122 ratings
Chocobo Breeding
By GinxSol
Chocobo Breeding! Yes I said it Chocobo Breeding!
Chocobo Breeding
For Tunes Lol!

Note!( For the people who think this is going to be about racing GTFO Now)

Chocobo breeding is a very useful little sidequest that will eventually net
you tons of great items. You're ultimate goal is to achieve a Gold Chocobo
and the following guide will help you get one.

First of all you'll need to equip the Chocobo Lure Materia. Now head to the
Chocobo Farm. Speak to the man in the house and agree to buy all six stables,
which will cost you a total of 60,000 Gil so make sure you have it.

Head to the Gold Saucer. There are tracks on the East side of the desert.
Catch a Chocobo here that appears in a battle with only the little green
winged enemies on the ground called Spencer. The Chocobo you catch here is a
good Chocobo.

Now head to the tracks outside Mideel. Catch a Chocobo that comes into battle
with two Spiral enemies, this is a great Chocobo.

You need to purchase about 50 Sylkis Greens which can be bought from the
Chocobo Sage. Now return to the Chocobo Farm and talk to Chocobo Billy. Ask
about moving Chocobos and you'll be able to select one to move. First select
your great Chocobo and give it a name ("GrMale" works so you can identify
later.) Now leave the farm and save. Go back and move your other Chocobo, if
it is another Male then reset and try again until you get a Female.

Once you've got the two Chocobos ask Billy about feeding, choose Sylkis Greens
and feed each one about 25. Once you've done this head to the Gold Saucer's
Chocobo Races. Speak to Ester and race both your Chocobos to S rank or as
close as you can get to that. It takes three races to increase rank.

Now fly to Bone Village a equip the steal Materia. Get into fights in the
field (not forest or beach) until you come across a dinosaur-like enemy called
Vlakorados. Steal a Carob Nut from this enemy, do this three times. Your
other option for getting these is 500 GP at the Wonder Square in the Gold

Return to the Chocobo Farm and talk to Chocobo Billy about mating. Select
your two Chocobos and give them a Carob Nut. In the morning you'll have a new
Chocobo, it should be either a green or blue Chocobo, if not then reset the
game and try again. Now feed this Chocobo about 25 Sylkis Greens and race it
to S rank.

Return to the Chocobo Farm. Now you need to mate the same two Chocobos you
mated the first time, with a Carob Nut. You need to get the opposite colour
and gender than you first Chocobo. For example if you got a male green
Chocobo the first time, you'll need a female blue Chocobo this time. If you
don't get what you want reset and try again. If Chocobo Billy says you can't
mate them because they just mated, it means you have to fight 10 battles
before doing it again. The Midgar Zolem is a quick easy ten battles.

Now race your new Chocobo to S rank and return. Get a third Carob Nut and now
mate your green and blue Chocobos together using a Carob Nut. If all goes
well you'll get a black Chocobo. Head to the Gold Saucer and race it to S

Now fly to the set of Chocobo tracks nearby to Icicle Inn on the North
continent. Capture a Chocobo that appears in a battle solely with the
'Jumping' rabbit enemies. This is a wonderful Chocobo. You shouldn't have to
race it to S rank, but it couldn't hurt.

Head to the Northeast most tiny island on your map. There is a small forest
here where you will only fight little goblin enemies. Steal a Zeio Nut from
them. Return to the farm and save your game. Make sure your wonderful
Chocobo is the opposite gender of your black one. Now mate the two.

In the morning you should have a brand new gold Chocobo.

Now you can get the rewards, talk to Chocobo Billy and ask to ride your
Chocobo. Leave the farm and enter the Highwind, your Chocobo will come with

First proceed to Mideel. At the very Northern tip of the crescent shaped
islands is a cave you need your Chocobo to reach. The Chocobos that can
access this cave are blue, black and gold. Inside examine the glowing light
to receive the Quadra Magic Materia.

Second head to Wutai. Around the centre of the island if you head East there
is another cave off a tiny peninsula. The Chocobos that can access this cave
are green, black and gold. Inside examine the glowing light to receive the
Mime Materia.

Third head to the entrance to Mt. Corel, West of Costa del Sol. Just a little
North, across the river is another cave. This cave can be accessed by either
a black or gold Chocobo. Inside examine the glowing light to receive the HP
<-> MP Materia.

Finally return to the little island where the goblins and Zeio nuts were. You
need a gold Chocobo to reach this cave. Head North across the water, with a
very slight tilt to the East. The island is near the top of your map but does
no appear on your map. If you have trouble finding it you should be able to
locate it easily with the Highwind. It is a circular island with large
mountains protecting it. On the island is a cave. Inside examine the glowing
light to receive Knights of the Round.

That's about it for Chocobo breeding. You can take your gold Chocobo to the
Chocobo races and start winning the top prizes easily.

Nandeyanen 7 Sep, 2024 @ 5:17pm 
Like Getafix said, the only way I could get new RNG was to exit and re-enter the stables. Also, if Chloe won't check your Chocobo's stats you need to go talk to the Chocobo Sage again.
SheepyShayOfficial <3 8 Jan, 2022 @ 10:16pm 
When are you able to buy the stables? I've got the tiny bronco just after rocket town and the man in the house just tells me about his chocobo lure (Which i've already gotten)
Goddess Ilias 14 Nov, 2018 @ 1:05pm 
also worth a mention, that you can get into the hidden forest with the chocobo before ultima weapon kill and get the items there
Methous Panzerkommandant 26 Oct, 2017 @ 9:54pm 
For some reason my black chocobo is appearing white?...... Wut
[DAD]Deus 23 Oct, 2014 @ 4:02pm 
if you need gil, master the All materia and sell it and net 1.5 million gil, then the greens are chump change afterwards
Jaybird 15 Oct, 2014 @ 6:04pm 
You can rank them up by winning races. If too difficult to win races with their stats, feed them choke full of good quality greens from the chocobo sage. It will cost you tons of money though, so try earning some keep from the sunken gelatica ship - the mob there drops a lot of gold.
Jaybird 15 Oct, 2014 @ 6:03pm 
Dracarys - the reason you are keep getting low ranked chocobo is because your green and blue have lower rank. Make them at least A ranked and try again. You will have better chance.
Getafix 5 Feb, 2014 @ 5:09am 
for anyone else who has this problem, I can confirm that RR_Ragnarok [UK] was right in saying that you need to reset the random seed by entering and exitting the chocobo farm a few times. this worked for me too, thanks a lot!
Getafix 4 Feb, 2014 @ 9:51pm 
so im trying to breed them and ive managed to get as far as trying to get a female green chocobo to go along with my male blue. ALL guides say that if i dont get the chocobo that i want, i can just reload the save file and try again. Ive tried about 20 times (no exageration) and got the same green male chocobo every time. Is there something i can do to change this ? or is it just a bug? I tried feeding them just before i mated them like MazLad suggested but to no avail.. im starting to go insane please help!
gabbidavy 13 Sep, 2013 @ 3:32am 
I have a Black Chocob, I'm mating it with a wonderful Chocobo, nothin's happening. Can somebody, ANYBODY, give me some pointers?