Sniper Elite 4
=LD=RogerWilco's story time
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Коментарів: 21
Shadow 5 груд. 2018 о 19:59 
A9 5 груд. 2018 о 5:23 
@Shadow you are SHIT noob,u are nothing, if u play with me 1vs 1 i will rape u 100-0.,and you know
Randy Dribbles-Cochburn 30 листоп. 2018 о 18:52 
Here's a fun exercise... go to the multiplayer lobby and watch the LD server fill up and then empty out before even one game/map has finished. This pitiful boor is a pox on every game he plays.
Shadow 30 листоп. 2018 о 17:02 
Command x 1st of all Im not an admin 2nd you were not banned by me 3rd Joker wasnt hoofed for cheating...see his comments below Albert's videos on play's tv..get your facts straight first.As far as I know all previous VB and HS now are gettin banned for tags as Kramer said you had 1 or 2 magicians in your clan so admins play guilty of association rule just like RogerDildo with friends of friends of players.BTW Kramer You must have been really bored if you went on LD to play!
GTX,blackeagle. 30 листоп. 2018 о 0:53 
Boand is very good player
Dead 29 листоп. 2018 о 11:24 
i dont know albert steptoe well, maybe hes diffrent besides other pp adimns. at least i know their other admin shadow well. havent seen such a baby crying like shadow yet. joker is right about shadow, happened for me too. made him victim about 4 times and exactly i were removed after that. it was not about glitch or such these things, everyone knows me and my playing. it was completely about lack of skills that shadow has. its also right about joker, i know him well hes a veteran skilled player plus he records all his games and its typical of someone like roger or mr death to ban him.
A9 29 листоп. 2018 о 10:14 
@Albert Steptoe [PP] np man,play with your friends :)
A9 29 листоп. 2018 о 10:14 
[Parano]Boandlkramer yea m8 its true but he didnt know he was doing it :)
[Parano]Boandlkramer  [автор] 29 листоп. 2018 о 10:01 
@★HS★ JokeRisme: You know the video about Loss. Do you want to tell me now that it is not a glitch when his bullet is flying through the solid roof?
There are 2 different kind of glitches. One glitch is the shoulder aim where people can shoot through solid objects while they are behind it and the other glitch are places where you can see and shoot your enemies even if you use the scope, but the enemy can't see you and the bullet trail goes through solid material like in the other glitch too.
In both cases it is not possible to kill the player who use the glitch because you can't shoot through the solid material where the bug user is behind.
Albert Steptoe [PP] 29 листоп. 2018 о 9:40 
Thanks Kramer - kind words - Joker I didn't ban you or Loss - that was the work of other admins. I did remove you once for shoulder aiming and you know that- did you forget? I even bothered to make you an instructional video demonstrating how the player you shot had no chance of seeing you. Some people just don't fit on some servers; their attitude can make for a difficult atmosphere, so my suggestion is that get your own server and play with your friends like we do, it's not incumbent on us to provide you with a free server to come and get salty on.