Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 171
DLR - NGT Cargo (6Cars)
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24 września 2018 o 18:23
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DLR - NGT Cargo (6Cars)

W 4 kolekcjach stworzonych przez REV0
(C) Cargo Trains: Sets and Props
Przedmioty: 102
REV0's Emporium: Trains and Collections
Przedmioty: 640
(D) DIESEL: Rolling Stock and Props
Przedmioty: 92
- NORTH AMERICA: Vehicles and Props
Przedmioty: 139
Autonomous. Battery Powered. Fastest Cargo Train. Made by Germans, as usual.
The German Aerospace Center (DLR), known for its innovative railway research projects, has come up with a concept design for a high-speed freight train. DLR said NGT Cargo would be made up of individual cargo wagons, which can be driven autonomously, and high-performance locomotives which will enable it to tackle issues like pollution, noise and congestion. As well as NGT Cargo, DLR is looking into alternative drive systems for non-electrified railways and methods for ensuring high-speed trains are able to cope with strong crosswinds, for which DLR has developed a system which uses electromagnets to stabilise the train.


As a part of collections:

Technical Details
  • MaGiCaLLy optimized: Cars and engine shares textures, improving performance
  • 30 cargo cap
  • 2048*512 textures
  • Maximum speed game allows
  • Custom LOD

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Downvote Fairy
There is a downvote fairy in workshop, who is downvoting every vehicle asset that gets released not done by him. If you like this model, make sure to upvote it.

Project is sponsored by BrowncoatTrekky

Keywords for Workshop search: Germany, Deutsche, High Speed, DLR, Transport, Cargo, Battery, Electric, Innotrans 2018, German, Aerospace, Center, Deutsches, Zentrum, für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Komentarzy: 14
Hawkeyz 13 stycznia 2023 o 9:04 
Hi REVO, will you also be making the passenger version as found here:
REV0  [autor] 17 października 2018 o 3:45 
It's done, we're only waiting UI update
LittleMikey 17 października 2018 o 2:57 
Is Railway Mod available yet? I searched on the workshop and couldn't find it. The track looks great.
LittleMikey 17 października 2018 o 2:54 
I love futuristic city builds, so this train is going to be glorious! Thanks so much!
CactusDude 1 października 2018 o 13:22 
Good for my futuristic builds.
REV0  [autor] 30 września 2018 o 4:40 
Railway Mod, which will replace vanilla tracks and add more into the game. WIP
ASUVITE 30 września 2018 o 4:27 
What is the track in the screenshot?
Gregor Vukasinovic 29 września 2018 o 6:31 
Looks kind of Hungergamesy?
projectamberly 28 września 2018 o 18:47 
This reminds me of I,Robot... why?
Bird 27 września 2018 o 9:43 
I was waiting for something like this, my train lines are full,and the other cargo trains are long and slow, so I had no cargo line. until this.