Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

223 beoordelingen
Quad Folder
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Assets: Building, Office
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2.102 MB
16 nov 2018 om 2:21
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Quad Folder

In 2 verzamelingen van Quad Rioters
234 items
Cities Skylines: Assets - Quad Growable
61 items
Let me get the notepad.

- Size: 2x4
- Type: Office - Level 3
- Main Tri: 1,110, 1024x512
- LOD Tri: 219, 128x64
- Description: Folder Bank office.

- Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.
- Donating at Paypal on [email protected]

Author Note
- Perhaps... some other type of growable next time.
4 opmerkingen
Kazumi 16 nov 2018 om 17:42 
Brutalism at its finest
CaddyShack 16 nov 2018 om 10:20 
Great office btw! Quad Architects has struck again on building yet another landmark building in my city of Cadmia!
CaddyShack 16 nov 2018 om 10:19 
May I suggest a 2x3 office next time? There aren't enough of those in the workshop in the futuristic style, or much of any other style either.
boformer 16 nov 2018 om 7:15 
Such a nice building. Thank you!