Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

262 valoraciones
A Coruña, Galiza by Mr Miyagi
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2 FEB 2018 a las 2:04 p. m.
11 ENE 2019 a las 10:43 a. m.
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A Coruña, Galiza by Mr Miyagi

En 2 colecciones creadas por MrMiyagi
Celtic World - Maps, Assets and more from the Atlantic Fringe
47 artículos
Miyagi's Best Maps and Themes
87 artículos
Jan 2019 Map has been updated - repaired highways and intersections, many thanks to the mods S__T's Parallel Road Tool and Electrix's Segment Slope Smoother

1 tree subscription required (by Lost_Gecko), optional map theme (by Khanador)

A challenging true scale map of beautiful A Coruña, Galiza / Galicia, a major port on the Atlantic shores of Europe. There's plenty of land to use, but most of it is made of countless little rolling hills. A large overlay and tours on Google Earth were used to make the map and infrastructure. There are a couple deviations in highway structure from the real life infrastructure, but not anything significant.

Who would like this map? Although lower terrain than the map of Vigo, Galiza, this map is quite challenging. If you like rolling hills, you'll love this map. If you prefer flat very spaces, run for your life :D Making the terrain-hugging infrastructure for this was fun, probably because it was extremely challenging.


Visit Armesto's Galiza Collection! He has Coruña items such as the Tower of Hercules lighthouse and a set of Coruña buildings

Large 4K semitransparent overlay made for this map, download from here:

Use overlay with the Overlayer v2 Mod:
Active overlay image is placed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities_Skylines\Files. Whichever overlay you want to be active has to be named overlay.png.


If you'd like to treat me to a hot cocoa or book of maps, you can do so here at Paypal :)
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11 MAY 2018 a las 3:57 a. m.
Lets share a saved game of this?
47 comentarios
alastair1966 20 AGO 2023 a las 4:55 a. m. 
MrMiyagi  [autor] 16 AGO 2023 a las 2:12 p. m. 
Só tes que premer o botón verde de subscrición. Para comezar unha nova cidade no mapa, fai clic en novo xogo e, a continuación, desprázate ata o final da lista. Os mapas dos Workshop están na parte inferior, non por orde alfabética.
alastair1966 8 AGO 2023 a las 1:51 a. m. 
Si, teño.
MrMiyagi  [autor] 7 AGO 2023 a las 1:39 p. m. 
Tienes el juego Cities Skylines por Steam?
alastair1966 6 AGO 2023 a las 1:53 a. m. 
Disculpa, ¿como puedo descargar/compra ese mapa? Mil gracias
Alt History Sports 1 AGO 2023 a las 9:46 a. m. 
Will you ever share the savegame?
ElliottLarrubia 19 SEP 2022 a las 8:04 a. m. 
un mapa de catalunya sería genial :steamhappy:
MrMiyagi  [autor] 24 ENE 2021 a las 1:27 p. m. 
@MrMixto Grazas! Espero que goces de ellos y que te diviertas :winter2019happybulb::chirp:
MrMixto 24 ENE 2021 a las 1:06 a. m. 
Miyagi, meu, eres un crack. Acabo de encontrar tus mapas, props y assets y me parecen increíbles. Todavía no los he probado, pero me vas a alegrar el domingo pandémico
MrMiyagi  [autor] 12 JUN 2020 a las 3:26 p. m. 
Muchas gracias, ldvdp. Es un placer hacerlos para vosotros.