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Star-assic Bound
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20. Juli 2018 um 7:36
9. Mai 2019 um 16:12
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Star-assic Bound

sTarAsSicK Bound is a Mod thAt lets you create, maNAGE, and caRe for diNOsaurs.
The thingys i poot into this mod aRE Some dinosaurs food for dinos sum craft stuff. I PONDered a lot about what to add IN this mod. any wae heres a random "G".
20 Kommentare
Super Brasilis 22. Juni 2021 um 11:52 
dinossaurs are food for giants
Aeon  [Autor] 14. März 2020 um 16:32 
dont remember, i was like 12 or 13 so it was probably cring
Banjo 14. März 2020 um 14:02 

What does this mean???
egghead (iggy) 7. Dez. 2019 um 8:38 
FlameofFirestorm 21. Juli 2019 um 13:34 
Are all the dinosaurs from starbound itself?
FlameofFirestorm 21. Juli 2019 um 10:30 
I Star-assic Bound being worked on now?
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Aeon  [Autor] 5. Juli 2019 um 14:45 
ok fuck i forgot most of the rest and im not sure if some of this is right. ill figure it out sometime later and then put in tutorial quests.
Aeon  [Autor] 5. Juli 2019 um 14:44 
yeah most of the time I go back and work on this, i forget how to use my own stuff. I think the first item you need is /spawnitem clean, which is an object. you put dirt, cobblestone, and other random blocks in there to turn them into another item i forget the name for. but you use that item and it gives you either random shit or a dinosaur fossil. you place the dinosaur fossil on the ground and you use the fossil extractor (/spawnitem extractor) by hitting it on the fossil you placed down to increase the chance of finding dinosaur tissue. you put tissue in the cell extractor (/spawnitem cellextractor) along with a /spawnitem commoncell to get a filled extractor. you place the filled extractor down and wait till the animation finishes and then you pick it up with your use key. by pickuing it up, you get back an empty cell extractor and a dinosaur cell
Lamare 28. Juni 2019 um 9:17 
how i can beckome DNA i boulded things i dont now how can i use this things
Aeon  [Autor] 27. Mai 2019 um 18:12 
not at the moment no, but yaknow i do stuff from time to time. for now you can just have a velociraptor