 @ 5:38am 
It's funny, I ran across one person who knew this exploit easily, and this is years after this guide was made. It still works to this day
TakeNine 30 Dec, 2020 @ 2:56pm 
This is insane im gonna try it
exa 5 Jun, 2019 @ 10:57am 
Wave 20 Mar, 2019 @ 8:35pm 
Personally, I found them to be a great way to kill team mates for the memes. I usually play 5 other friends and we have an amazing game of pin the tail on the Sentry Buster as it does the explosive death spin.
Grayfox 18 Mar, 2019 @ 6:27pm 
I have had 10 sentries glitched but this broke the wave until they were all destoryed as they count as a bot and you can only have 21 active bots out at once.