orange pants, a spark / the swamp ablaze, triumphant / Dooley wins again
"#91 +(1237)- [X]<MntLKeY> heh, i made up 'heh'

<Amanda`> That's a pretty outrageous claim.

<MntLKeY> i've being sayin it since 96
#205 +(1013)- [X](D1) ignore me

(D1) 9 out of 10 women do.
#901 +(118)- [X]<McMoo> my penis is pretty gay

<McMoo> it can regularly be found in male anuses
#2706 +(241)- [X](adm) No definitions found for "verio", perhaps you mean:

(adm) SUX
#2780 +(164)- [X]*** loopback was kicked by GoodScrat (GoodScrat)

*** loopback ([email protected]) has joined #winprog

<loopback> GoodScrat, why did you kick me?

<GoodScrat> I didn't mean to, I was clicking on something and my computer froze fora  second and then caught up to all the clicks and kicked you

<loopback> oh, ok
#3225 +(144)- [X]<Knighted> ewwww... something left some kind of web on my westworld dvd
#7873 +(342)- [X]mx> i'm pretty sure XP comes with the same partitioning snap-in as windows 2000

<mx> anything else would be ridiculous

<norsende> yea i thought fdisk would be included but no

<mx> no fdisk

<norsende> dunno if there's some new proggie

<mx> i don't have an english windows, so i can't tell you. Here, it's on Start/Programme/Verwaltung/Computerverwaltung/Datenspeicher/Datenträgerverwaltung (gawd, I HATE windows)
#7999 +(451)- [X]<mewse> i got moderated as a troll on slashdot for defending the mummy returns
#8930 +(55)- [X]<XvRickH> is an oc3 connection like...2 T3s combined?

<Goetterdaemmerung> 3.

<Goetterdaemmerung> hence oc-"3"

<XvRickH> so could I combine like 2 DSL lines and make DSL2 or something?
#10859 +(159)- [X]<BigTongue> man, look at this slut on the price is right... bob barker is having a viagra attack
#10994 +(587)- [X]<Hiryuu> When you pull the pin from Mr. Grenade, he is no longer your friend.
#12154 +(138)- [X]<Kibe-Work> btw

<Kibe-Work> wednesday adventure world

<Kibe-Work> my work is going

<Kibe-Work> well most of us

<Semicidal> AHehAEh cool]

<Psycho1> heh Internet admins at adventure world be like Black people at a KKK meating.
#16713 +(22)- [X]<Valenthios> When we RPed that little convo with her and Gygus, I said "She seems to be quite beautiful, even though she's human."  He says "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."

<Gygus> Heeheeheeheee.....
#18457 +(952)- [X]<Kaltorak> every 7 out of 6 days is a bad day for my typing skils.

<Kaltorak> oh my god.
#24767 +(38)- [X]<confuted> some israeli guy just started here

<confuted> whats the url to that suicide bomber flash game?
#31158 +(166)- [X]billabOng > i wonder if red dr. pepper will counteract blue pepsi
#33649 +(372)- [X]<Captain_Cobungo> Arr.  We have a Pirate Ship now.

<FirstMateScurvy> Yes captain. But we have no cannons.

<Captain_Cobungo> Arr! We need to loot something in order to get money for cannons.

<Captain_Cobungo> Arr! All hands on deck!  Prepare to loot and plunder.... Canada!

* FirstMateScurvy puts his hands on the deck

<FirstMateScurvy> What now cap'n?

<Captain_Cobungo> Not like that ya lilly livered land-lubber!

<Captain_Cobungo> We're gonna invade canada! Arr! Attack!

* Captain_Cobungo and his forces loot and plunder Canada.  Arr.

<Cow> Umm... Captain Cobungo, how did you loot and plunder canada with no weapons?

<Captain_Cobungo> What makes you think Canada has weapons? Arr.
#34768 +(229)- [X]<Shadye> reboot: gibb0r us pic of your wife

<reboot> if I ever find one, I'll scan it

<ArtecMice> drug her and scan her face

<reboot> there's an idea, and I could get sex at the same time
#35287 +(-2)- [X]<PeteParker> Microsoft Bob is the default shell for Windows 2000.
#36545 +(720)- [X]* Upth tries to figure out why his dog smells like fish.

<Charion> do you have a teenage sister?

<Upth> nope

<Charion> ok no idea then
#36723 +(413)- [X]<carrot_> blast

<S|eeper> blast???

<carrot_> tis my non swear word swear word

<Audio> Mine is blowfish

<S|eeper> mine is ♥♥♥♥

<S|eeper> oh wait
#42657 +(561)- [X]<Kosh> Wait for the LotR cereal to come out... Frod-O's, with a free prize ring inside
#44332 +(199)- [X]<Zeeker> God, I wish I can make this text larger

<Feren> I can smell new spam thanks to Zeek.  "Increase your font size three inches with this miracle pill!"
#49602 +(64)- [X]<crypt-> in my bios, should I have AGP fast write enabled or disabled?

<uNK> do you want agp to go fast?
#57933 +(182)- [X]<SantaClaus> Santa on @#gaysouthcoast

<SantaClaus> spreading white christmas in all the wrong places
#76320 +(707)- [X]AlexKN3: i'll be a laughting stuck

AlexKN3: stick

#80648 +(79)- [X]<+Sasuke_Uchiha> Do you know how much beer I've had today...WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much so if I seem dumber then suaul thats wy

<+MegamanX2K> Underage drinking

<+MegamanX2K> it only kills brain cells that were never there in the first place

<+MegamanX2K> Sasuke=Poster Child
#81882 +(-17)- [X]-=HFS=-Mr. X: where is everyone from???

Mega Pervert Man: Stupidville.

Numba1Gunna: canada

Mega Pervert Man: Eh, same thing.
#82059 +(538)- [X]<sarcasmo> i hate it when i cant kick ppl

<sarcasmo> im twice as fast as other ops on #af

<sarcasmo> cos i i have twice as less life than they do

<sarcasmo> and therefor im in there twice as often and long

<sarcasmo> i like how i type sentances that build up to a pyramid

<sarcasmo> and then after a while they go back slowly

<ValHeru> rofl

<sarcasmo> just as they are doing now i guess

<sarcasmo> but u kinda interrupted!

<sarcasmo> which wasnt nice

<sarcasmo> -.-
#105164 +(288)- [X]<Svenson> lol.. yahoo says "Someone else has already chosen svensonwhocannotfigureoutaloginname"
#105324 +(199)- [X]<Chaz> What kind of backwards society do you live in?

<Renzian> It's called Canada.
#140675 +(811)- [X]<RogueFoxx> I'm going to go outside

<RogueFoxx> where no nerd has gone before

<RogueFoxx> pray for me
#162529 +(309)- [X]<ChOeL> MASTURBASTE

<LilPest> I can't, my computer's broken

<ChOeL> well

<Chibs> Do it yourself then
#163084 +(577)- [X]<Moe_Rahn> Hey, I actually got mail at 1:40!

<Moe_Rahn> Spam mail, but still.

<MagFire> i didn't even get that

<Moe_Rahn> Haha.

<Moe_Rahn> I'm more specialer.

<Moe_Rahn> All the recently legal 18-year-olds are after my wang, apparently.

<Moe_Rahn> If this many teens were after me in high school, I'd still be there.

<MagFire> I'm still pretty excited about the potential for getting a larger fckstck and bigger boobs


<Moe_Rahn> If everyone responded to those ads, we'd all be walking about with 8-mile-long ♥♥♥♥♥ and like size 88ZZZ breasts.

<Moe_Rahn> Those inches would add up...

<Moe_Rahn> Three inches here, five there, and all of a sudden, WHAM! Mr. Happy's a frickin' behemoth!

<MagFire> I don't think I would want like a 14 inch ♥♥♥♥, personally.

<Moe_Rahn> It's odd, though... you always get mail about increasing penis length, but never penis girth.

<Moe_Rahn> What good is 14 inches or 3 feet or whatever if it's got no girth to back it up...?

<MagFire> what good is 14 inches or 3 feet if you don't have a warm place to put it?

<MagFire> =)

<Moe_Rahn> Point made.

<Moe_Rahn> You could like put it through a person.

<Moe_Rahn> Or you could be a dancer, I guess.

<Moe_Rahn> Some people might pay money to see a 3 foot ♥♥♥♥.

<MagFire> You'd probably be pretty popular in porn

<MagFire> but would you even WALK with a 3 foot penis?

<Moe_Rahn> Yeah.

<Moe_Rahn> You'd have to get like a sheath for it.

<MagFire> rofl

<Moe_Rahn> But, would it be 3 feet up or down?

<Moe_Rahn> That could make a difference.
