In the library / filled with hope, knowledge abounds / my spirit is crushed
"#228 +(1262)- [X]<Guilty> Nov 27 23:45:02 Box1 MormonGuard[20721]: Mormons be tryin' to break into y0 system!

<Guilty> Thank god for you MormonGuard
#918 +(143)- [X]<ck> i'd ♥♥♥♥ anything

<ck> except a fat chick

<ck> some things, even i won't do
#972 +(90)- [X]<qslack> Hey, if K5 people caused a commotion at im-ur, is it a Kumo5hin?
#1394 +(176)- [X]<CoMBo> holded down is a word btw
#1554 +(724)- [X]<ckx> i get a bunch of scrambled porn

<ckx> one time i was jerking off to this channel

<ckx> 102

<ckx> and like then i realized it was two guys

<ckx> cuz 102 was a gay channel

<ckx> 101 was the good hardcore porn

<HomerJ> HAW

<ckx> but by then i was already into it

<ckx> so i didn't change it
#2123 +(444)- [X]<CoderMan> kritical, you are dumber than a dead rock

<matts> dead rock

<matts> umm

<matts> CoderMan news flash

<matts> rocks can't live

<matts> :
#2467 +(415)- [X]<FaceDown8> if i wanted any lip from you i'd undo my zipper
#7519 +(354)- [X]<[Matt]> the only thing about mullholland drive that didn't confuse me entirely was the lesbian sex scenes

<[Matt]> other than that, i was lost
#8721 +(349)- [X]<pritch> yeah well i do an english writing degree

<Linguica> do have
#10481 +(349)- [X]<jej> i need to "find" a copy of q3a for os 9/X too.

<jej> and wolfenstein.

<Toast> I need to "find" a copy of "your mom" for "my wang"

<jej> ":("

<cj_> "hehe"
#11901 +(153)- [X]<MikEE-Boy> ♥♥♥♥. girls in #mp3rave are like gum in elementary school. you

bring some for yourself, you better have one for everybody.
#12298 +(629)- [X]* brokengolfclub goes to hunt down food or sex

<brokengolfclub> whichever I find first

<brokengolfclub> I found some crackers

<brokengolfclub> they didnt really satisfy me

<GreyWulfe> You where supposed to eat them.

<brokengolfclub> damn my roomates girlfriend smells good.......
#12764 +(398)- [X]<JohnnyCat> the phantasm movies are good too. along the same thread of weird electronic

            horror movie ♥♥♥♥, a movie called cube is awesome


<JohnnyCat> very unique

<Somni> is that the one with the new Dax from DS9, and the robot cop from that Tek show

        (by William Shatner)?

<JohnnyCat> i'm not sure.. i don't think so. it's about these people that get stuck in

            the middle of this maze of cubes with doors on each face of the cube.  they

            have to figure out whether it's safe to move from cube to cube, or they get

            diced up

<Somni> yep, that's the one

<q[Simon]> That sounds like my office.
#20987 +(145)- [X]gree: this girl asked me whats wrong, i told her im a different man when i run linux
#23224 +(145)- [X][Shinji] hate that you know.... pants off, hand cream on the desk, then the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing announces "22 minutes remaining" :/
#33675 +(346)- [X]* Tony has joined #hate

* Joe_ sets mode: +b *!*[email protected]

* Tony was kicked by Joe_ (Joe_)

* Tony has joined #hate

<Joe_> Hello, Tony. How are you today?


* Tony was kicked by Joe_ (OH NO HE IS DEAD)

* Joe_ has quit IRC (Local kill by Tony (I only like nice people to use my server.  Find another one.))
#34035 +(289)- [X]<CYwolf> damnit.

<CYwolf> I forgot to ask malis how big the fed-ex guy's package was.
#34070 +(884)- [X]<melvin> you need a mullet piccolo

<piccolo> [Jan Johnston - Unafraid][3m52s/192kbps/stereo]

<piccolo> :/

<piccolo> [DeVision - Heart-Shaped Tumor (Icon Of Coil Mix)][5m38s/192kbps/stereo]

<melvin> don't make me turn my mp3 script back on >:|

<piccolo> [01 - Martyr][4m06s/224kbps/stereo]

<piccolo> [Fear Factory - Martyr][4m06s/224kbps/stereo]

<melvin> that's it assmunch

<melvin> prepare to be assaulted by fagotry

* melvin IS SENDING WINAMP DATA TO MIRC!! HE IS PLAYING Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus OMG OMG OMG!! I HOPE THIS ISN'T ANNOYING ^_^ KEKEKEKE HUK HUK HUK - NOW GET ON YOUR KNEE'S AND BOW BEFORE ME!! Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus ! Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus ! Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus !!!

* melvin dances! :D|-< Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus

* melvin dances! :D/-< Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus

* melvin dances! :D|-< Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus

* melvin dances! :D-< Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus

<melvin> Please note as I (melvin) am playing Dillinger Four - Mosh for Jesus. It is currently 19:25:19 - 18/09/2002

<Kitsa> melvin: ♥♥♥♥ off

<melvin> <3
#36861 +(-6)- [X]<BTZ> WHO THE ♥♥♥♥ REGISTERED MY NAME ON DALnet?!?!?
#38301 +(261)- [X]<Max-> worse than ♥♥♥♥♥ 200mhz pentium with 32mb ram and monitors @ 60hz?

<CUI> Max- That's not computer

<CUI> That's a calculator
#38925 +(207)- [X]<LunchBox> why is my usb-to-usb networking not working :(

<q[torg]> LunchBox: it's netnotworking
#44830 +(329)- [X]<Rayne> I need to talk to you about the amount of time your spending "IRL"

<Rayne> how do you know you can trust these "IRL" friends

<Rayne> have you /ns infoed them?
#48331 +(174)- [X]<@sniper_cs> where do you live?

<@sniper_cs> I can burn + send it

<@sniper_cs> maybe

<bobbles> about 3 metres from adsl area

<@sniper_cs> roflmao

<@sniper_cs> ouch

<bobbles> i lived here for like 8 years

<bobbles> then they finally bring adsl

<bobbles> and it stops 3 houses away

<BenZor> hahaha
#48613 +(107)- [X]<KiLLaKoW>

* APE_ wonders if u can actually buy them

<SonicRageX> ape do you know how many people there arethat want babies but cant  have them

<APE_> yeh

<APE_> something like a few million

<KiLLaKoW> that is such a retarded figure

<KiLLaKoW> there are probably more than twice that number up for auct...err, adoption
#52328 +(662)- [X]*** klaas-sinterkla has joined #photoshop

<klaas-sinterkla> hellol

<klaas-sinterkla> who knows the programm photoshop

<@Anapaest> what kind of programm is it?

<klaas-sinterkla> It's about websites n stuff

<@Anapaest> better ask in #website-stuff then

<klaas-sinterkla> k, thx

*** klaas-sinterkla has left #photoshop
#55564 +(205)- [X](During another round of mega splits on DALnet)

<Guest51394> how do u get into the servers?

<priz> you can't.

<priz> if you walked into a McDonalds when the kitchen was on fire, do you think they'd take your order?
#62036 +(215)- [X]<MosH> The girl was a slut.

<MrSelfDestruct^v26> loose as a goose eh

<MosH> yeah I had to strap a 2 by 4 to my ass

<MosH> so I didnt fall in that ♥♥♥♥
#62705 +(205)- [X]<toe2toe> the part i like is where IRAQ's going "we got nothing"

<toe2toe> and US is going "PFFFT WE'RE GONNA TAKE YOU OUT"

<toe2toe> and then

<toe2toe> North Koreas going "CHECK OUT OUR NUKES, BUDDY"

<toe2toe> and US is going "Hey... are you iraq? no? THEN STAY OUT OF IT"
#70207 +(-81)- [X]<fnad> damn look at those spaceship quotes plummet on the QDB!

<grongy> ♥♥♥♥!

<grongy> at this rate I'll never be able to find good ♥♥♥♥♥♥ quotes again
#73199 +(596)- [X](slippy): saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday

(slippy): it said "may contain nuts"
#78486 +(20)- [X]<Servo> being in love with a 13-year old has its advantages: she has to go to bed at 22 or 23h, so we can go out and have a drink!
#80048 +(219)- [X]Chris: well, idle hands are the devil's playdgroun

Lotach: which is why god invented porn

Chris: yes

Lotach: so man would not resort to the devil's deeds
#93845 +(158)- [X][Decept404] i like smiling brightly, shaking a girl's hand going "hi, i enjoy misogynistic violent sex acts!"
extremely serious name 28 Feb, 2020 @ 1:02pm 
I guess I leave a heart here <3
76561198330965013 16 Nov, 2019 @ 7:14am 