99 ratings
Introduction to Unit Classes and Factories
By Rage.Overflow[FRZ]
This guide is an introduction to basic unit classes (why one class different that others) and various factories (what factory produces what). This guide aims at starter and newer player, especially those who struggles against Beginner and Novice AI, and trying to improve winning chance against Novice AI.
You see a new game. You see it is FREE! You installed it, play skirmish/multiplayer, next next next, and suddenly, you don't know what to do.

Or maybe you've played RTS before. You've played SupCom, all of it, from original, FA, and Supcom2. And Planetary Annihilation. And Ashes of Singularity. You think, "this is another TA clone". But all of sudden you struck with confusion because there is so many factories, so many unit, and you don't know what to build.

First thing first, welcome fellow players.
Thanks to install Zero-K. And may this great game continue to prosper.

Zero-K is RTS game with many buildings and units unlocked from the start. While it's mind-boggling at first, it's actually have some general strategy what to build first, especially for starting players like us.

I myself are not pro players. I've play Zero-K for 100 hours (non steam ver), but only Level 3, and can only defeat Easy AI (that's why this guide only aiming at defeating at most Easy AI). I only done multiplayer once. I seldom watch pro players, so I'm not actively learn to improve myself. So if you see in my guide one of "beginner mistake" or "bad habit", please let me know in the comment.
Unit Classes
Compared to SupCom, seeing so many factories with so many icons can and will confuse new players. While it maybe worthwhile to remember what icons refer to what class and what unit (compare to SupCom, the difference between unit class icon is quite far), for newer player, I suggest to only remember six basic classes.
  • 1. Raider
    Cheap, squishy, spammy. Use it as scout, or, in later game, as meat shield. Or cannon fodder. Main characteristic of Raider is you can build it A LOT.

  • 2. Skirmisher
    Mobile range unit. Usually outranges every other classes except artillery and static defense. If other classes are your footman, spearman, and knight, then this is your horse archer.

  • 3. Riot
    DPS/AOE unit. If you face a lot of raider, then this is your guy.

  • 4. Assault
    Heavy unit. The heaviest, meanest, toughest guy. It can wreck base like there is no tomorrow. Be wary, it's also slowest than other class.

  • 5. Artillery
    Well... artillery... what you expect? Outranges every other class. Also outranges every static defense. That's why, if you have problem with laser tower or missile tower or any tower, you can depend on this guy.

  • 6. Anti Air
    Shoot air. Nothing much else to say.
Of course there's so many unit that don't fit in any category or have multiple categories. But remembering those six is a good start. And next section will cover how to actually remember all of these.
Remembering Unit Classes
Even remembering six basic classes, how to remember what unit is what class? What is Scythe class? Dirtbag? Thug? Anyother else?
Fear not, because you don't have to.
Thankfully, Zero-K developer do have a way to help us remembering unit classes:


See images below:

There's actually a pattern. The left on top row is always a Constructor, followed by Raider, followed by Skirmisher, etc etc etc. Here's the details on it:

  • 1. Constructor
  • 2. Raider
  • 3. Skirmisher
  • 4. Riot
  • 5. Assault
  • 6. Artillery

  • 7. Another Raider
    This Raider usually have same capability for raiding as other Raider, but different approach.
    For example, in Cloakbot, Scythe is ninja-melee-stealth Raider, while Glaive is your common normal Raider.
    Another example, in Rover, Dart is cheaper and faster, while Scorcher is tougher.
  • 8. Anti Air
  • 9. Heavy
    This class is for units that are really, REALLY heavy, or unit that have specials that can turn the tides of battle. Usually most expensive and slowest compared to other fellow at same factory, but VERY awesome to have.
  • 10. Special
    Active support belongs here. For example, mobile mines or unit-that-can-capture-another-unit are belong here.
  • 11. Utility
    More passive support, like cloak generator or shield generator belong here.

    Of course, not all of these categories are correct for every units. But, gameplay wise, they do share similarity here and there.
Quick Review at Factories
This section is intended to be quick review about factories, without going into too much details about what factories doing what.

You start your game. You choose your commander and position.
You've spawned. You want to build your first factory.
But which one?

Following the general noob-friendly flow of battle, there's usually four categories of factories:
First, sea-first, second, and specialized

First factory
The first factory, that's it, the factory you want to build after you spawn, is usually these:
  • Cloakbot

    Why build this
    The cheapest. You want a factory that has very cheap, spammable unit. Quantity beat quality.
    Later, you can make your unit stealthy by building mobile stealth generator.
    And you can build ninja sniper.

  • Shieldbot

    Why build this
    The second cheapest. You want a factory that has durable unit for starting factory PLUS shield on top of said durability.
    Later, due to shield overlapping with another shield adds more durability, you want to steamroll.

  • Rover

    Why build this
    The most expensive of starter factories, but not of all factories.
    You want factory that is not only jack, but also can be aces of all trade. VERY versatile.

Sea-first factroy
If you start in watery area and want to reach you enemy via water, consider start with these two:
  • Amphibious

    Why build this
    Frogman division of naval warfare. You want unit that not only have partial stealth (all of them are underwater when not firing), but also more durable than Hover.

  • Hover

    Why build this
    You want speed and alpha strike rather than durability.

Second heavy/support factory
After building your first factory, if you have good economy and want more, considering build these:
  • Rover

    Why build this
    "Silly you, you already put Rover as first factory".
    Yes. But it is also good choice for second factory.
    You build Cloakbot and want some durability? Build Rover.
    You build Shieldbot and want artillery? Build Rover.
    You build Rover? Then don't build second Rover, duh ._.

  • Tank

    Why build this
    You meet with tough enemy and cannot, or don't want, to use fancy tricks or strategies or whatsoever. You just want direct confrontation, like a man.
    Gentlemen, I offer you the tank factory, the TOUGHEST, MEANIEST bad boys in universe.
    It very expensive, though, so backup those baddies with good economy.

  • Gunship

    Why build this
    You want air support. DEATH FROM ABOVE!
    Different from from airplane, you want your guardian angel to stay in the air.

  • Airplane

    Why build this
    You have a target. You want this target to be dead, no matter the cost (that means your unit will be dead too).
    And you want to deliver this quick-death by air.

Specialized factory
Anything except listed above will be considered specialized, because it is not everyday choice, requires more tactics to use them, and depends on situation and condition to effectively use them. These are:
  • Jumpbot

    Why build this
    Between you and your enemy, there's this obstacle. You want to literally jump the obstacle.

  • Spiderbot

    Why build this
    You have seen Spider-Man. You inspired by it. You want the battle to be done not in flat terrain, not in water, not even in the air, but in the cliff.

  • Ship

    Why build this
    You want total superiority on the water.
Factories Details: First and Sea-first
In this section, I will try to explain factories and units in more details from the viewpoint of a noob. It will be very subjective, so advice and critics are very welcome.

First, I will use something like true-class, false-class, and not-class.

True-class means that unit behaviour is exactly as you expect for that class. For example, almost every units from Cloakbot doesn't have any weird feature that differ them for typical class designation.

False-class means that unit still doing their role, but have some quirk that makes them not behave like other class. For example, Lance from Hoverbot Platform is an Artillery class, but different from other Artillery (that usually has arcing and slow projectile), Lance has insta hit, straight laser. It still outrange anyother units from Hover, hence, false-Artillery.

Not-class means that unit have very little resemblance for that class build slot. For example, Tremor in Tank Factory, although it resides in Utility slot, it's not Utility. It's more like Heavy Artillery. It does have Utility functionality (it can flat terrain).

Second, I will comment some unit, but often not. Units that have no comment means that their behaviour will be (almost) exactly what you expect for their role.

First factory
  • Cloakbot

    For land starting factories, only Cloakbot has full build slot for every class. What's more, true unit for every class. It means its Raider is true-Raider, its Skirmisher is true-Skirmisher, etc. Only Shieldbot come close, but their Riot is not true-Riot (only good at slow down enemies) and their Artillery is not true-Artillery (can only disarm, no damage at all). That's why it's the perfect factory for new players (not to add that they're the factory that cheapest, spammiest in unit production).
    • Constructor: Conjurer
      Conjurer is cloaked aka stealth.
    • Raider: Glaive and Scythe
      Scythe is expensive for a good reason. It's stealthed, and while its weapon only has melee range, its weapon damage is good, only second to Reaver, the Riot-class of the factory. It also has regen when it's out of battle.
    • Skirmisher: Ronin
    • Riot: Reaver
    • Assault: Knight
    • Artillery: Sling
    • Anti Air: Gremlin
      Gremlin is cloaked aka stealth
    • Heavy: Phantom
      Not heavy in terms of survivability. For it class, Phantom are quite squishy. Its health are lower than Scythe, and it's also slow.
      But if you see that it's stealth, its weapon outrange any other Skirmishers and static defenses (minus Cerberus and Big Bertha), whooping 1500 damage, and stay cloaked when firing, you'll see which one of his part is "heavy".
    • Special: Imp
      Mobile EMP mine. Deliver no damage at all, but you can stun enemies with it.
    • Utility: Iris
      Mobile area cloaker.

  • Shieldbot

    Not all unit has shield. Only Constructor, Assault, Heavy, and Utility has them. But still, their units generally quite tough.
    Tips: If you have hard time catching your enemies (maybe you meet Cloakbot), build Riot (Outlaw). It'll slow them down.
    • Constructor: Convict
      Convict is shielded
    • Raider: Bandit and Dirtbag
      Dirtbag is almost not-Raider, close to be an Utility. It's still cheap scout. Although it can attack, its damage is so low and with only melee range, it's laughable. It main feature is when it's dead, it will deploy some dirt on its grave (hence, Dirtbag).
      Surprisingly, it has more health than Bandit.
    • Skirmisher: Rouge
    • Riot: Outlaw
      Outlaw is false-Riot. Compared to other Riot, Outlaw need some assistance from other class to kill enemies. Its weapon is only good at slowing down enemies, helping others kill it. Its weapon do deliver some damage, but it's too low.
    • Assault: Thug
      Thug is shielded. And one of main units (if not the main unit) of Shieldbot Fac. Shield overlapping with another shield will increase its durability, so a mob of Thugs is not laughable at all.
    • Artillery: Racketeer
      Racketeer is false-Artillery. It can only disarm enemies, delivering no damage at all.
    • Anti Air: Vandal
    • Heavy: Felon
      Felon is little funny. It's shielded, but its weapon draw energy from its shield. So if Felon is unsupported from another shield (Thug or Aspis), its shield will be down in no time.
      Supported, Felon does life its class as Heavy. Good HP, shielded, pretty amazing DPS for its weapon.
    • Special: Snitch
      Mobile bomb. Be careful when clumping these guys together. Its explosion can friendly-fire even to another Snitch, making chain reaction.
    • Utility: Aspis
      Mobile shield generator.

  • Rover

    • Constructor: Mason
    • Raider: Scorcher and Dart
      Dart is very cheap, second only to Dirtbag (Shieldbot), making it very spammable.
    • Skirmisher: Fencer
      I want to put Fencer into false-Skirmisher, simply because it need to be stopped to firing its missile.
    • Riot: Ripper
      Ripper's cannon can flat terrain.
    • Assault: Ravager
    • Artillery: Badger
      Badger is false-Artillery. It's effective against unit, not so much against static defense (but still can). Its projectile will create a mine that will trigger when enemy are near it. Its mine have lifetime of a minute (quite long), so if you want, you can deploy a minefield by utilizing multiple Badgers.
    • Anti Air: Crasher
    • Heavy: Impaler
      Rover's Heavy-class is Impaler, a Heavy Artillery.
    • Special: Dominatrix
      Dominatrix purpose is to capture anothers. Multiple Dominatrix will capture faster, but only one will claim it's control. Do note that the time needed to capture enemy is based on its cost, not health.

Sea-first factroy
  • Amphibious

    All units from this factory will regen when they're underwater.
    • Constructor: Conch
      Conch have build power is 1.5x more powerful than other common constructors.
    • Raider: Duck and Archer
      Duck stay underwater when attack from water, when Archer must float to attack.
    • Skirmisher: Buoy
    • Riot: Scallop
    • Artillery: Lobster
      Lobster is false-Artillery, if not even an Utility (making it not-Artillery). A hillarious unit. Instead of delivering damage to enemies, Lobster throws your unit.
    • Anti Air: Angler
    • Heavy: Grizzly
      Grizzly is Heavy with role similar to Assault. Tough and slow, Grizzly cannot fire its weapon while it underwater. Instead, it will float first to fire its weapon, so watch out for surface weapons.
    • Special: Limpet
      Limpet is Mobile Slow Bomb that can damage enemies and, at the same time, slowing them.
    • Utility: Djinn
      Djinn is Amphibious Bridge. Travel Djinn first to the destination, then deploy Djinn. Put your cursor on bridge's source, wait for a moment, and Djinn's bridge will be ready to be used.

  • Hover

    Almost all units have terrible rate-of-fire, but amazing damage.
    • Constructor: Quill
    • Raider: Dagger
      Like typical Hover unit, Dagger's rate of fire is bad but delivers a high damage.
    • Skirmisher: Scalpel
    • Riot: Mace
    • Assault: Halberd
    • Artillery: Lance
      I want to say Lance is false-Artillery. It's have good range, like typical Artillery. But unlike common Artillery, it doesn't have arcing projectile.
    • Anti Air: Flail
    • Special: Claymore
      Claymore is dedicated Anti-Sub. It deliver depth-charge that can only deployed on the water.
Factories Details: Second and Specialized
Second heavy/support factory
  • Tank

    • Constructor: Welder
      Welder build power is 1.5x others common Constructor. Also, Welder armed with mini laser, provides a little defense against Raider.
    • Raider: Blitz and Kodachi
    • Riot: Ogre
    • Assault: Minotaur
    • Artillery: Emissary
    • Anti Air: Ettin
    • Heavy: Cyclops
      Cyclops is, simply, Very Heavy Tank. Treat it like Assault class; slow, tough, very damaging weapon.
    • Utility: Tremor
      Tremor located in Utility slot, but it's not-Utility. Except if you consider the ability to flat earth via artillery...
      Tremor is closely resembled Heavy Artillery.
      My advice, play with Inactive AI. Build Tremor. Fire anywhere. You'll see why there's "Saturation" on its middle name.

  • Gunship

    Different from Airplane, Gunship requires no Airpad to reload.
    • Constructor: Wasp
      Wasp has 1.5x more build power than others common Constructor.
    • Raider: Locust and Gnat
      Locust can regen out of battle, while Gnat can stun.
    • Skirmisher: Harpy
      Harpy's weapon can slowdown enemies
    • Riot: Blastwing
      Blastwing is in Riot slot, but not-Riot. It's more like Special class.
      It's like a Mobile Napalm Bomb. It deliver damage-over-time when destroyed.
    • Assault: Revenant
    • Artillery: Nimbus
      It's on Artillery slot, but it's false-Artillery. One thing why it's on Artillery slot is its range are above any Gunship (except Trident, the Anti-Air).
    • Anti Air: Trident
    • Heavy: Krow
      Krow is Flying Fortress, with role similar to Assault. The heaviest Heavy and an air-unit, Krow is win-button if your opponent doesn't offer good anti air.
    • Special: Charon
      On Special slot is Charon, an Air Transport.
    • Utility: Hercules
      Resides in Utility slot is Hercules, an Armored Air Transport. It's tougher than Charon and has twin laser guns.

  • Airplane

    • Constructor: Crane
      One of weakest of all Constructor, its build power is only 0.8x others common Constructor.
    • Raider: Swift and Raptor
      Swift can engage both land and air, while Raptor is dedicated air superiority fighter.
    • Riot: Phoenix
      Phoenix deliver Napalm damage over a wide area.
    • Assault: Raven
      Raven deliver precision bomb over a small area. Its damage are quite high.
    • Heavy: Likho
      Likho's warhead is heavy, a Singularity Bomb. It's like a mini-nuke.
    • Special: Thunderbird
      Thunderbird is not like any self-destructing Special. Instead, it delivers lightning that can disables enemies below it.
    • Utility: Owl
      Owl is Mobile Radar/Sonar/Jammer. Not only it can provides intel on enemies, it also jam friendlies if they happen to be under Owl.

Specialized factory
  • Jumpbot

    • Constructor: Constable
      The other weakest of all Constructor, it shares with Crane for having only 0.8x build power. It has slowing beam, though.
    • Raider: Pyro and Puppy
      Pyro has piercing flamethrower, while Puppy... oh dear... you must try Puppy yourself. There's a reason Puppy is called "Walking Missile".
    • Skirmisher: Moderator
      Not only damaging enemy, Moderator can also slow them.
    • Riot: Placeholder
      Placeholder is false-Riot unit. Instead of DPS/area damage like other true-Riots, it fulfilling its capability to crowd-control (like other Riots) by delivering mini-Black Hole, sucking any units nearby.
    • Assault: Jack
      Jack is Melee Assault. Once again, it's Melee. Close your distance by jumping, and smack them.
    • Artillery: Firewalker
      Firewalker delivers very wide napalm bombardment, making it a very good choice for area denila.
    • Anti Air: Toad
    • Heavy: Jugglenaut
      Jugglenaut is Heavy Support. Its weapon do too little damage (below 1, almost nothing). Instead, it can attract and repel. If you jumping, its landing will damage anything, though.
    • Special: Skuttle
      Skuttle is Mobile Bomb.

  • Spiderbot

    • Constructor: Weaver
      Weaver is provides 1.5x build power. And has small radar.
    • Raider: Flea and Venom
      Flea is good scout. It's cloaked. Don't rely on it when on combat, it'll do little close-combat damage.
      Venom do stun damage. Also, its stun surprisingly also has small AoE.
    • Skirmisher: Recluse
    • Riot: Redback
    • Assault: Hermit
    • Anti Air: Tarantula
    • Heavy: Crab
      I can say nothing about Crab... Usually, unit like Crab are treated like Assault. But Crab designation are Heavy Riot/Skirmisher. Oh well...
    • Special: Widow
      Widow is Cloaked, makes it has the potential to be good scout. Second, Widow has stun weapon, makes it also a good support.

  • Ship

    • Constructor: Mariner
      Mariner has 1.5x buildpower.
    • Raider: Hunter and Cutter
      Hunter has Anti-Sub capability.
    • Skirmisher: Mistral
    • Riot: Corvette
    • Assault: Siren
      Siren has Anti-Sub capability.
    • Artillery: Envoy
    • Anti Air: Zephyr
    • Special: Seawolf
      Seawolf is submarine, making it stealth if enemies has bad sonar (underwater detector).
Closing Words
And that's it!
That's the end of this guide.

See also my another guide:
If you think this guide should cover anything, or anything wrong within it, please message me.
Critics and advice are always welcome.

Thank you for reading it.
Techhead7890 13 Sep, 2021 @ 2:02pm 
Ahh, apparently yeah. The Dante is built at the strider hub which is not listed here.
Techhead7890 13 Sep, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
The AI sent a couple of "Dante" at me, what the hell is that? Is it some sort of experimental that doesn't need a factory?
leha44581 13 Jun, 2021 @ 1:07pm 
Bert 19 Sep, 2018 @ 7:46pm 
try building tank factoray first, you are slow to expand but you punch huge holes in the enemy early on.
DragonCatGaming 13 Jun, 2018 @ 11:46am 
i have discovered an amazing troll strat. i have a pretty beefy PC, and i can take a lot more stuff than most of my opponents, so i spam dirtbags until they lag out :) not sure if that is ok or not :) highest i have gotten on dirtbag count is 1500 :) it was a long game.
Greyman 13 May, 2018 @ 11:09am 
Thanks for the help
Greyman 13 May, 2018 @ 11:08am 
God damnit I probably did, I was pressing ctrl like a mad man
Rage.Overflow[FRZ]  [author] 13 May, 2018 @ 7:37am 
Hi @Greyman,
Are you accidentally put your factory into wait mode (ctrl + w)?
Greyman 13 May, 2018 @ 4:06am 
My factory is paused for some reason and won't build but there's nothing on here on how to fix that problem halp
Rage.Overflow[FRZ]  [author] 11 May, 2018 @ 6:45pm 
Hi standardheadache,

You're also right with extra storage. Extra storage is good when you reclaiming, for holding sudden influx of mets.
