Remember Me

Remember Me

471 avaliações
Achievement Guide (Spoilers)
Por Myar
This guide shall serve as help for people who want to do specific achievements in Remember me but for some reason can't figure out how to do them. Because this guide covers achievement which can only be completed further in the game, this text contains spoilers.
As of now, this guide does not cover every single achievement, especially not the collecting achievements. Maybe I will add them later.
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
Story Achievements
I'm not going to say much about the achievements

Dead man's chest,

Forged Alliance,

Christmas is over,

Jail break-in,

Murder incorporated,

Are you my mummy?,

Mind craft,

Towering Inferno,

Script Kiddie,

Errorist Agent,

MemHunter Elite,

Open mind or

Final overload

because you'll get these achievements naturally while playing the game.
Obvious Achievements
This section covers the fairly obvious achievements.

I know kung fu: This is an achievement you'll get automatically when you get your combos unlocked and you fill them with pressens.

Rust in Peace: In episode 6, when you run into the Zorn that chased you in the beginning of the game, just junk bolt him and you get this achievement.

You missed me: Just find a Skinner (the leapers that go berserk) and run in circles until you have dodged five of his charge attacks.

The fallen: Whenever leapers cling to walls shoot them down with the spammer.

Fiat Lux!: Every time you have to fight skinners (the leapers that are invisible), turn on lights in the environment using the spammer. It should be noted that there are two occasions where there are no lights to turn on.

The shield is down!: Pretty obvious: Use the junk bolt or the logic bomb to destroy the shields of heavy enforcers.

Fury Lover: Activate Fury, punch people. Easy as that. If that doesn't work, wait for the final boss battle. There you will unlock it automatically.

Lord of the ring: In the first three episodes, kick people till they reach a cliff and then kick them again to make them drop. Pretty easy to do while going for the Queen of the hill achievement.

400: Beat up 400 enemies. Depending on your kill count in the first playthrough you may have to replay one episode or two.

8-hit wonder: Equip your 8-slot combo with nothing other than regeneration or chain pressens and then start punching enemies.

Serve the Servant: This is an achievement you'll unlock automatically while playing the game.

Mix'em all: Equip your 5-slot combo with one of each pressen and use it ten times.

Droning by numbers: Get killed five times by drones in one playthrough. Very obvious. Why we would want to die is an entirely different question (ACHIEVEMENTS!).

Machines do it better: Use your Rust in Pieces S-Pressen on Seraphims and Nephilims so that they knock out twenty enemies.

I do like spam!: Use the spammer to knock out fifteen enforcers.
Memory Remix Achievements
This section covers the achievements affiliated with memory remixing.

Medical Malpractice: This is the achievement for successfully completing the first memory remix. The correct combination is switch capsule, untie anaesthetic mask, unlock strap.

You talkin' to me?: This is the special achievement for the Olga remix. In order to get this, you have to untie the anaesthetic mask from David (maybe you also have to unlock the strap, it definetly gives you another sequence).

Crime of passion: This is the achievement for successfully completing the second memory remix. The correct combination is knock over bottle, remove gun safety, retract side table.

Trigger unhappy: This is the special achievement for the Forlan remix. In order to get this, you have to knock over the bottle and retract the side table.

Birthday Crash: This is the achievement for successfully completing the third memory remix. The correct combination is retract cup holder, open bag, activate jax, break windshield.

Happy birthday: This is the special achievement for the Scylla remix. In order to get this, you have to open the bag and activate jax.

Biter bit: This is the achievement for successfully completing the fourth memory remix. The correct combination is remix the remix, retract cup holder, unlock safety belt, break windshield, repair jax, short circuit electric socket.

Power off: This is the special achievement for the Charles remix. In order to get this, you have to remix the remix, retract the cup holder and break the windshield.

Unbelievable Truth: This is the achievement you get for producing every single memory bug. There is one in the Olga remix, two in the Forlan remix, one in the Scylla remix and one in the Charles remix.

Olga Remix: Invert Memory Transmitter
Forlan Remix: one with the sequence release gun safety (while Forlan throws the gun onto the table) and another one with the sequence knock over bottle
Scylla Remix: turn off Airbag
Charles Remix: this is the correct combination for completing the remix

God is a DJ: This is the achievement for finding and activating every single memory glitch in the memory remixes. Because this is a list i made while trying to remember every interaction there could be one or two missing.

Olga remix: switch capsule, move trolley, activate ping machine, invert memory flux, untie anaesthetic mask, unlock strap.
Forlan remix: knock over trophy and knock over bottle, remove gun safety (while gun is in flight), corrupt suitcase GPS, remove gun safety, tip over cigarette and retract side table
Scylla remix: turn off airbag and retract cup holder, open handbag, turn on LCD screen and activate jax, break windshield
Charles remix: remix the remix, retract cup holder, unlock safety belt, activate LCD, break windshield, repair jax, short circuit electric socket
It should be noted that in the last remix, some choices will only appear if you made some specific changes beforehand.
Tricky Achievements
This section covers the achievements which are a little challenging or do require a little practice.

Float like a butterfly: This achievement is awarded for finishing the first boss fight in less than five minutes. The easiest way to get this achievement is after your first playthrough. Fill your 6-slot combo with cooldown reduction pressens. When the fight start, charge Kid X-Mas and start punching him till you get your Focus up. Once your focus is up, activate Fury and give him a good beating. The damage cause should be sufficient to force him to enter phase two. Dodge his spammer and refresh the cooldown on your fury using your combo. Activate Fury and repeat until you get the execute prompt.
You should remember the execute sequence before the fight. It should be Punch, Dodge, Kick.

The wheat and the chaff: This achievement requires you to beat the second boss fight without hitting Madame's clones. This achievement can be done on the first playthrough. Like in the fight with Kid X-Mas, dedicate one combo for cooldown reduction. Blast through phase one with the use of fury or some heavy damage combo. Once you reach the second phase, you should have enough Focus for one S-Pressen. Shoot Madame down with the spammer, and when the clones appear use your Sensen DOS which will cause the clones to disappear and Madame to be stunned (alternatively, wait for a Seraphim to spawn and Rust in Pieces it. It will then shoot the real Madame). Beat Madame up with your cooldown reduction combo. Repeat till you get the execute promp.
You should remember the execute sequence before the fight. It should be Punch, Kick, Activate, Dodge (several times).

Out of the friend Zorn: To be awarded with this achievement, you have to beat a Zorn (the big robots like the one that chased you at the beginning of the game) in under two minutes. This can be done with the first Zorn you encounter. Use the spammer to hit his arms but make sure to have a nearly fully loaded spammer once he uses his jump attack. The moment he hits the ground and his joint becomes vulnerable, use the junk bolt to disattach his arm. Repeat for the second arm. He will then charge a sonic blast. Dodge through the blast and junk bolt him once again. The execute prompt will show up, so run to him and hit activate.
You should remember the execute sequence before the fight. It should be Kick, Punch, Kick.

Queen of the hill: Once you return to the Leaking Brain bar in episode 3 leapers will asault the bar. To get this achievement you have to survive this encounter without using power or regeneration pressens.
Before doing this achievement, clear all your combos of power or regen pressen (ie drop every single power and regen pressen used into the same slot and then overwrite it with a cooldown reduction pressen). The easiest way to get this achievement is by dropping the enemies from the platform. Just kick them until they drop from the platform while dodging enemies' attacks. This way you will also get your Lord of the ring achievement.

Leader of the pack: The requirement to unlock this achievement is beating a Mourner leaper without beating any of its spawns. The best way to do this is having a cooldown reduction combo and a heavy damage combo. Build up Focus without actually hiting the same enemy too often (if you're afraid of knocking an enemy out just let them beat you since you also build up Focus while getting punched). Use the Sensen DOS and then deploy the heavy damage combo onto the Mourner. It is possible to beat the Mourner to his execution prompt within one damage phase. If something goes wrong, hit many different enemies with the cooldown reduction combo and try again till you get the prompt. Execute him and you're done.
You should remember the execution sequence before the fight. The sequence for Jonny Greentooth should be Kick, Punch, Activate.
The sequence for the other Mourners should be Kick, Punch, Kick.

Dropping L-bombs: You have to trigger two logic bombs within 15 seconds to be awarded with this achievement. One place where this can be done easiliy is the final boss battle. Once again, equip a dedicated cooldown reduction combo. Start beating up the leaper images that assault you till you have two Focus points (assuming you got at least five focus upgrades during your playthrough. If that's not the case, you just have to be very, very quick). Deploy the first logic bomb in a way that one leaper will not be hit. Immediatly start beating this leaper up with your cooldown reduction combo. Once your cooldown is refreshed, deploy the second logic bomb. If it doesn't work on the first attempt, just keep trying. It's all about timing.

Fuzzy Logic: To get this achievement you have to stun five enemies with the Sensen DOS and then deploy a logic bomb on them. The easiest way to do this is to have two Focus points and then replay episode 4. The scene you unlock the Logic Bomb has six enemies which can be stunned. Drop the bomb the game forces you to, refill your cooldowns and focus and stun at least five enemies near each other and deploy the logic bomb.
It should be noted that you can NOT do this achievement during the final boss battle because the Sensen DOS will make the enemies despawn.

Can't touch this: This achievement is awarded to players that kill five elite enforcers without using combos or the spammer. The easiest way to do this is using the Sensen Camo.
Thanks to Fatty, Aurao ビリビリ♪ and [RøZ]MarcoPolo for correcting a mistake I made in the description of the Power off achievement.
23 comentário(s)
Goat 10/ago./2024 às 9:24 
coming from 2024 to contradict the comment below. I did Queen of the Hill by filling my YYYXXXXY combo with cooldown and chain pressens, leaving the rest of the combos empty - can't remember if I ever finished the combo, but I frequently got at least 6 hits in and still got the achievement
Baraz 9/abr./2021 às 21:03 
Queen of the Hill : you must NOT use any combo whatsoever. The description is a bit erroneous. Even if you remove all Power and Regen Pressens, making any combo will not unlock the achievement.
gamecare 18/mar./2021 às 18:46 
Im having an issue getting the MemHunter Elite achievement.
I played all the levels on Memory Hunter, but it didnt show.
Reason for this could be that I played some levels on Script Kiddie after I playe dthem on Hard and that probably has overwritten the data. The problemnow is I dont know which levels and dont feel like playing the whole game again, Hope you can help me out here. Maybe there is a way to see on which difficulty you played each chapter?
Ossyria 16/mai./2019 às 13:07 
Myar  [autor(a)] 16/mai./2019 às 13:06 
The correct combination for the Charles Remix is written under the achievement Biter bit.
Ossyria 16/mai./2019 às 10:58 
Unbelievable truth: Charles Remix: this is the correct combination for completing the remix

What's the correct combination?
GeoLuz 6/jan./2018 às 14:01 
Thanks a lot for this guide. This guide is very well detailed for the purpose of earning achievements. One of my favorite Steam guides. :orangecube:
Zillu 2/ago./2017 às 11:13 
Awesome guide and nice comments. Does anyone know if I really lose the kill progress when I change from Hard to Easy please? Want to kill the bosses and find missing collectibles, but thought I'd rush it on Easy now since I completed it on Hard. Thanks!
PhilosoPhoenix 9/dez./2016 às 6:50 
Just want to confirme the "You talkin' to me?" achievement, you do not need to untie the hand, the mask is enough.
Eternus 21/set./2016 às 8:22 
For the "The wheat and the chaff" achievement, If you dont have a Focus bar when you need to Sensen DOS, use your spammer to kill the Seraphims, and wait. The clones will dissappear, and then you'll have ghosts to fight to raise Focus. then when you have enough just oneshot Madame with the spammer, and proceed with the Sensen DOS. Worked for me.:steamhappy: