Halfquake Trilogy

Halfquake Trilogy

33 ratings
Halfquake's Old Music
By KeshaFilm
Here's an old music for HQ1 and HQ Amen for those who remember and respect the original idea.
Why are you here?
I'm pretty sure you are here because of one of two reasons:

1. Nostalgic feelings
2. You are new in Halfquake world, but you want to feel how it was meant to be played before without downloading and installing an old versions of Halfquake mod.

I know a reason for changing all this music stuff because of copyright and etc. The new music sounds good too. But hey - everybody knows that old music was choosen to fit all these scenes, situations, and what is most important - the atmosphere. Muddasheep was talking to you through this music.
So here I am.
What we got here?
Just to let you know that it's not just a simple transition of all of the old files into the Trilogy.
Some of the samples was redo by scratch. Also the sound volume is reduced, since the old music sounds freakin loud in-game.

Here's a full list of what have been returned and edited:
- "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson is in the intro with a little slowing down like it was in original HQ.
- "At The Heart Of It All" by NIN in Backstage part.
- Edited "Theme from Mission Impossible" by U2 is in the battle with Somos. Also, the new background sound was removed since it becoming too loud and there's a two voices whispering a "Halfquake" word.
- "The Beautiful People" is sounds in apartment as well.
- "The Love Song" by Marilyn Manson is in the ending with reduced sound volume for comfortable listening in game.

HQ Amen:
- GameBoy-ish music from Tetris is returned.
- That eerie n creepy music (edited version of music from "12 Monkeys") is here.
- The most important - "Blueberry Hill" by Fats Domino is here as well!
- Pestilence chapter - "Windowlicker" by Aphex Twin is in the secret place. Also, BJ is singing an original "Staying Alive" song by Bee Gees.
- All the music from Offence chapter ("Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy" and acoustic version of "Marilyn Manson - The Nobodies") is here.
- Patience chapter - all songs from Music Box is here. BJ is playing that unknown (for me) song through the phone. And yeah, I didn't included an old version of Sadism Express commercial since it's not fits with the timing of new version of this map.

HQ Sunrise:
- Hehehehahahhhummahhahaahh...
Where can I download it and what to do next?
Download it here:
(hq_oldmus.rar, 5,58 mb.)

Unzip the "hqtrilogy" folder right in the main folder of "Halfquake Trilogy" game. Say Yes for replacing the files, be a good boy. :3

If you want to uninstall this, just verify the cache.
What Muddasheep will say about it?
Let's see...
What about the old textures?
Not interested to bring them back to be honest, I'm ok with the new textures.
But I'm pretty sure that someone will do it, so I guess it will be a good duet! ;3
So wup...
Thanks to everyone who downloaded it.
If you have any suggestions or questions - please, welcome!
Play it, rate it, comment it, drink a coffee, play with your bones.
TheSquareDude 28 Nov, 2024 @ 7:48am 
daisy 23 Jan, 2022 @ 10:15am 
KeshaFilm  [author] 30 Jul, 2021 @ 7:44pm 
There was nothing that need to be changed, HQS was completely original.
fefor 30 Jul, 2021 @ 1:00pm 
alright thanks, also was anything changed at all for HQ Sunrise? I've played the first two games several times over the course of 10 years but I've actually never played the third game until now
KeshaFilm  [author] 30 Jul, 2021 @ 12:49pm 
Select "Death" instead of "Life".
fefor 30 Jul, 2021 @ 12:39pm 
>- Pestilence chapter - "Windowlicker" by Aphex Twin is in the secret place.
I could never find this room, where is it?
HλLF-LIFEBLλZEN 26 Sep, 2019 @ 11:14am 
Thank you, old music is better. :D:
medvezilla 16 Aug, 2019 @ 3:31am 
Thank you very much!

Большое спасибо!
Terra X 20 Jul, 2019 @ 9:07am 
If you don't like to overwrite the files, feel free to extract the files provided in hqtrilogy_addon folder. It should load the old sounds provided as long as you tick the "allow custom addon content" checkbox. If you want to go back to the original files, you can just untick allow custom addon content. Requires restart of the client once changes are applied.

Hope this helps for nostalgia purposes. >)
Terra X 20 Jul, 2019 @ 8:57am 
I was able to add modified files in Halfquake Trilogy's folder by creating a folder called "hqtrilogy_addon" which uses the old copy of Halfquake Amen back in The Farm. Will keep you updated on this!
