I provide answers, / enlighten humanity / for I am Buddha
"#93 +(1489)- [X]<Mootar> what was god thinking when he made my ass sweat?
#565 +(388)- [X]<phiber_> where's my boot disk? how can i be a hacker without linux?
#3575 +(186)- [X]<jstepka> perl is the kryptonite of the computer science world

<pagan> if stepka looks at it his penis shrivles up

<pagan> and he gets weak

<pagan> =)

<jstepka> hell yeah
#5353 +(489)- [X]<AlmtyBob> k funny story tiem

<AlmtyBob> there's this guy at work

<AlmtyBob> and back in the days

<AlmtyBob> I would tell people to ask him how fast his dad can run

<AlmtyBob> and they would

<AlmtyBob> and he'd say, 'dude that's kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up, my dad lost his legs in a construction accident'

<AlmtyBob> and he's a total straight-faced mf, so it got the best reactions from people

<AlmtyBob> (it was a joke, his dad was fine)

<AlmtyBob> I got this new dealer to do it to him today, he's a supervisor

<AlmtyBob> I was talking to my friend later and I told him to go up to this chick and ask the same thing

<AlmtyBob> little did he know, her father was murdered a few years back

<AlmtyBob> joke's on him!

<AlmtyBob> well, you had to be there
#5760 +(1135)- [X]<razorjd1> But i know what's first person shoter better than any body here!!!!

<razorjd1> why ppl think that 14 years old boy can't understand in computers???

<razorjd1> what the ♥♥♥♥ is ur prob, son tof the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥???

<razorjd1> i play UT all day and u say that i don't know what's first person shoter is???

<razorjd1> i overclock since i was 10 so don't call me stupid, i understand in computers better than any one here.

<razorjd1> Beware, or else i will hack to ur computer...

<razorjd1> ♥♥♥♥ u all!!!
#6724 +(228)- [X]<Goldenstimme1> 46 M lonely, self-employed, employed myself earlier this evening
#7812 +(774)- [X]<Allen> what about Hall?

<CactusJac> he died

<Mikey316> he was arrested

<Allen> make up your mind..

<CactusJac> He was arrested for dying.
#10868 +(123)- [X]<SimonB> .se servers have been quite stable lately

<luna_s> ok so swedish servers are the best ok ok ok

<SimonB> I like webgiro

<luna_s> demons fine most of the time

<luna_s> until a pissed up engineer spills his can on a router

<SimonB> :D

<SimonB> until? its more of a rule than an exception
#11620 +(413)- [X]<Astroboy> Im going to murder the next girl I ever hear make some comment about being over weight.

<Astroboy> Unless the girl is like 500 pounds.

<Trinity> I am so over weight.

<Astroboy> Trinity way to be a absurdly difficult distance away for me to murder you.
#15810 +(427)- [X]<Jon-> they need to put some quality warez and movies on microsoft.com

<Jon-> i get about 800k a sec from them
#16131 +(358)- [X]<Fishfood> hey when we are all grown up and have kids we should all meet up and pit our kids against each other in a 5 day battle royale

<Prick> "Kid Rancher"

<Fishfood> my kid will kick all your kids asses

<Prick> Mine will be pixies. They'll strip seductively and distract your kids.

<Fishfood> all my kid needs is his wits and his amazingly large penis

<Prick> I think you're assuming that the Big Ogre Penis Gene skips a generation.
#16196 +(428)- [X]<Alipha> ..can you fax me some paper for my printer?
#22534 +(563)- [X]<Sugadon> sup

<Sugadon> i'm in houston

<GaBe-33> houston !?

<GaBe-33> what you doing in texas !?

<Sugadon> honeymoon

<drunkers> you came on mirc on your honeymoon?

<drunkers> the sex that bad?
#22943 +(1525)- [X]<NyseriA> Things I've learned about war from videogames: If you find yourself mortally wounded by an enemy sniper be sure to let him know that he is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
#24895 +(152)- [X][!] @Techdude kisses doll sooooooo hard, there is an instant netsplit

[!] Quit: L|z/[email protected]/[[Netherlands.Worldircnet.com staff.worldircnet.com]]

[!] Quit: Amy/[email protected]/[[Netherlands.Worldircnet.com staff.worldircnet.com]]
#33105 +(137)- [X]<Kenji310> Crap ♥♥♥♥, my teacher wants me to find out how dogfishes reproduce

<Wallon> Um, dogfish sex?

<Kenji310> yep

<Stryker> They do it doggie style.
#34036 +(336)- [X]<@andy> every time god masturbates, a kitten kills jesus
#37341 +(307)- [X]* cams lights tri on fire

* Trimangle is flame retarded
#39671 +(138)- [X]<dan-o2> ♥♥♥♥ my mirror is messy

<KGB_ate_my_bread> maybe if you didn't jack off to yourself..
#45405 +(157)- [X]<PARAD0X> what if I dont have 8 mb ram, or am not capable of 16 colors on the graphics card.

<Xalnop> if you don't have 8 mb of ram, you can't be connected to the internet... it's a rule
#48594 +(545)- [X]<VooDoo3dfx> She's a lesbian dude.

<Absolut> Really?

<VooDoo3dfx> Yeah.

<VooDoo3dfx> She's never had a guy though.

<Absolut> Once you go ♥♥♥♥... you never go chick.

<Absolut> Oh ♥♥♥♥

<Absolut> I didn't say that!!!


<BRAVESTAR> -bash-2.05b$ LS

<BRAVESTAR> -bash: LS: command not found

#50195 +(81)- [X]<Vicious2071> who operates the mugen website?

<Vicious2071> what is mugen?

<Vicious2071> can anyone tell me?

<Mystiq> mugen is a way to siphon ♥♥♥♥♥ out of your butt

<Mystiq> in version 2.0 they use a teleportation technology

<Vicious2071> ?

<Vicious2071> sorry still lost
#56998 +(17)- [X]<injektion> did she get herpes

<PC|Holo> hahaha

<PC|Holo> yes and aids

2 minutes later

<@pc|dogg> and IMSOMNIA!!!

<PC|Holo> dogg just doesnt know when a joke is over

<PC|Holo> hes like a real life letterman!
#60805 +(675)- [X]<mutey> whats the lowest priority in linux?

<smcn> mutey: ease of use
#75319 +(399)- [X]<Destruya> I joined the "Virtual March on Washington" even though I live 30 minutes driving time away from the White House.

<Destruya> I think I've reached the nirvana of laziness.

<Destruya> And probably sent my name to a CIA central database codenamed "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥".

<Destruya> Of course, I'm not worried, since any server with a name that long has to be running NT of some form.

<Destruya> Which means they better write that ♥♥♥♥ down before it crashes.
#75845 +(134)- [X]<Balamutas> games suck :P

<Dr.Evil> and swallow

<Dr.Evil> :P

<NoXeR> i wish i have this game
#76490 +(89)- [X]<well-howdy-doo> does anyone know stuff about laptops and their connections?

<well-howdy-doo> well we have it connected to the dsl-works fine

<well-howdy-doo> but it wont connect to phoneline

<CowBot> RJ-45 connectors (ethernet) won't plug into a phone line, well-howdy-doo

<well-howdy-doo> is there a way to configure it-cowbot?
#76596 +(627)- [X]<InkyGhost>Is it wrong to root for Tom Hank's character's death in "Castaway"?

<Rob> No, because its Tom Hanks.

<Rob> He starred in Mazes and Monsters, a blantant anti DnD film.

<Rob> Staring in porn is more respectable than being in that ♥♥♥♥ heap.

<Morrigan> Rob, that was before he was established. You have to take roles like that so you can get better ones.

<Rob> I don't care. Staring in porno would be more respectable than that.

<InkyGhost> You seem to have an unnatural fixation about seeing Tom Hanks in porn.

<Rob> Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up, Ghost.

<Himi> Busted.
#89401 +(142)- [X]<Toxygene> wow... i feel like ♥♥♥♥

<Toxygene> I think I finally caught the flu going around my office

<Toxygene> nothing quite like a small toilet, an erection and explosive diahria
#89978 +(196)- [X]<oc3-spd> no way dude my system is so much better than yours it owns yours and is faster.

<Hrrrrm> Ok show ur info.

<oc3-spd> os[Windows 2000 Prof"
Edusaccon 7 Dec, 2018 @ 12:19pm 
gado d+