Bullet Witch

Bullet Witch

48 évaluations
Bullet Witch - Achievement Guide
De Ayon
This guide lists all Achievements for Bullet Witch and how to unlock them.
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Stage Achievements
The Stage Achievements are earned by clearing a stage at any difficulty.

Clearing all stages for the first time will unlock an additional achievement.

Difficulty Achievements
These achievements are unlocked once all 6 stages have been completed on a specific difficulty. They need to be unlocked through 'New Game' and they will not unlock by beating the stages through 'Stage Select'.

These achievements have to be earned individually. Beating the game on hard difficulty on your first playthrough won't subsequently unlock the achievements for beating it on normal and easy. In order to unlock all these achievements the game has to be beaten at least 5 times.

The chaos difficulty is unlocked by beating the game on hard difficulty.
The hell difficulty is unlocked by beating the game on chaos difficulty.

Additional Achievements
Fully Loaded

After completing a stage you'll receive skill points that can subsequently be spent on abilities, gun rod upgrades and magic. Once everything has been unlocked and upgraded to the highest level this achievement will unlock. It's likely to unlock in one of the later playthroughs that are necessary for the difficulty achievements.

Addicted to War

This will probably be the last achievement to unlock. It requires 15 hours playtime. Playtime specifically refers to time spent in stages. Once finishing a stage there'll be a rating/ranking screen. It'll tell you the clear time for a stage. It is only once you reach this screen that the time displayed will be added to your total.

In this screenshot, where I dashed through a level for fun in 1 minute and 36 seconds, I'll have only added 1 minute and 36 seconds to my total. Had I left before finishing the stage I wouldn't have added anything to my total. There is no way to check your current total time.

It should also be noted that the discussion forums feature a few people complaining that the achievements didn't work for them. I can't confirm this myself, but be wary that it's a possibility.

Thank you for reading.
8 commentaires
codturnip1 12 juil. 2020 à 18h51 
Tips for the Fully Loaded achievement. beat the game on easy,normal and hard, then start level on hard or chaos,on the chaos setting you will get 550 points instead of 350 on hard. keep playing level one on the setting of your choice and upgrade your abilities as needed.

codturnip1 12 juil. 2020 à 18h42 
For the Addicted to War achievement you can start a new game on easy, kill the first 3 enemies, and with a controller and an elastic band just run into a wall on the right. You can do the same with the mouse and keyboard i assume by just have something set on the movement keys.

Also you need to get to a checkpoint for it so save the time toward the achievement. I did this on the Xbox 360 years ago after i had gone through the game on all the other difficulty settings and so on.

This is from a Trueachievements user, "Keep in mind that you do need to finish the level you are on for this to pop, and even though your point round-up doesn't count the time you spend replaying Checkpoints, the game itself definitely does. This is especially important for people getting frustrated on the later levels of HELL mode, because you might end up quitting the game altogether even though you have enough playtime"
Guardian of Anastasia 6 avr. 2020 à 21h02 
Pretty sure the Addicted to War achievement is bugged. I have almost 60 hours according to Steam, with most of that (90%?) being IN a level, actively playing.
kokiri1232 25 juin 2019 à 8h47 
Okay thanks i will do that after i play some other games.
Ayon  [créateur] 25 juin 2019 à 8h22 
My best guess is that you're either very close or that the few people in the forums are right and that the achievements are bugged for some people. I'd just try for ~5 more hours tops.
kokiri1232 25 juin 2019 à 8h14 
Okay thanks i played the game for 20 hours on all the difficultys but still have not unlocked.
Ayon  [créateur] 25 juin 2019 à 7h54 
> How long did you play the game till you got Addicted to War? And after you beat the game on any difficulty and you start a new game are the hours still counting? - kokiri1232

I have 21 hours played according to Steam. I played about 1 to 1,5 hours extra to make screenshots and similar things for the guide. So Addicted to War took me about 20 hours.

And to reiterate: It doesn't matter whether you play challenges or the campaign or anything else. It only counts time that you actually spend IN a level and it only gets added to your total when you're on the ending screen and it gets added to a total (which you can't see). I sadly don't know if starting up a level and keeping it on during the night, and finishing it in the morning after would be a working way to cheese it.
kokiri1232 24 juin 2019 à 11h58 
How long did you play the game till you got Addicted to War? And after you beat the game on any difficulty and you start a new game are the hours still counting?