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Power Graphs
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15 авг. 2018 г. в 23:31
28 янв. 2023 г. в 17:00
Обновлений: 53 (просмотреть)

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Power Graphs

This programmable block script uses LCDs to display power statistics over time as graphs.

This script is not currently under active development. New features are unlikely to be added however it will still be updated with fixes if any Space Engineers update happens to break it.

Graph types that can be displayed, not case sensitive:
usage - Total power usage / required power
usageScaled - Same as usage but scaled to the total max required power
battery - Battery charge
batteryIn - Battery input
batteryOut - Battery output
batteryInOut - Combined battery input and output
batteryInOutAuto - Same as batteryInOut but scaled by peak value.
solar - Solar power output / used solar power
reactor - Reactor power output
h2engine - Hydrogen engine power output
wind - Wind turbine power output
storedOxygen - Stored Oxygen*
storedHydrogen - Stored Hydrogen*

* Must be enabled in the configuration (which is in the Custom Data of the program block).

- First make sure that Ingame Scripts are enabled for your world. This will require Experimental Mode to be turned on in the game settings.
- Once in a world, add the script to a programmable block on the grid you want to monitor.
- Add the name tag (default is [PowerGraph]) into the names of any display blocks you want to show graphs on.
- The displays should automatically start cycling between graphs.
- To show only specific graph types on a display, write the names of the graph types (shown above) that you want into the CustomData of the display block, one type per line.

There are additional usage instructions at the beginning of the script text inside the PB. These include how to show graphs on specific screens in multi-screen blocks.

Important! After the program first runs it generates configuration text inside the Custom Data of the programmable block. There are many important configuration options there along with their descriptions. Please read through them as they may be very important for your use case. The script must be recompiled to apply configuration changes.

To reset the saved data of a program block run the script with the argument "resetData" without the quotes.

By default the script collects data after every update interval (default 60 seconds) up to 100 data points (200 if using long history). At default settings this will give about 1.6 hours of data.
Reducing the update interval (the Data_Update_Interval_In_Seconds setting in the script) will reduce the span of time that a graph covers. For performance reasons values under 10 seconds are not recommended. Using default resolution settings the amount of time covered by a graph on a standard LCD can be calculated as (100 * update interval seconds). Eg: when using an interval of 30 seconds the graph will span 50 minutes.

Sensor LCD Culling
This feature allows the script to only update LCDs when a player is in range of a sensor. It is useful for servers and worlds where players are often not near LCDs since the script then doesn't need to update the displays.
Using sensor LCD culling is recommended for maintaining performace when many script instances are being used.

I installed the script but my screens show nothing!
If you want to display graphs on LCDs that are on connected grids you will need to enable support for this in the script configuration. Look for the option called Display_On_LCDs_Of_Attached_Grids.

I have solar panels/gas tanks but the graph says there are none!
If your solar panels/gas tanks are on a sub-grid (ie. connected via rotors, etc) you will need to enable the option for reading the power of connected grids in the script configuration (which is in the program block Custom Data, not the script code). Look for the lines that start with Include_Data_From_Attached_(Small/Large)_Grids. There are different options for small and large grids. If you also want to read power of grids attached via connectors there are additional options for doing so.

I made changes to the configuration but it doesn't seem to work!
Starting with Power Graphs version 1.8.6 all configuration options have moved to the Custom Data section of the program block. Trying to change the settings inside the script code will not work. Once you have edited the config in Custom Data you will need to recompile the script for the changes to take effect.

Notes / Known Issues
- Pausing the game may record power values of zero unless Zero_Fill_Missing_Values is set to false.
- Enabling long history will use more performance and if using on a server more network bandwidth.

If you still want to use the old bitmap version of the script you can find it here:
Комментариев: 600
Fake 7 фев в 3:23 
Thank you, it worked.
Remaarn  [создатель] 6 фев в 22:31 
Fake 6 фев в 22:03 
should it be

Remaarn  [создатель] 6 фев в 21:59 
@Fake You have slightly misunderstood the instructions. Remove the graph_ and screen_ prefixes and it should work.
Fake 6 фев в 21:55 
Im having trouble at the moment trying to apply this script in the fighter cockpit to display on a specific display

I enabled gas tanks information in the custom date

I wrote

graph_storedHydrogen=screen_2 and it isnt displaying on the second screen.
Its displaying Errors: Invalid configuration specified in display block. Am I doing something wrong?
Soulspatch 4 фев в 18:16 
How do you get this running on multiple displays on single blocks?
DarkAngel2096 27 янв в 8:16 
@Remaarn fair enough :) I guess I could take a look at it and see if I'd be able to get something done along those lines and let you know if I find something out :)
Remaarn  [создатель] 26 янв в 22:15 
@DarkAngel2096 It's a nice idea but I don't really have the time to work on this currently. Maybe in the future.
DarkAngel2096 26 янв в 6:02 
Hi, I've been using this script in my own world, there is one thing I'd like to have added to this, mainly to the Battery screen.
Currently it at the very top shows the "Charge: xx.xMWh" and the Peak and Max values, would it be possible to add in a percentage of full after the charge value?
Basically so that the "Charge: xx.xMWh (yy.y% full)" would be how it'd show it?
This percentage value would be the total of all the current batteries charge added up divided by the total charge all of them could have, so if you have 2 batteries, one with 1MWh stored, one with 1.5MWh stored, both capable of 3 would then be "Charge: 2.5MWh (41.7% full)"
Alexis The Calico Yokai 20 янв в 13:11 
so just the name of the graph you want to show?