sriracha is good / gallons of it at a time / I an so damn high
"#49 +(2107)- [X]<TheFlux> give me a chick with lips the size of that guy from aerosmith or something

<scarf> why dont you just get the guy from aerosmith
#105 +(1041)- [X]<Theseus-> i love funk music so much... that sometimes i wish i was black and then i remember that i might want to get a job some day
#914 +(1687)- [X]<Fustard> ♥♥♥♥

<Fustard> now im bored.

<Fustard> oh well

<Fustard> at least i have a ♥♥♥♥ and the internet.

<Fustard> ill do something with that.
#2999 +(9129)- [X]<kyourek> There was a 23% drop in temperature.

<nappyjallapy> That's almost 25%!

<kyourek> ... That was one of the most worthless comments I've ever heard.
#3029 +(56)- [X]<Acero> Acero = Steel

<Acero> my nick used to be Steel

<Acero> there are a load of other lamers who use steel

<BaNe> yer nick should be puddin

<BaNe> not steel
#4233 +(296)- [X]<JoeyB> what would be better of a car to modify, a honda accord, or a toyota


<Focus2001> oh man'

<pagan> which is better, dog poop or cat poop?

<pagan> ;p

<coug_> LOL
#4633 +(340)- [X]<Kyro> searching for: penis

*** Kyro has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
#5528 +(45)- [X]<Yakface> that all, I need to send you some BD

<Blackdog> nah im weird, dont go for porn

<Blackdog> hands on only, me

<Yakface> me niether, except for the really hard euro stuff
#7426 +(505)- [X]<glasnost> i was pasting it for everyone else -[

<glasnost> err

<glasnost> =]

<glasnost> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sad cyclops instead of happy 2-eyes
#7515 +(414)- [X]<LadyLegs> i'm anal about what goes into my body
#8800 +(258)- [X]<happy> i have problems cooking on the stove, because i run into my room to chat on irc or somehting, and it catches fire
#12097 +(17)- [X]<RxBandit> just remember, it's up to us kids to make sure Bill Gates doesn't get his hands on Linux
#18469 +(190)- [X]<Fembot> Apple is co-branding a cpu line w/ Monty Python. it'll be called the "iFartinyourgeneraldirection"
#24262 +(6215)- [X]<booradley> I'd like to perform a one act play I call, "Creative screwed me like a ♥♥♥♥♥"

<booradley> <audigy> Buy me! I'm ever so sexy

<booradley> <boo> ok. come home with me and we'll play among the stars

<booradley> <audigy> tee hee! I love you, boo!

<booradley> <boo> I love you too, audigy

<booradley> :: later ::

<booradley> <boo> there, you're all installed. how do you feel?

<neshura> down in front!

<booradley> <audigy> LET JESUS ♥♥♥♥ YOU! VRAAAGH!

* audience gasps.

<booradley> * audigy is putting noise across your PCI channels

<booradley> <hard drive> Mein leben!

<booradley> * hard drive has died

<booradley> <audigy> Blaaah! blaaaugh! your mother sucks ♥♥♥♥♥ in hell! graaagh!

<booradley> <modem> aaieee

<booradley> *modem has died

<booradley> and the new modem I got connects at 32k tops

<Shendal> By far, that's the best one-act IRC play I've read this season.  Do I smell a Tony award?
#26494 +(513)- [X]<cruisinxx7> I'll be busy right after school because I have a track meet

<Akira> oh

<Akira> can I watch your meat?

<cruisinxx7> ...

<cruisinxx7> I'd rather you watch the race instead
#33497 +(209)- [X]<Ced> me no eating or drinking at the keybord

<brolli_420> but jerking your ♥♥♥♥ is aceptable

<brolli_420> you got some werid rules
#36468 +(1122)- [X]<Defcon> dude my new microwave owns

<Defcon> you put the foods in and then the time and then start

<Defcon> then beep beep and yum

<ToastyGhost> No ♥♥♥♥, Captain Microwave Handbook
#36518 +(417)- [X]<qtpielucy2002> what country do ducth people live

<udderbalm> dutchovia.

<qtpielucy2002> really?
#36554 +(17)- [X]<smarti> hi

<smarti> im 18m from sydney

<smarti> australia

<smarti> any one to chat

<smarti> msg me

<Beerman> as opposed to sydney new zealand
#40293 +(388)- [X]<@CMX> got a speeding ticket the other day

<@CMX> and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cop

<+mootlife> how fast?

<@CMX> insulted my car

<%jdp> wtf... lol

<@CMX> 69 in a 55

<+mootlife> insulted your car?

<@CMX> ♥♥♥♥♥♥ asked if I had any dead midgets in the trunk implying I have a little car

<+mootlife> LMAO!
#41211 +(181)- [X]<madog> because your a little pee-on

<madog> who has no pull on this network

<madog> try it agian, ill make sure you're glined

* madog ([email protected]) Quit (Local kill by humble (no pull on this network :)))
#49293 +(205)- [X]MetalMantisX: ozzy's daughter obviously got none of her fathers talent

KennyGetsum: both of the kids look like the mom.. ud never guess they were even related to Ozzy

MetalMantisX: his other daughter looks like him though

MetalMantisX: the smart one, thats not on the show

KennyGetsum: ya cause she was concieved while ozzys blood alcohol content was under 20%
#52780 +(318)- [X]<hoolar> i haf to go in to the doctor to get my colon examed tommorow

<tReMeR> At least its not a anal exam!

<tReMeR> o wait..
#53941 +(139)- [X]<+Tolkien`> chicks will only last a while

<+Tolkien`> i can use my comp all night
#55167 +(1244)- [X](@Li-Sonder) i'm going to build a castle from the empty soda cans on my desk

 (@Li-Sonder) and declare myself king of this desk

 (@Li-Sonder) and rule it with an iron fist

 (@Li-Sonder) and make all the ants pay taxes

 (@Li-Infinite) wow

 (@Li-Infinite) you got way too much time on your hand.

 (@Li-Sonder) you mean my iron fist.
#57603 +(22)- [X]<kisama> !speedtest

<orge> computer speed is 1125Mhz

<claws03> lurking at 1364Mhz

<SantaJes> s00p3r 4thl0n runn1ng 4t 1915Mhz

<kisama> ticks: 148mhz

<kisama> yeah.

<kisama> fear me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<orge> huh?

<orge> ticks?

<orge> i dont know whats lamer ticks or that 148 mhz
#61227 +(176)- [X]<Tont0> TCP/IP illustrated needs a swimsuit issue
#71701 +(484)- [X](cutey) what you upto, cmang

(cmang) cutey: Nothing much. :) Just squeaking.

(cmang) And waiting for an email response from my employeer

(cmang) to find out if I get to go to work today. Hmm.

(cutey) :]

(cmang) cutey: Nothing too interesting, really. How about yourself? ;)

(cutey) :>

(kyr) you DO realize you speak to a bot, right?

(cmang) :(

(cmang) I'm going to cry salt mines now.
#81855 +(-1)- [X] *** Notice -- Client exiting: Derian ([email protected]) [Quit:]

Closing Link: Derian[] (Quit:

*** Disconnected

*** Attempting to rejoin...

*** Rejoined channel #Trutopia

*** Topic is 'Welcome to Trutopia IRC || IRC Operator Assistance Channel ||'

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Derian

<Derian> what the....

<Derian> oh, that should have been /squit...... idiot.
#87809 +(1127)- [X]<p_digga> oh god i'm dumb when i'm stoned

<j3r3miah> why

<p_digga> i lost something on my desk, and i couldn't find it, so i moved my ssh window on my computer desktop to see if it was under it

<j3r3miah> oh god
#109531 +(65)- [X]<klafka> it's a sign your an irc nerd

<klafka> if a song makes you want to type
#137950 +(260)- [X]<LicknDrgn> I dunno, I haven't used a stock HSF in one of my machines since P200 days

<LicknDrgn> Which probably accounts for the fact I've got a cold CPU most days and ♥♥♥♥ all else to my name :)

<LicknDrgn> Then again, the drug addict and alcoholic phases probably don't help either.

<LicknDrgn> Still, at least I can play video games drunk and stoned with the heater on :P

<LicknDrgn> And really, isn't that what's important in life?

<LicknDrgn> ...

<LicknDrgn> I wish I had a heater :(
#140756 +(200)- [X]<Justin> Sluts are like web hosts - they spend all their time going down.
Ceifador 22 May, 2024 @ 12:05pm 
Rubin hahaha 14 Mar, 2019 @ 3:34pm 
wtf why am i here