Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,015 个评价
Basic Slope Profiles
Assets: Road
1.692 MB
2019 年 3 月 5 日 上午 11:00
2019 年 4 月 1 日 上午 7:46
4 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Basic Slope Profiles

20 assymetrical theme networks to create decorative surfaces at low cost. (80kb and 190tri avg)

! -> Fence network (end of Fence menu) ! - Plop anywhere (water friendly but can flood) ! -> Theme grass and pavement texture ! - Low poly (180 to 200 tris per segment) ! -> LOD models (16 to 20 tri each) remain theme grass ! - Upgradable and Reversible (anarchy ready) ! -> Versatile (be creative!)
About these 80kb assets

I created this pack based on concepts made with my friend Jarda because I needed them in game to create my builds. Slopes are very simple but effective helper assets...Surface fillers. They mimic real world way of making roadside embankments, ditches and general profiling around infrastructures... I know because I worked on excavators 8 months/y for the last 10 years! I tested many different mesh and these were the best compromizes I could get (nothing's ever perfect with this game you know). But using big decals and vegetation, you can make pretty good looking things with this.

Find it mod keyword: profile -> will list all profile assets (unsorted, sadly)
More keywords below.
Assets will appear in the Fence menu, under Lanscaping tools if you own Parklife or Industries DLC.

Basic Slope profiles => civil engineering inspired mesh - PAVED (pavement) - SMALL (grass with top part) - MEDIUM (grass with top part) - LARGE (grass with top part) - DIRECT (grass) - GRADE (grass, flat at nodes like roads) (actual menu order) Total : 20 theme networks included POTENTIAL LOD ISSUE CAUSED BY LOADING SCREEN MOD SHARE MATERIAL (2nd option) If you're having issues with white LOD's or broken LOD textures, try disabling Loading Screen Mod 2nd Sharing option : Share Materials. That will still share textures and mesh, won't affect your RAM and will fix broken LOD's on next load and forever!


Basic Slope Profiles are, basic... They make some very linear design that works well with road design but less with nature way of designing... So the Natural Slope Profiles suit better for natural and unmanned environments. NATURAL SLOPE PROFILES =>


Making these packs turned out to be more work but also much more fun than I expected. Please consider a small donation to any real dedicated asset maker, and consider these asset as my due contribution to this great community. If you read this far anyways, thanks for helping keep the community moving forward!

To Arnold J. Rimmer, for the theme used in some of these screenshots. Thanks Quboid for making Move it tool a little better everyday, and for all the help and input with these assets, along with Sebnichols, Tim The Terrible and Rimmer
To all the great minds behind the community that makes realism a thing possible, thank you
Screenshots credits to Leader Of The Monkeys, Not Done Yet, Static and astronaut24
121 条留言
High Dudeness 2024 年 7 月 31 日 下午 1:59 
Really nice but it takes out my fps completely! Not usable for me unfortunately. :(
Deeheks  [作者] 2022 年 9 月 4 日 下午 1:47 

0. Looking at a slope downhill while camera is at the top ;
1. Lay the selected slope (can change later using upgrade). Starting from left to right, aim to place your nodes near the top of slope ;
2. Move the middle nodes towards the toe of slope (downhill), leaving the first and last nodes hidden below the ground to achieve smooth transitions ;
3. Adjust height of nodes as you wish to perfect the look, and play with segment curves as required ;
4. Match grass color if needed, by removing surrounding sand/resources/surface paint ;
5. Plop rocks and plant trees to decorate !
Scorobete 2022 年 8 月 30 日 上午 10:35 
A tutorial would be helpful. I can't figure out how the mod works...
Deeheks  [作者] 2022 年 8 月 4 日 下午 1:03
Terraforming network: Use a segment of this to place the shadow where you want it

More drastic option for you:
Road Texture Terrain Edge Remover by xlf1024
Future 2022 年 8 月 4 日 上午 11:07 
Is there a way to remove the shadows of the terrain underneath these slope network?
Snacko 2022 年 5 月 10 日 下午 4:48 
I love this thing! I just tried using it as a sandbar in a river, and it looks fantastic! Except for the Flood Icon floating above it. Can you make these happy underwater? That would be nice. Don't know why you wouldn't allow that..

As far as how to use these, you have to drag them right to left (or the other way) as the cliff is on one side only. Use Move It! to adjust their position and height. Other than that, that's all that I do. Hide the edges within the terrain and bend the segments to bulge out. Or hide the edges with plants.
SonTyp 2022 年 4 月 18 日 上午 5:19 
ya, a video tutorial would be awesome. i dont understand how it works ^^
Irene 2022 年 3 月 28 日 下午 7:55 
Hi, is there any detailed tutorial on this awesome work?
clus 2020 年 10 月 13 日 上午 7:28 
Thank you again ! :) Regarding your idea with base meshes ... fun fact, I started exactly something like that a year ago, but did not follow the idea any further ... therfore the old roads will stay the way they are now, because I´ve already finished revising them ... but maybe some new versions will come with that design.
Deeheks  [作者] 2020 年 10 月 12 日 上午 6:18 
Correct mate, lod materials (same for main materials) are shared with other assets made of the exact same png's. No sorcery involved (for once!) ^^ Enjoy!