The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

149 ratings
How to unlock The Forgotten in Afterbirth+
By ★ David X Dwight ★
Booster Pack #5 has just added a new character to the Isaac list, The Forgotten! In this guide, i'll show you how to easily unlock the new character. [Same method in REPENTANCE DLC]
Before you start...
You need to have unlock The Dark Room and Defeated The Lamb.
  • You unlock the dark room by beating Satan 5 times in Sheol.
  • Sheol is unlocked by killing It Lives
It’s important that you have killed The Lamb with any character in order to unlock The Forgotten. If you haven’t killed him, you won’t be able to proceed.
1. Start of the run
Basement 1
• First things first, you'll have to defeat the Basement 1 boss in under the one minute mark.. (This can easily be accomplished with Azazel.)

• Once you have killed the boss in under a minute, you'll hear mom say "Isaac!". When that happens, head towards the room you started with.

• You'll see a shadow of the top part of a shovel.

• Place a bomb in the middle of the room, a Broken Shovel will fall from the sky. Pick it up.
WARNING: Once you pick up this shovel, mom's feet will try to stomp you non-stop.
Using the broken shovel will stop mom from stomping in that current room/wave (boss rush/challenge rooms)

You now have to get to Mom in Depths 2. You're going to have to enter the boss rush room in order to continue.

WARNING: If you pick up another active item and leave the room, the shovel will DISAPPEAR.
2. Boss Rush!
Boss Rush Time!
• Fight mom as usual, she'll drop only the Negative. You'll also notice that you can't travel to the next floor. You have to enter the boss rush to continue.

• Once you passed boss rush, you'll find the second piece to the shovel. Pick it up and mom will no longer try to stomp you.

• Now you have to go to the Dark Room.
The newly made shovel now works as a normal shovel.
You can use this to skip levels such as both wombs. You still have to fight Satan in order to go into the chest.
3. Dark Room
Dark Room
• It's time, look for an empty room with no monsters in it.

• You'll find some ground that looks like it's been previously dug up.

• Use the shovel on top of this patch of dirt.

• A ghost will rise and you'll see a pile of bones left behind.
You just unlocked the forgotten! Congrats!
May 1st, 2018
  • Added information about using the broken shovel. (Thanks for reminding me, Sigsig)
  • Deleted the "Must complete under 20 minutes" part. (Thanks Minuette)
  • Corrected some errors in the second 2.

May 7th, 2018
  • Corrected a misguidence in step one. (Thank you ♪LePietatoLord♫ for pointing it out)
Tweakla Von Puffenstein 26 May, 2023 @ 4:11pm 
am I the only one who had a harder time with The Lost (non rebirth) then The Forgotten?
coconut 22 May, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
remember marelo you have to kill the lamb (via sacrifice room to get to dark or by killing satan 5 times)
Marcelo! 18 Mar, 2023 @ 6:02pm 
bro, i do it what did u say in the first part of the shovel and doesnt worked i killed the boss in 0:37 seconds in first floor and dont worked
liaronfire 22 Jul, 2022 @ 11:18pm 
Just thought I'd add in the comments that you can leave the completed shovel on a pedestal (I don't know if it matters that I was playing on repentance). I tested this because I was on one heart after boss rush and found a library in womb 1 with satanic bible so really wanted to get some charges and get some hearts back. It was a successful run.
Tibby 31 Mar, 2021 @ 12:08pm 
Butcher Pete 6 May, 2020 @ 6:42am 
instruction unclear beat my dad ito death in 50 seconds.
AbbL 13 Mar, 2020 @ 6:32pm 
thanks for the tips!
Maker<3Alicia 9 Feb, 2019 @ 9:44am 
i see the shadow but when i but a bomb down it doesnt do anything
DrShrooms 8 Feb, 2019 @ 2:28pm 
oh btw for anyone wondering you cant do a seeded run
★ David X Dwight ★  [author] 7 Feb, 2019 @ 5:54pm 
No, you have to kill basement boss 1 in under a minute