SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

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Keyboard Menu Controls + Suggested In-game Keymap
Av qtKynako | Twitch
For those who wants to play this game, but has no access to controlers or want to use Keyboard and Mouse.
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Keyboard Menu Controls
A = 'Spacebar' or 'Left Mouse Click'
B = 'Left Shift' or 'Right Mouse Click'
X = 'R'
Y = 'V'
RB = '4'
LB = '5'
Pause/Start = 'tab'

Intimacy mode:
Grabby Hands = 'Ctrl + B' (By Marc Coen)
Suggested In-game Keymap
Feel free to change anything depending on your taste.

Here is my suggested Keyboard + Mouse in-game mapping(Patch 1.2):
Shoot = 'Left Click Mouse'
Switch style = 'Left Ctrl' and/or "Mouse Wheel Scroll"
Reset Camera = 'C'
Auto Aim ON/OFF = 'Q'
Lock On = 'Right Click Mouse'
Taunt Motion Menu = 'Left Ctrl'
Reload/Revive/Fin. = 'R' and 'Mouse Wheel Click'
Melee Attack = 'E'
Jet Dash = 'Left Shift"
Jump = 'Space Bar'
Activate Card 1 = '1'
Activate Card 2 = '2'
Activate Card 3 = '3'

"F" key is currently not bindable on this patch.
9 kommentarer
doo 16. mars 2018 kl. 3.12 
For some reason.... I can't set Q button to anything :\
qtKynako | Twitch  [skaper] 12. mars 2018 kl. 22.06 
@Fierce1 Try pressing Left shift, Tab, or Right Click Mouse to close the taunt window. Press Space Bar to confirm the taunt.
makkun・マックン 12. mars 2018 kl. 22.06 
Taunt using spacebar.
Fierce1 12. mars 2018 kl. 21.58 
This'll sound stupid, but when I activate the taunt menu it just stays on it, they don't actually taunt, but it doesn't close either. What are the keys for that? (Actually initiating a taunt or cancelling it)
Alexmo 12. mars 2018 kl. 12.36 
Really wish we could rebind more keys
makkun・マックン 10. mars 2018 kl. 19.09 
Summon grabby hands on intimacy by pressing Ctrl+B.
Jin✪Soul 10. mars 2018 kl. 15.18 
It won't let me bind some buttons on my keyboard. I wan't melee attack to be 'F' but it won't let me.
Azu-Nyan (CLRNZ) 10. mars 2018 kl. 2.23 
any one knows how to spawn grabby hands on intimacy?:sarah6:
Python To Dota 2 8. mars 2018 kl. 17.12 
well this shortcuts so absurd to me.. btter senran kagura estival versus or shinobi versus