Cities: Skylines
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1981 GMC: RTS 04: LAMTA (Local) v1.02
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Assets: Vehicle
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2.408 MB
26 листоп. 2017 о 15:13
26 листоп. 2017 о 16:52

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1981 GMC: RTS 04: LAMTA (Local) v1.02

В колекціях (1) автора OriginalJAM
LA Metro Bus Fleet
Предметів: 15
this is the 1981 GMC RTS - 04 with the modern LA Metro livery, these buses ran on LA's former RTD (Rapid Transit District) and on LA's Metro bus lines untill the early 2010's

Passangers: 45

Textures 1024 x 1024


Classic Livery:
Коментарів: 5
Sebastianek 30 берез. 2019 о 18:39 
my new favorite bus: line-colored, a touch of vintage, a unique design and very good looking ingame. many thanks to the author for sharing this beauty
Mc Spanky 30 листоп. 2017 о 1:14 
It's a transit bus. It's the rival to the GMC RTS. Los Angeles RTD had a LOT of them.
OriginalJAM  [автор] 29 листоп. 2017 о 0:09 
what do you mean "Fixible Metro"?
Mc Spanky 28 листоп. 2017 о 22:08 
Could you model a Flxible Metro?
OriginalJAM  [автор] 26 листоп. 2017 о 23:55 
the bus ingame will say RTS 06 but its the 04 ver, sorry for the name.