Infinite Adventures

Infinite Adventures

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Quick Class Choice Guide
Készítő: stormseekergames
Quick reference for those that want deeper information about the 10 character classes in the game. Their resource types, skills, and what roles they play in your party.
This is a Quick Class Choice Guide designed to give you deeper information about the 10 character classes you can choose from in Infinite Adventures.
Before breaking down the classes, you should also learn about the 4 resource types found in the game. Each class uses 1 of these 4 resource types. The resource type of a class, greatly impacts the play style of that class.

Mana : This is the familiar RPG resource most are used to. It depletes when using spells and can be restored by resting back in town, hard to find mana potions, or the rare healing devices that can be found in the dungeon. Each mana using class also has a mechanic to restore mana. For example Soul Callers can learn "Body to Mind" which converts a portion of wand damage dealt to mana. Max mana rises every level up.

Focus : Energy resource that is always measured between 0 and 50. It restores very quick outside of combat +10 per step, but slower in combat +10 per turn. Focus characters tend to start a battle with full Focus almost always. This makes them great for random battles but a bit off and on during longer boss fights. You also restore +20 focus if your character evades an attack or lands a critical hit.

Rage : Builds up when you take or deal damage. Always measured between 0 and 100. It decays by -5 rage per step outside of combat. Rage characters aren't the best at random battles, but they are exceptional in long drawn out boss fights where they can build up significant rage.

Astral : Absorb the mana energy of players and enemies to charge this resource. Always measured between 0 and 150. Whenever anyone on your team or any enemy in combat uses a spell, 50% of the mana used will charage the Astral of any character that uses it. This makes Astral the hardest to use resource. Late game Astral using skills are some of the strongest in the game.
Archealogist (Rogue, Exploration Skills, Jack of all Trades)
Resource used : Focus

Roles in party :
Powerful exploration skills to increase drop rates, improve exploration skills, and other beneficial out of combat effects like "Fortune and Glory" (increase money earned)

Front row damage dealer, a decent front line fighter that has a few useful melee skills like "Poison Strike" (Melee attack that applies poison) but also has powerful whip skills like "Bullwhip" (hit all enemies in a row for weak damage)

Back row damage dealer, strong back row damage delaer with abilities like "Hawk Shot" (ranged damage that ignores 20% of the targets armor) and "Multi Shot" (hit all enemies in a row for weak rangd damage)
Geo Templar (Ranged Damage, Buffs, Some Heals)
Resource used : Mana

Roles in party :
Strong ranged damage dealer that can dual wield pistols or use an arquebus rifle. Lots of passives to improve firearm damage.

Best support/buff using character in the game. Can learn almost every buff spell.

Decent healer, learns revive, heal and major heal. Can be used as the primary healer in your party if you choose the right skills. Can also remove debuffs using cleanse or dispel.

Geomancer that can use spells like "Plauge" to inflict magic damage and cause poison or "Geo Strike" which empowers your gun or sword attacks with a random element. Geo Strike becomes even better with the skill "Divination" which guarantees your geo strikes will always choose the element the targeted enemy is weakest against.
Mendicant (Healer, holy magic, buffs, debuffs)
Resource Used : Mana

Roles in party :
Strongest healer in the game that can learn heal, major heal, greater heal, revive and greater revive. Also have a ton of passive and activatable abilities that can do cool things like heal a small portion of damage after combat.

Holy magic user that can cast powerful holy spells.

Second best buff class that can apply some basic buffs.

Ok debuffer that can cast a few curses like Blind and Slep.
Ninja (Damage Dealer and Debuffs)
Resource used : Focus

Roles in party :
Versatile damage dealer across the board. Has skills to allow bonus damage against targets that are debuffed.

Melee damage delear that can dual wield and use assassin style skills including "Assassin's Oath" that deals extra damage multiplied by the number of debuffs on an enemy. Also can learn "Deathblow" which has a small chance to instant kill non boss enemies.

Ranged damage dealer from the back row that specialzes in "Shuriken" attacks. Shurikens always go first in combat and can be enhanced to fan our and hit an enemy row, cause bleed, or even instant kil.

Magic damage dealer that can learn a ninja magic in their "Kujikiri" skill tree. Ninja magic great single target elemental damage but also contains "Ninja Scroll", a multi hit spell that is one of the most damaging spells in the game when used against a debuffed enemy.

Can apply various debuffs through skills of all types listed above.
Ronin (Damage Dealer)
Resource used : Focus

Role in party :
One of the strongest melee damage dealers in the game. Can dual wield swords or 2 hand a sword. Has a number of skills in the "Chain Sword" skill tree that can be used to execute all kinds of sword techniques including "Earth Chain Sword" that deals melee damage to a random front row enemy and "Wind Chain Sword" which deals weak damage to an entire row of enemies.

Decent ranged damage dealer with lots of passive bow skills.

Can use "Master Techniques" which require the Ronin to use "Face the Sky" to charge up first. The 3 Master Techniques, "Heavenly Swords", "Full Moon Sword", and "Dragon Tail Bow" are all some of the strongest attacks in the game.
Sohei (Front Line, Healing Aura, Debuffs, Magic Circles)
Resource used : Mana

Role in party :
Front line fighter that can use a spear and shield and has a decent set of abilities that help it in the front row like "Set Spear vs Charge" that allows the Sohei to counterattack 1 enemy per turn that targets them witha melee attack. They also learn "Holy Crusader" and "Unholy Crusader" that allow them to deal holy or dark damage with a spear attack.

They can activate a powerful "Healing Circle" that passively heals themselves and others standing next to them in the party formation. They can then remove the healing circle to power incredibly strong magic circle spells which can holy/dark deal damage, heal, remove debuffs, and other strong effects.

Decent debuffer that knows basic debuffs but also the only class that can learn "Stone". Enemies turned to stone have a 50% chance to instantly die when they take any damage.

Sohei also learn revive, cleanse and dispel, making them great backup healers in a pinch.
Soul Caller (Elemental and Dark Magic, Debuffs)
Resource used : Mana

Role in party :
Strongest offensive magic user in the game. Learns many powerful elemental spells and dark magic spells. Can learn the incredibly powerful "Soul Harvest" which deals damage and restores a portion of that as healing spread out to your party. Can also learn "Killing Power Word", the strongest offensive spell in the game that will instant kill most enemies and deal massive non-elemental damage to others.

Strong debuffer that can cast many single targe debuffs but also spells like "Silence the Weak" that deal dark damage and apply the silence debuff.
Stormseeker (Front line tank, Anti Mage, Versatile)
Resource used : Astral

Role in party :
Only uses greatswords, powerful front line tank and damage dealer. They use Astral which is a hard to build up resource, but their abilities are very powerful to pay this off.

They have the widest variety of skills of any class in the game and can effectively deal damage both single target and aoe, perform limited healing, buffs, and debuffs.

Their ability "Stormseeker" is a powerful AOE attack that is one of the strongest abilities in the game.
Technocrat (Ranged Damage, Gadgets, Guns)
Resource used : Focus

Role in party :
Gadgets are just plain fun and can do a wide variety of things. Simple gadets like "Flashbangs", "Poison Grenades" and "Shock Gloves" are all useful. The real powerful gadgets like "Clockwork Spider", "Arc Blaster" and "Magnetic Inverter" are even better.

They are great back row damage dealers that specilize in firearm usage and have a host of abilities to both deal damage and apply debuffs, like "Crippling Shot", which roots an enemy preventing them from performing melee attacks. They also learn "Overwatch" which allows them to attack an enemy that is targeting them 1 time per turn.
Warlord (Front line tank, Melee Damage)
Resource used : Rage

Role in party :
Front line tank that can absorb damage and protect the party. They are also a versatile melee damage dealer with a variety of ways to inflict damage. All of their combat abilities are single target, making boss and mini boss fights the place where they shine the most.

Learns skills like "Schwartzbruin Fury" that attack multiple times on the same enemy. "Final Destiny" which consumes all rage to deal massive damge, and the passive ability "Blood Drunk" which converts a portion of damage dealt to heal the Warlord.

Can also learn "Weapon Throw" a limited use ability that can be used a few times per combat to throw an axe or dagger at an enemy which generates rage. Weapon throw uses refresh at the start of every combat.
7 megjegyzés
Kaas Chuig 2019. júl. 6., 17:12 
Was googling, trying to find what perception did (haven't really started this game, just created a Technomancer character and went through opening scenes) and while I was doing this, I stumbled upon a fandom wiki talking about the Technomancer and went ahead and read what it said...

...then after realizing the game was on steam (I bought it on PS4) I decided to check the guides to see if I couldn't find anything useful, and saw the exact same thing about Technomancers in your guide as was on the fandom wiki. Was wondering if you did both.
Eggility 2019. febr. 16., 5:36 
well you get the +agility or whatever but not a better skill i asume
can you maybe add the informaton that the auto chars you get are totally bullshit because they have no bonus stats/skills at all ? well also maybe add a sugestion of at elast 1 healer 1 warlord (his rage combined with his ulti attack is the highest burst dmg i know yet) and 1 stormcaller (cast out of the dungeon is a must have in my opinion) - and at the end maybe that a encounter rate bigger than minimum is unneeded for exp - "minibosses (yaki or smth) give highest exp )
MilleniuM 2018. nov. 5., 11:11 
If i have all exploration skills on rank S, its useless to up Archealogist's exploration skills? I mean its not gonna be like S+ or something?
sdshadow 2018. okt. 31., 4:34 
Thank you
stormseekergames  [készítő] 2018. okt. 30., 15:37 

Just posted a starting summons guide!
stormseekergames  [készítő] 2018. okt. 30., 12:02 
No problem we will post anothe guide within the next few hours with that data. I like to min max as well so I totally get it!
sdshadow 2018. okt. 30., 11:29 
Thx, i can now plan my group better.

Any chance of a guide about the "starting" kessens/summons that you get if you answer the questions after the main character creation?

My main will be an Warlord Tank, but i have started 3 times already, because none of the summons really was something that suits my tank character.
I know, i should better answer the question what i think suits me best. But i am a hopeless min-max player.