Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

270 人が評価
Concrete Bench
Assets: Prop
820.512 KB
2018年8月16日 7時35分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Concrete Bench

A stylish, robust but uncomfortable concrete bench. Can be found in the prop menu ingame.

For your cims to actually sit on this (it has six sitting places), you need to place this in an asset, like a park for example.
Find the 1x1 park version of this here.

Technical Stuff:
Tris: 64 / 12
Texture 128*256 / 32*64

Learn how to make your own sitting prop in this guide by hadece.

Like what you see? Why not leave a like then ;)
6 件のコメント
Rex_Luminor  [作成者] 2021年4月1日 7時25分 
No problem ;)
macluk 2021年3月31日 14時28分 
Sorry to miss that link.
Rex_Luminor  [作成者] 2021年3月31日 14時25分 
Hi macluk, everything you need to know for making sitting props can be found in the guide by hadece that I linked in the description above.
However, to answer your questions: props with sitting features need to be placed in an asset like a park for cims to actually be able to sit on them. To adjust the sitting positions, etc. you need Mod Tools and a script. But as I said, that is all explained very nicely and in detail in the guide by hadece
macluk 2021年3月31日 7時50分 
Could you advise me how do i make sitting feature for props? I can see that when I turn my prop asset into a park, citizens do sit on my benches. But I wonder if props can get the same. And if so, how to control or adjust the amount of such seats.
Rex_Luminor  [作成者] 2021年2月11日 14時09分 
I'm glad you like it!
hillfanthomlike10 2021年2月10日 6時31分 
thank you