SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash

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Keyboard Menu Controls + Suggested In-game Keymap
By qtKynako | Twitch
For those who wants to play this game, but has no access to controlers or want to use Keyboard and Mouse.
Keyboard Menu Controls
A = 'Spacebar' or 'Left Mouse Click'
B = 'Left Shift' or 'Right Mouse Click'
X = 'R'
Y = 'V'
RB = '4'
LB = '5'
Pause/Start = 'tab'

Intimacy mode:
Grabby Hands = 'Ctrl + B' (By Marc Coen)
Suggested In-game Keymap
Feel free to change anything depending on your taste.

Here is my suggested Keyboard + Mouse in-game mapping(Patch 1.2):
Shoot = 'Left Click Mouse'
Switch style = 'Left Ctrl' and/or "Mouse Wheel Scroll"
Reset Camera = 'C'
Auto Aim ON/OFF = 'Q'
Lock On = 'Right Click Mouse'
Taunt Motion Menu = 'Left Ctrl'
Reload/Revive/Fin. = 'R' and 'Mouse Wheel Click'
Melee Attack = 'E'
Jet Dash = 'Left Shift"
Jump = 'Space Bar'
Activate Card 1 = '1'
Activate Card 2 = '2'
Activate Card 3 = '3'

"F" key is currently not bindable on this patch.
doo 16 Mar, 2018 @ 3:12am 
For some reason.... I can't set Q button to anything :\
qtKynako | Twitch  [author] 12 Mar, 2018 @ 10:06pm 
@Fierce1 Try pressing Left shift, Tab, or Right Click Mouse to close the taunt window. Press Space Bar to confirm the taunt.
makkun・マックン 12 Mar, 2018 @ 10:06pm 
Taunt using spacebar.
Fierce1 12 Mar, 2018 @ 9:58pm 
This'll sound stupid, but when I activate the taunt menu it just stays on it, they don't actually taunt, but it doesn't close either. What are the keys for that? (Actually initiating a taunt or cancelling it)
Alexmo 12 Mar, 2018 @ 12:36pm 
Really wish we could rebind more keys
makkun・マックン 10 Mar, 2018 @ 7:09pm 
Summon grabby hands on intimacy by pressing Ctrl+B.
Jin✪Soul 10 Mar, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
It won't let me bind some buttons on my keyboard. I wan't melee attack to be 'F' but it won't let me.
Azu-Nyan (CLRNZ) 10 Mar, 2018 @ 2:23am 
any one knows how to spawn grabby hands on intimacy?:sarah6:
Python To Dota 2 8 Mar, 2018 @ 5:12pm 
well this shortcuts so absurd to me.. btter senran kagura estival versus or shinobi versus