Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes

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All secrets and hidden items
A guide showing you how to find all of the secrets in the game, including hidden weapons. Includes where to find the secrets, how to get them, and what's in them. Images and full text waklthroughs included.
Recoil Part 2
Secret 1
Rewards: Medkit, one large box of 5.56x45mm NATO, two small .45 ACP boxes

Around the half-way point of the second part of Recoil, you will end up in a tight alleyway that has several enemies on the floor and a sniper on a balcony overlooking the alleyway. On the right side of the building is a pipe cluster you can climb up to reach the balcony. Inside the balcony is a large box of 5.56x45mm NATO, two small boxes of .45 ACP, and a Medkit.
Recoil Part 3
Secret 1
Rewards: Desert Eagle, one small box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo, one small box of .50 AE ammo, one small box of .45 ACP ammo, wall-mounted Medkit

When you get to the section that has the sniper hole up in a large tower in an area surrounded by a balcony, continue as usual by jumping up boxes on the back. Instead of going left, go right and down the stairs. At the end you will be in a hallway with a door on the left side. Walk into it and you’ll be in a room that has an enemy at a dead-end on the left side. On the right side is a room with a wall-mounted Medkit, a Desert Eagle, a small box of .45 ACP, a small box of 5.56x45mm NATO, and a large box of .50 AE ammo.
Lost Cause Part 1
Secret 1
Rewards: Two small boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells, one HE Grenade

Right before you reach the hostages, you will see a window with blinders covering most of it. Destroy the blinders, then jump into the area past the window to find two boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells and an HE Grenade.
Lost Cause Part 2
Secret 1
Reward: one Smoke Grenade

Early in the second part of Lost Cause’s second half, you will be in an outdoors area that has you push a box to a window so you can hop on the box, then jump into the window. Instead of going through the window on the right side of the room, go to the one that is on the north side, where the sniper was. Past the window is a room with a Smoke Grenade.
Secret War Part 2
Secret 1
Rewards: Dual Elites, one small box of 9x19mm ammo

At the start of Secret War Part 2, you’ll be in an ourdoors area. Ignore the NPC telling you to go in and climb a ramp on the right side of the outdoors area. Once you’re up it, take a right and you’ll a collection of boxes with a tower in the center of it. On the right side of the crates is a way to jump and walk through the crates and reach the top of the tower.

When on the top of the tower, walk on the plank extending from the tower and fall off of its end. You’ll end up in another area. On the opposite end of it are a few boxes, with one that has Dual Elites and a small box of 9x19mm ammo in a box next to it.

Secret 2
Reward: G3/SG-1

After going through the nuclear box and barrel-filled indoor room at the start of the level, you’ll be in another outdoors area. Instead of heading straight for the door across from where you start, take a left. Follow it until you see a row of boxes. Behind the boxes is an G3/SG-1 for the taking.

Secret 3
Reward: one HE Grenade

Back at the start of the second outdoors area, take a right instead of a left. You’ll be at a location that has three shipping containers. Facing the shipping crates, walk on the path to the left of them and you’ll see an HE Grenade.
Building Recon Part 4
Secret 1
Rewards: Dual Elites, four small 9x19mm ammo boxes

At the start of Building Recon Part 4, you’ll have to climb through a vent. After going through the vent, you’ll end up in a small room with an enemy and a dead NPC. Inside the room is a large hole blown in the room with an HE Grenade on the other side.

The HE Grenade is nice, but the real treasure is found nearby. To the right of where the HE Grenade was is a damaged wall. Destroy it with the Knife, then head into the hidden passageway. At the end of it is a Dual Elite with four small 9x19mm boxes.

Secret 2
Reward: container that has a complete ammo replenish

In the location where you have to destroy the tank, there is a large collection of ammo ripe for the taking.

First, destroy the tank attacking you. Then, go near the shack where you entered the M72 LAW storeroom was, but climb up the broken electric pole that smashed into the shack. Climb up it, then look to your left and you’ll see an air conditioning unit near a fence. Jump on the fence from near the top of the pole. Then, jump on the AC, then get on the roof. Follow the roof until you see a crate. Get on the crate, then hop into the window on the left to find an ammo container that will fully replenish all of your weapons’ ammo reserves!

Secret 3
Reward: M72 LAW rocket launcher

Near the end of part 4, you will find a large building that has a sniper in a window near the top and an arched opening that has the terrorist leader inside of it. Take care of the enemies, then look at the front of the entrance and you will find a metal box. Pull it so that it’s as close to the nearby fence as possible, then jump onto the fence. Hop to the other side of the fence, the get on the awning at the front of the arch. Once on the awning, you will see a small bit of roof poking out from the building. Jump on it, then follow it to an aclove that has a spare M72 LAW.
Building Recon Part 5
Secret 1
Rewards: Kevlar Armor, one box of M249 ammo, and one small box of .45 ACP

At one point in the level, you’ll enter an area that has an octagonal, fenced in area in the center of it with a machine gun near it you can use to cut down a ton of enemies. Inside the octagonal area is a vest of Kelvar Armor, a box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo for the M249, and a small box of .45 ACP. There are two ways to reach it.

1. Hop on the crates you see to your right when approaching the machine gun. This can be a little risky, as a single enemy bullet can destroy on of these crates. However, it is the faster way to get to it.

2. After dealing with all of the enemies in the area, face the octagonal area from where the enemies poured in and where the jeep was. To your left are some boxes. Look for a box on the upper right part of it, then shoot it. It will be destroyed, giving you room to hop into the octagonal area.
Motorcade Assault Part 2
Secret 1
Rewards: P228, Kevlar Armor

Near the midpoint of part 2, you will have to walk over a plank of wood that is over a large gap while an enemy shoots at you from a nearby balcony. Instead of following the plank, hop over to the balcony and you’ll find a set of Kevlar Armor and a P228, fresh for the taking.
Motorcade Assault Part 3
Secret 1
Rewards: Kevlar Armor, Medkit, one large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo, one large box of 5.7x28mm ammo

Once you get onto the street from the sewers (it’s the street you were overlooking when you shot the LAW at the truck at the start of the mission), deal with the enemies, then turn back and face where you got out of the sewer. On the left side of the area supporting the overlook is a cache containing Kevlar Armor, a large box of 5.7x28mm, a large box of 5.56x45mm NATO, and a Medkit.
DrugLab Part 2
Secret 1
Rewards: Two small boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells

You will breach the compound through a building on the right side of the main gates. Once you’re in, look to the left for a sniper tower that has or had a sniper shooting at you. Deal with him, then get close to the tower. You’ll see a ladder letting you climb upwards. Climb up to find two small boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells.
Thin Ice Part 1
Secret 1
Rewards: Medkit, one small box of 7.62x51mm NATO, one small box of .45 ACP, one small box of 12 gauge shotgun shells

At the start of the level, you will find some goodies on top of a hangar door. To reach it, head to the part of the top floor that is parallel with the wall the hangar doors and goodies are on. Hop on the desk near it and you’ll see a small sliver of wall you can follow that’ll lead you to a small box of 12 gauge shotgun shells, a medkit, a small box of .45 ACP, and a small box of 7.62x51mm NATO.

Secret 2
Rewards: two small .357 SIG ammo boxes, two small .45 ACP boxes

When you get outside, you’ll have to jump over some metal crates you can reach a path on the side of the ship. Once you get to the top, you’ll see a metal crate in the area you have to jump into that two boxes of .357 SIG and .45 ACP. Make a running jump and you’ll make it. You have only one shot at this, so save beforehand.
Thin Ice Part 2
Secret 1
Rewards: Dual Elites, wall-mounted Medkit, four small boxes of 9x19mm ammo

Right before you reach the roof of the ship, you’ll climb up some ladders, with a floor inbetween them. When you’re on the walkway, take a walk to the right side and you’ll see a closed door. To open it, look at the wall at the right end of the area and you’ll see a platform on its right side. Hop on it, then hop on the other side. A goat will bleet while the first platform suddenly destroys itself. To get back on, you’ll have to make a leap near the rails on the walkway. Save in case you mess up.

Once you’re done, get back onto the walkway and you’ll see the door has opened, revealing a pair of Dual Elites, four small 9x19mm boxes, and a wall-mounted Medkit.

Secret 2
Rewards: Medkit, one small .357 SIG ammo box, one small 12 gauge shotgun shell ammo box

Once you get on the roof, take a right when you see a pathway heading there, Follow it, and you’ll end up in an area that has enemies and a metal box in it. Clear out the enemies and jump on the metal box. You’ll see a small cache containing a small box of .357 SIG ammo, a small box of 12 gauge shotgun shells, and a Medkit. To get back, walk on one of the supports for the floor you were on just before, then jump on the rails to get back.

Secret 3
Rewards: Steyr Scout, one small 12 gauge shotgun shell box

In the same area is a static metal box with a Steyr Scout and a small box of 12 gauge shotgun shells on it. To get to it, push the metal box you used to hop over to the previous secret so that its next to the box that has the secret on it, then jump up.

Secret 4
Reward: One small box of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo

Normally, you’d reach the front of the ship from a ladder. However, there is a shipping container near it that has a secret. To reach it, get on the rails past the ladder, then jump onto the shipping container’s top. You’ll find a small box of 7.62x51mm NATO at the end.

Secret 5
Rewards: Medkit, one Smoke Grenade

You’ll find a large pole a the very tip of the ship’s front. Face the pole’s front (your back should be facing the ocean) and you can climb up it. Get to the top of it, then fall down on the nearby shipping container to find a Medkit and a Smoke Grenade.
Downed Pilot Part 3
Secret 1
Rewards: XM1014 shotgun, M4A1, Kelvar Armor, one Smoke Grenade, one HE Grenade, one small box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo

Later in the map, there will be an objective to destroy a set of pipes with a floor-mounted remote bomb. Before reaching it, you’ll go through a hallway. As soon as you enter the hallway, you’ll see a vent with a box near it. Jump on the box, destroy the vent opening, then crawl through the room to find a secret that has an XM1014 shotgun, an M4A1, Kevlar Armor, a small box of 5.56x45mm NATO, a Smoke Grenade, and an HE Grenade.

A nearby tank will blow the way out for you.

Secret 2
Rewards: P90, one small box of 5.7x28mm ammo

After destroying the pipes with the floor-mounted remote bomb, head into the hole that was created by the blast. Follow it and you’ll find a P90 with a small box of 5.7x28mm ammo.
Hankagai Part 1
Secret 1
Rewards: UMP, Medkit, a container that has a complete ammo refill

In the starting area, clear out all of the enemies. Then, find the buddha statue with three waterfalls to its left. Find the rightmost waterfall and shoot the hole where the water is coming from. This might take a few tries.

Once you’ve confirmed a shot where the waterfall comes from, look to your left and you’ll see two doors. Go to the one on the right and open it. You’ll find a Medkit, a UMP, and a full ammo refill.
Hankagai Part 4
Secret 1
Rewards: P90, Medkit, one large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo

At the start of the level, you’ll be in a tunnel with a bike to your right. To the left of the bike is a damaged wall. Destroy it with your knife and you’ll find a crate-filled room that has a P90, a large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo, and a Medkit.

Secret 2
Rewards: Kevlar Armor, one large box of 5.7x28mm ammo

You’ll have to jump on top of a fence in order to escape the parking lot area near the start of the level. Once you do so, do not jump down; instead, take a left and you’ll find a balcony that has Kevlar Armor and a large box of 5.7x28mm ammo for your freshly-procured P90.

Secret 3
Rewards: G3/SG-1, Kevlar Armor, one Smoke Grenade

Right after the parking lot, you will be harassed by a sniper shooting you from a window. Deal with him and any nearby enemies, then find a pushable metal box. Move it over to the trash dumpster near where the sniper was, then hop onto the box, get on the trash bin, then hop into the window. You’ll have to destroy some stray glass chunks with your knife or a gun before you can get in.

Once you’re in, you’ll find a G3/SG-1, a Smoke Grenade, and Kevlar Armor.

Secret 4
Rewards: two Medkits, one Smoke Grenade, one large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo

A little bit past Secret 3, you’ll find a sequence where the sniper you’re chasing gets run over by a car. Once you get over the fence to reach where the car was, do not follow the sniper. Instead, take a left from where you got into the car area and keep going until you find a garage door with a trash bin near it. Use the trash bin, and the door will open, revealing an area that has two Medkits, a large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo, and a Smoke Grenade.
Hankagai Part 5
Secret 1
Reward: one large box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo

Near the end of Hankagai, you’ll see the sniper hold a schoolgirl hostage. Instead of following him, go into the alley that’s to the right and behind the staircase that leads to the switch that lets your proceed. You’ll find a construction tower with barrels on its right. Hop on the barrels, then jump on the ladder that’s part of the scaffolding. It’ll take a bit, but you’ll get a grip on it. Follow it up and it’ll lead to an area that has a large box of 5.56x45mm NATO. There is also an easter egg if you open a grey door to the right of the ammo box.
Turn of the Crank Part 3
Secret 1
Rewards: M60, two boxes of M60 ammo

Past the alley with the machine gunner, you’ll find a doorway that leads to a crate-filled room on your right. Jump up the crates and you’ll end up on scaffolding above the first part of the level. Jump over to the scaffolding to your left and you’ll see a room with no way in or out to your left. Fall into the room to find that it has an M60 and two boxes of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo for the M60 for the taking.

Secret 2
Reward: Wall-mounted Medkit

Back on the scaffolding, do not jump down into the room where Secret 1 was. Instead, take a right and follow it left, then forwards, then left again to find a balcony overlooking the first area, an air conditioner box near it, and a concrete floor to the left of it. Jump on the concrete floor, then hop onto the balcony to find a wall-mounted Medkit.

It might be best to do this one first before Secret 1, since you can get back on the scaffolding with Secret 2, but not with Secret 1.

Secret 3
Reward: one HE Grenade

After the room with the machine gunner, you will open a door and find a collection of crates that let you safely get down onto the floor from a balcony. Get on the crates with the coffee beans (the one with the brown top), then look behind you and you’ll see crates behind the one you just got on. Jump on it, then take a left and follow it until you enter a tight room with an HE Grenade in it.
Alamo Part 1
Secret 1
Rewards: G3-SG1, alternate way to kill a machine gunner, one small box of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo

The the first room, you’ll have to deal with some enemies with your teammates. Once they’re dealt with, find a set of scalabale pipes on the right side of the room. When you get on a piece of wood where the pipes end, take a right instead of a left. You’ll have to jump across obstacles that stretch across the upper back and left sides of the room, but you’ll eventualyl reach a window where a sniper was harassing you. Go into his former perch to find a G3/SG-1 and a box of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo for it.

If you take a right from where the box of ammo is, you’ll find a hole that’ll let you take down a machine gunner that appears later in the level right now.

Secret 2
Reward: Kevlar Armor

After crawling through a vent, you’ll end up in a hallway that has an enemy shooting you from two large boxes. Deal with the enemy, then jump over the boxes to find Kelvar Armor.
Rise Hard Part 3
Secret 1
Rewards: P90, one small box of 5.7x28mm ammo

At the start of the level, you will be in a room with a fire extinguisher across from you. Shoot it to reveal an opening to a room that has a P90 and a small box of 5.7x28mm ammo.

Secret 2
Reward: Kevlar Armor

Around 3/4ths into the level, an enemy will blow up a wall with a rocket launcher. Past him is a room that has some ammo on a table. You can get a Kelvar Vest early by jumping on the table, then hopping into the room on the other side of the wall.

If you don’t do this, you can still get it later, as a hole will be blown into the Kevlar Armor room from another angle, letting you grab it.
Rise Hard Part 6
Secret 1
Rewards: M60, three boxes of M60 ammo

At the end of the section with the helicopter, you will see a door that leads to the next level. Ignore the level and head forwards until you see a wall-mounted Medkit and an edge. Look to the right of the edge and you’ll see a glass covered area where a sniper was harassing you earlier. Destroy the gass if it is still there, then make a running jump and turn in mid-air to reach the spot where the sniper was. It’ll likely take several tries, so make a save right before you start.

Once you’re in the spot, you’ll find an M60 with three boxes of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo for it.
Rise Hard Part 7
Secret 1
Rewards: AWP, one small box of .338 Lapua Magnum ammo

At a certain point in the level, you will have to walk over a thin edge on the side of the building. Once you finish the section, look straight and you’ll see four platforms. The last one has the secret.

When you jump on the first one, it will tilt a little bit, making it difficult to jump onto the second platform. To counter this, jump from the right side of the platform, which is tilting the least.

Once you get to the last platform, you’ll find the secret; and AWP and a box of .338 Lapua Magnum to go with it. You’ll have to jump back to where you were before too, so be prepared for a return trip as well.

Make sure to save often when doing this. One wrong move and you’ll fall to your death.
Run! Part 3
Secret 1
Reward: Galil

At the start of part 3, you’ll be on a room with a room to your side that has a wall-mounted Medkit in it. Behind the crates in the room is a Galil.

Secret 2
Rewards: XM1014 shotgun, one small box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo

At some point, you will fall into a warehouse. Instead of climbing up, look at the back of the first floor and you’ll find a room that has several explosive barrels in it. Shoot the barrels from a safe distance, then head into the hole they created. You’ll find an XM1014 shotgun and a small box of 5.56x45mm NATO.

Be aware that the “water” in the room can hurt you.
Sandstorm Part 3
Secret 1
Reward: Medkit

You’ll have to hop over a pipe after going through a side entrance into a building. Instead of going straight, take a right and you’ll find a small opening that has a Medkit in it.

Secret 2
Reward: one Smoke Grenade

To proceed, you’ll have to infiltrate a building via a hole in the roof. Once you get on the roof’s opening, you’ll see a piece of wood under you. Land on it, then take a left and slowly nudge yourself forward while crouching. You’ll slip underneath some scaffolding and end up on top of a room inside the building. To your left is a Smoke Grenade.
Sandstorm Part 4
Sandstorm Part 4
Reward: M72 LAW rocket launcher

Once you blow up the equipment and kill the machine gunner, you’ll end up in an alley filled with enemies. A little bit past the half-way point in the alley, you’ll find crates on your left and right. Jump on the crates on the left and climb to the top of them. Then, jump to the crates on the right and get on top of them. Once you’re on the top crate, look around until you see a light fixture near the crates, then jump on it. When on the light fixture, hop on the nearby pipe. On the pipe, jump onto the roof nearby and follow it until you reach an M72 LAW.
Truth in Chaos Part 3
Secret 1
Reward: Disable the laser tripwires without having to go through them first

Head to the lower part of the main room that’s connected to all of the rooms that has the hostages and VX nerve gas. Go to the laser tripwire doorway that’s to the right from where you enter the main room for the first time, then look for a light fixture. Use it, and a bookcase will open, revealing computers. Use the computers to shut down all of the laser tripwires without having to slip through them first.
󠀡󠀡󠀡⁧⁧1x5x7 21 Oct, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
Another great secret is in Alamo, near the end is an American flag. Shooting it will kill the player.
iniquitous rabble rouser™ 27 Dec, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
on secret war, where you find the first dead scientists and the leader is telling they are being attacked, you missed a secret. if you go into the back left of the room to the left and climb the boxes, you can climb on the pipe leading to the room on the right, that has a pistol, but you need to press the button next to the pistol to actually get back out of the room on the right.
Fleggy 5 Dec, 2021 @ 10:47am 
In Building Recon Part 4, Secret 3 is also an ammo box in the window the sniper was in. I don't remember which type of ammo exactly. I think it was 5.56.
DUNCAN DONUTS  [author] 19 Nov, 2021 @ 11:56pm 
EffriT 19 Nov, 2021 @ 8:04pm 
Miami Heat mission has no hidden secrets, right?
ヽイ Dex 27 Oct, 2021 @ 7:10pm 
Wow there's a lot I hadn't noticed!
荒田ゆう 13 Apr, 2021 @ 1:08pm 
Another secret for the Turn of The Crank: You can get an armor in the second part of the mission where you handed the cash to the drug dealer. After you cleared the enemies, head right where there's a wood fence. Use noclip then head straight towards it. There's a body armor and you can find the drug dealer in the glitchy map. If you shoot the drug dealer, you will die so ignore him. There's also a body armor after you can get into the Secret 2. When you saw the wall medkit, there's a weapon cache. Beneath it, there's a body armor. You can see only a glimpse of the body armor but you can still take it.
cambreaKer 22 Jun, 2020 @ 5:50pm 
fun fact: the one galil that's hidden in run! is the only place the weapon ever shows up in the game
†R3AP3R 13 Nov, 2019 @ 9:01pm 
there is one gun that no one knows how to get to on turn of the crank its an auto-sniper thats in the rafters i can get it with noclip but cant find a way to get it legit though. It seems possible to get it but i just never knew how someone go back and try to figure this one out