Parties, Raves, Movies / I would rather be reading / at home with my cat
"#1171 +(354)- [X]loofaspunge: for(int food = 0; food < worldhunger; food++)

#1547 +(2598)- [X]<iMike> i was just thinking of hiring a man to service my septic system

<maff> is that the classy way to say you want to get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the ass?
#2556 +(442)- [X]<spyd3rman> what about battlenet?

<spyd3rman> are they still using the cd key

<CoMBo> no battlenet checks to see if you have zits and glasses, then it lets u on
#4118 +(237)- [X]<orange1> i think i got it figured out.

<orange1> instead of giving users a long explanation on why it won't work when they uplaod a file named "what? me worry?.doc" to their web space, we can just give them the message "this file will not work. if you read the documentation, you would know why"
#4419 +(176)- [X]<EnochRoot> #include pestilence.h
#4629 +(462)- [X]<eldee> jedi kite.. that'd be a bad ass game

<friedegg> yeah

<boozie> HAHA

<eldee> fly kites in a park with other jedi.. try to light saber the other guys string

<boozie> oh.. i thought i was gonna be about jedi jews

<boozie> stealing nickels and ♥♥♥♥

<eldee> that'd be jedi ♥♥♥♥ you idjit

<boozie> ah.. thats right

<eldee> get your derrogatory slurs straight

<BombScare> man, every time i think someone in here cant get any dumber boozie steps up
#4710 +(106)- [X]<SDHawk> cool in a homosexual way

<OneiWilly> cool!

<Sivako> thats where i'm a superstar!
#6322 +(362)- [X]ted: woman plus invisible man = the perfect porn

craig: Actually, woman + visible woman is the perfect porn, but this is a close second.
#6782 +(229)- [X]<^o-o^> the development version of Xemacs has a warning file in it

<^o-o^> "People with epilepsy, persons with a history of heart problems and users of Viagra should not use this version of Xemacs"

<drwiii> i bet bob dole is sitting home pissed because he can't use that version of Xemacs
#7997 +(141)- [X]<@mewse> man i had this new jacket for like 3 days before i got puke on it

<@mewse> that must be some sort of record
#21668 +(152)- [X]<Disciple> i'd give head to a guy before I'd kiss him
#36201 +(249)- [X]<GokuSSJ4> My first car was free

<Genome> GokuSSJ4 u stole it?!!

<GokuSSJ4> Nah my parents gave it to me

<GokuSSJ4> lol

<Genome> they stole it???
#36588 +(335)- [X]<Boogaleeboo> You can't rape inanimate objects

<Boogaleeboo> like I can't go "I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rapping this water bottle!"

<Boogaleeboo> Or "Mmmmm, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ you don't want my ♥♥♥♥, do you sports radio?"

<Boogaleeboo> Doesn't work
#45018 +(388)- [X][Sober|wrk]: Christina Aguilera's Nipple Tweaker Goes on Strike

[pHluid-]: This dude *quit* being Christina Aguilera's nipple tweaker?

[Sober|wrk]: hehehe

: pHluid- is away: Making a resume.
#48629 +(446)- [X]<Xellos-san> don't confuse barbecues with hookers

<Xellos-san> the only way you can tell them apart is to set them on fire

<Xellos-san> if it runs away, it's a hooker

<Xellos-san> if it stays, it's a barbecue

<Xellos-san> or a dead hooker
#50411 +(853)- [X]<[CIT-R]StreaK> my puppy is crying :(

<Volt9000> so pull out
#53448 +(153)- [X][@ToastyX] I almost typed cd / to try to leave a channel
#56317 +(376)- [X]<ibrahim> is there alive experts?

<ozzmosis> I've been alive since I was born, you could say I'm an expert at it
#59311 +(125)- [X]<|404notfound> I'm angsty. I'm plenty angsty.

<|404notfound> I'm so angsty I make goths look like bright, happy rays of sunshine.
#59874 +(461)- [X]* dazalyn *wisks* off her bra... aaaahhhhh freedom

<nymph`grl> daz: Hehehe. This is why I love tank-tops with the shelf bra.

<dazalyn> my boobs are too big for the shelf bra to actually work...

<dazalyn> i wear them anyway

<dazalyn> lol

<nymph`grl> same here, lol

<Wildcard`> too much information

<nymph`grl> on a DDD it's really hard to keep them in check in those things. :)

<shayden> too much information?

<shayden> not enough visuals
#59896 +(12)- [X]<Nvrmr> were gonna have stalkers

<Nvrmr> gonna have turks knocking on our door asking how to use FlashFXP
#65595 +(837)- [X]<MrFixIt> kekekekekekekeke zerg rush ^____^

<MrFixIt> That's all the Korean I know
#75579 +(144)- [X]<Grim> You know you've been spending too much time around computers when:

<Grim> You take a sip of your coffee, find out it's cold, and try to remember if you have a backup ):
#76396 +(336)- [X]<SA-Magic> msg nickserv identify smallpenis

<SA-Magic> oops
#77469 +(33)- [X]<mcdaza> though i still maintain that its virtual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<Robzy> virtual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥??? Does that mean my virtual shoe can step in it?
#78511 +(237)- [X]<torment0r|wk|> !imdb butt pirates

<Vanamonde> Hackers (1995) ( )
#84061 +(97)- [X](doggie^):

(doggie^): i think im addicted :|

(DaMuppet): wtf is that?

(doggie^): plugin for winamp

(doggie^): recommends music to you

(`dM`): nice

(DaMuppet): "u like jpop, the pedo police department will be knocking on your door soon, don;t bother getting more music"
#88313 +(154)- [X]<b1u3> they should have a tv station that randomly joins and broadcasts dalnet rooms...nerds everywhere would afk irc to watch and judge other nerds from afar
#96274 +(219)- [X]<[TFF]Metalstar> dunno. if you were gettin bjs from 13 year olds you would be in jail

<alphaxion|Zzzz> or in japan
#123708 +(20)- [X]<@PCG|TMC_MusicmanTRS> ok... whats RIAA??
#126443 +(534)- [X]<AaronsGurl> Um  If Your Aaron Carter MSG Me And Chat Wit Me!

<the|navigator> That's pretty sad.
#137694 +(531)- [X]<MrBeanTroll> ah, San Francisco Personal Ads

<Ocean-Saurian> What aobut 'em?

<MrBeanTroll> you will never find a more retched hive of scum and villiany

<MrBeanTroll> I must be careful

<MrBeanTroll> "I'm looking for a cute strong guy with a truck to help me move a couch from Dolores Park to Oakland some time this week during the evening. I'll buy you dinner afterwards. Picture required."

<MrBeanTroll> "you must be THIS hot to move my furniture"
#141183 +(753)- [X]<@Blaxthos> so apparently my 17yo cousin has VD

<@seiki> heh

<@seiki> Blaxthos: sucky

<@Blaxthos> yea, she's hot )-;
#179137 +(862)- [X]* Khross flies a 757 into andy

* andy flies a 757 into Khross's 757.

* aen blocks them both with twin towers.

#179566 +(1251)- [X]<NiM> I went to church with my friends

<NiM> and they had all the alter boys being commissioned or whatever its called

<NiM> and we pours salt and viagra in the wine

<OttoDestruct> LOL

<NiM> And like 4 of the alterboys spat out the wine

<CF|Okra> hahahah

<NiM> and the priest was like OMFG U SINNERS

<NiM> thats the blood of christ!

<NiM> And the ones that didn't spit it out where walking around in their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ robs with boners

<NiM> it was the funniest ♥♥♥♥ ever

<NiM> We where kicked out

<NiM> of the church
#187415 +(2104)- [X]<g-core> Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long 1, Michael J. Fox has a little one, Madonna doesn't have one and the Pope has one but doesn't use it.  What is it.

<pip> last name

<pip> no wait

<pip> penis
#214230 +(1358)- [X]<rastakid> Which one shouldn't be there: rape - monopoly - incest ?

<seal> Monopoly?

<rastakid> Wrong! Rape, because it's not a family game.
#215239 +(197)- [X]<Loki> A mammal that lays eggs, is the ultimate breakfast dish.
#252491 +(71)- [X]<Gadfly> Did you see The Passion of the Christ yet? I hear Salman Rushdie's writing the novelization.
#308766 +(389)- [X]<xPinkyx> Nate, did you know my hand is part of an indian tribe called Slapaho?
#412122 +(2345)- [X]<Tscully> Gimme a C!

<Lich> C!

Eternity 28 Feb, 2018 @ 8:38am 