SpellForce 3 Reforced

SpellForce 3 Reforced

89 valoraciones
Spellforce 3 Achievements (Work In Progress)
Por JB Jett
Putting together a guide for the Spellforce 3 acheivements.
Story Achievements
All these acheivements will be completed automatically by following the main storyline

Baby Steps - got your first level up
Betrayer's Child After All - Finished Liannon
Prisson Break - escaped the Grey Keep with a new ally
Lord of Mulandir - Claimed Mulandir as your base of operations
Point of No Return - Reached hero party level 20 in the campaign
History has its eyes on you - The fate of Nortander lies in your hands
The End - Beat the Spellforce 3 Campaign
Side Quests (Missibles Part 1)
These achievements require you to do some side quests you might not need to for the main story.

Chieftan - Gained the allegiance of the Orcish Firewielders
Explanation: As you open the door to Mulandir, there should be a wolf walking around the area nearby. Talk to him after opening the door, and the shapeshifting Orc will give you a quest to recruit the orcs.

Scryer - Gained the allegiance of the Morhir Elves
Explanation: Help the elves in the Woods to the North-west of the map. This quest should trigger automatically once you gain control of Mulandir.

Commander - Gained the allegience of the Wayfarers
Explanation: Help the woman you meet in Farlorn until she takes you to Everlight city, then complete the quest by talking to the mayor.

A New Hope - Helped all the Refugees in Farlorn's Hope
Explanation: When you return to Farlorn immediately after taking Mulandir, save all the refugees without letting any of them die during the escort section. (Credit to Istasior)

Public Enemy Number One - Defeated the Nortander army in the Iskander Wilds
Explanation: While helping the humans, after saving the refugees you'll end up back in Iskander Wilds. During the quest, destroy all Nortander forces on the map by taking their castle.

A Generous Soul - Gave more than the bare minimum when asked for help
Explanation: Occurs during the main quest. While talking with the aristocrat that became a beggar give him 60 gold instead of 30. Dialogue choice.

Ritualist - Completed the Mentalist Ritual at Aonir's Blade
Explanation: The second time you can return to Aonir's Blade after the plot twist, some mages will offer you a side quest named "In the name of Knowledge" where you must complete a ritual on the right side of the map.

Rise of Zarach - Unlocked the orc faction and upgraded it to the maximum
Explanation: Does NOT require you to buy schematics. All you have to do is complete the second Orc faction quest after the Plot Twist

Forgotten Peace - Unlocked the Human faction and upgraded it to the maximum
Explanation: Does NOT require you to buy schematics. All you have to do is complete the second Human faction quest after the Plot Twist

Don't Cry, Sister Forest - Unlocked the elven faction and upgraded it to the maximum
Explanation: Does NOT require you to buy schematics. All you have to do is complete the second Elf Faction quest after the Plot Twist

Cutthroat - Sided with the Deathmen in Aonir's Blade
Explanation: Bring the Deserter to the Deathmen the first time you go to Aonir's Blade

Nostalgic - Sided with the Iron Falcons in Aonir's Blade.
Explanation: Bring the Deserter to the Iron Falcons the first time you go to Aonir's Blade (Credit to Wojtek)

Dragon Whisper - You fulfilled a task for the Elder Dragon
Explanation: In the late game you will be told about a dragon in the nearby oasis. Go to the oasis and talk to it and click all the dialogue options asking not to fight. The dragon will give you a quest to close 3 portals in The Eye map. Do so then return to the dragon.

Shaikan - Slew the Elder Dragon
Explanation: In the late game you will be told about a dragon in the nearby oasis. Go to the oasis and kill it.

Long Live the God King - Brought a tribute to the God-King
Explanation: Complete the quest for the Gobling king on the way to Mulandir, then feed him 115 goblin meat. A recent patch introduced a trader in everlight that will sell 50 goblin meat.

Ancient Creatures - Learned how to summon Titans.
Explanation: you can get it at the Unknown Island by visiting a Temple for the Quest "Forgotten Knowledge" during a second visit after you recieve the dragon quest. (Credit to Wojtek and Yimbo)
Miscalaneous (Missibles Part 2)
Old Grudges - Dealt With Alistair
Explanation: During the prison escape talk Alistair into letting you free. (more details coming)

Press F to Pay Respects - If only real life were as simple as that
Explanation: on the east side of Everlight there is a woman standing next to a gravestone. Talk to her.

Practice Makes Perfect - Played a practice skirmish match against the AI
Explanation: Option from the Main Menu

Skirmisher - Defeat a human opponent in PvP
Explanation: No longer bugged

Better Together - Played the campaign together with a friend
Explanation: No longer bugged

Dwarven Artistry - Fully Upgraded Isgrimm's Armor
Explanation: Currently appears impossible since SPOILER...........no one has been able to convince Isgrimm to stay your companion after breaking the runestone........ End SPOILER (bugged)

Circle of Friends - Rallied all possible companions to your cause
Explanation: You need to recruit Yria, Isgrimm, Rohen, Gor, Ianna, Undergast, Uram and Arandir as playable characters. Used to be a bugged achievement, but currently appears fixed. Credit to Anja_Nowa

Fit for the Circle - Reached the maximum hero party level in the campaign
Explanation: I'm relatively sure the max level is 30. Just keep grinding or play through on Circle mage difficulty.

Philistine - You annoyed the composer by muting the in game music
Explanation: Mute the music slider in options (Credit to Derotan)

Arachnaphobe - You were killed by a tiny spider. That's actually pretty impressive.
Explanation: Die to a spider. Confirmed possible on circle mage difficulty when you fight the lone spider before breaking out of your cell, was unable to trigger by dying to other spiders. (Credit to Derotan, Confirmed by ByGN99)

Escape Artist
Explanation: Save all 5 prisoners during your escape from the prison (Credit to Derotan)

Scourge of the Working Class - Stop touching the workers.
Explanation: Click on a worker over and over. seems like it works with all races (human/orc/elf)

'Tis But a Scratch - You(sic) avatar died
Explanation: Your main charactar must die. Used to be bugged but should now be possible. Credit to Anja_Nowa

Commander Of Farlorn's Hope
Explanation: Destroy the orc base on your first journey to Farlorn's Hope without building any additional troops. Credit to Gorwe
Weird Acheivements
It has recently been confirmed that both of these acheivements are possible to get...but require extremely unique circumstances

Dat Doe, Though - You were killed by peacefull wildlife
Explanation: Enter the konami code on your keyboard to spawn a deer that will blow up your party. See the steam guide below for even more details https://steamoss.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2389879640

They Fit Just Right - Those prisoner clothes really look good on you
Explanation: Wear the prisoners clothes from the dungeon at the begining of the game to the very end. Recomended you stay on the easiest difficulty to just grind this out one day. (Still bugged as of October 2020, but you can find a community patch in the forums that can make it achievable)
Final Comments
Now that the game has undergone several patches it appears that all of the achievements are now possible to get. As soon as i get enough time, i'll go through and get a 100% to give you guys an idea of the time required to platinum the game. Have fun finding that doe.

Frankly the thought of grinding out level 40 in the game kind of makes me gag a little, so it might be a while before i can post an approximate platinum time.
56 comentarios
Happy Storm 14 DIC 2024 a las 22:48 
Who can help with Better Together and Skirmisher??
mhavokk 25 FEB 2023 a las 4:21 
The Achievement "Commander of Farlorn's Hope" should be easier to get in the Legacy version because of some changes done with Reforced.

The biggest change for this Achievement is the target you have to destroy for the Achievement which in Reforced is the enemy Cal but(!!!) in Legacy is basically the enemy Hero(!!!!!!!!!!!) who can very quickly be killed just by taking all units you have at that point rush inand deffeat him to get the achievement.
B!Rd 22 ENE 2023 a las 13:24 
@Kenz: Pro Tip: You are allowed to upgrade the outposts. You are allowed to collect ressources. You are allowed to build buildings. Autorepair outposts under attack and attack somewhere else.
Respec your main character into all strength and skilltree Brutality Raze.
Use the pots you got!
Kenz 8 ENE 2022 a las 5:14 
how on earth does one do the commander of farlorns help achievement without recruiting, theres too many orcs.....
dot 28 DIC 2021 a las 10:50 
Achievement "They Fit Just Right" got fixed.
Bernd 6 JUN 2021 a las 6:22 
For Dwarven Artistry: turn off the option which hides the helmet of your characters.
I had to do it, after Isgrimm's armor was fully upgraded.
JB Jett  [autor] 1 MAY 2021 a las 17:28 
@assurbanipal Going off my memory of people who did it in the past, it usually involves putting the game on one of the harder modes, entering an RTS map and then just grinding out defensive battles for hours on end until the map literally runs out of resources...
NTR Cuckold 1 MAY 2021 a las 17:08 
how can i get this "fit for the circle" i finished the game on 27, and i heard the cap level is 50. how is possible? i did all side quest, even the artefacts
Jen'Ari 11 FEB 2021 a las 4:06 
The description of the "Dat Doe, Though" achievement is incorrect. See the detailed guide here: "Dat Doe, Though" Achievement Guide
Godking 23 NOV 2020 a las 13:20 
To keep Isgrimm in the party you just need to be good to him... because i was nice and he stayed the whole time.