Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

177 人が評価
200 West Street/Goldman Sach Tower (New York) by ChiliadSun
4.983 MB
2018年9月3日 15時04分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

200 West Street/Goldman Sach Tower (New York) by ChiliadSun

200 West Street is the global headquarters of the Goldman Sachs investment banking firm. The skyscraper was designed by Henry Cobb of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, with Adamson Associates Architects.

Game settings: 12x6 footprint. Provides jobs and serves as attraction marker for tourists. Located in LVL5 Unique buildings tab. Cost 95000 to build.

Technical info:

Base model: 1464 tris / 2048x1024 texture
Custom LOD model: 133 tris / 256x256 texture

Sidenote: One side of the building have obtuse corner. I recomend using "Move it!" mod by SamsamTS to get the road following the shape of the building.

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10 件のコメント
Sambo Ukraini 2020年6月19日 21時12分 
great asset for killing the economy
Dr. King Schultz 2018年9月8日 18時51分 
The L Train 2018年9月8日 11時53分 
You should do one vanderbilt
The L Train 2018年9月8日 11時48分 
You should do one vanderbilt
Jollicent 2018年9月5日 3時29分 
Truly fantastic model! looks like the model is 170 meters tall, so I guess a 1.34x size up in editor should work...
ChiliadSun  [作成者] 2018年9月3日 20時10分 
It's about 20 meters narrower in front facade, however the height is 228 meters as in real life. I took one window square as a module
MadCat3D 2018年9月3日 19時15分 
This is beautiful, great work!! it looks smaller than 1:1 though, what scale is it?
WTC1973 2018年9月3日 16時39分 
Holy crap. this is nice...
kman10001bd 2018年9月3日 16時24分 
Man, finally we can scratch this off the list. Thanks a bunch for this one.
bmrigs 2018年9月3日 15時27分 