Sakuras Blossom / Sping, long awaited, is born / Shine once more Red Sun
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"#1632 +(336)- [X]<perdida> should I go make porn for loan-payment cash? if so which aspect of porn would have the best pay/disgusting stuff ratio?
#2353 +(2017)- [X]<korb> anyone got a nuked vers of kof2000n??

<korb> anyone got a nuked vers of kof2000n???

<blazemore> quick, add more question marks, i think it's working
#3286 +(341)- [X]*** Quits: MediArc (i am the lover in your bed)

<roded> i'm going to bed
#3784 +(554)- [X]<Joshua> funny how sodomy and clowns are linked in my head... i'd better not investigate that any further...
#6571 +(529)- [X]<felix> eek

<skrike> felix just screamed like a girl

<felix> no, I said "eek"

<skrike> girls say "eek"

<skrike> YOU GIRL

<oat`meal> guys say "oh ♥♥♥♥, what the ♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥"
#7083 +(479)- [X]<slog> Is Susan Sarandon too old to be considered "dooable"?

<Joe_> Yes.

<Kiler> I'd still do her

<Rain|Joker> She's borderline

<slog> that's 1 yes, 1 no, 1 maybe

<Pander> Desperation is the key factor.

<Kranrev> I'd say yes, but it would be creepy

<Lum_> Ben Franklin said of older women: "They know what they are doing, and they are eternally grateful".

<Lum_> in case you don't know your history Franklin was pretty much a slutpuppy
#10479 +(52)- [X]<tamara> i still can't reach lj :( I

<Twid> really?  i just got there

<tamara> obviously livejournal hates canada.

<jej> WHO DOESN'T.

<Twid> they probably banned all of canada

<Twid> or dedicated a modem line to routing to canada

<tamara> 14.4
#10772 +(56)- [X]<CiaAgent> if worldcom goes under they will have to close the internet
#11261 +(885)- [X]* Tomko slaps saber with Oprah's clitoris, which resembles some kind of gnarled and pulsating sweet potato

<ducks> WTF
#14359 +(182)- [X]<^_-> ♥♥♥♥ SMELLS LIKE PICKLES.


<Funk> My dried semen doesn't smell like pickles

<Funk> :/

<Funk> It smells like bleach



<Funk> That was my excuse for jacking off in the swimming pool

<Funk> "But I thought it would make the pool cleaner :( :( :("



<Funk> An involuntary spasm that made me hold a 6 year old underneath me for the duration?
#14700 +(5)- [X]<b0ing> I listen dark evil jungle and pounding acidy goa, not happy 'i love you, you love me, lets go in the bathroom and ♥♥♥♥ because we are ♥♥♥♥' music.
#15905 +(1121)- [X](juslooken) i looked at the bouncer and said 'u dont need to see my id'

(juslooken) and he said 'i dont need to see your id

(juslooken) it was very jedi
#17868 +(800)- [X]<RadAghazt> I bought rice vinegar to make sushi. Now to figure out how.

<RadAghazt> Ok.

<RadAghazt> There are instructions on the bottle, but...

<RadAghazt> they're in Japanese.

<RadAghazt> At least I think they're instructions.

<RadAghazt> This might say "death to all gaijin with this poisoned export rice vinegar" for all I know.
#23126 +(12)- [X]<[zc]Kinslayer> yo, this customer is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ redneck

<[zc]Kinslayer> I'm going to bomb Jackson, Mississippi

<[zc]Kinslayer> and i dont care if I spelled the state name right or not, no one will care when I wipe it off the planet

<[zc]Kinslayer> thereby removing the shallowest gene pool in the universe
#25703 +(186)- [X]<Sphinx0r> i know ♥♥♥♥ but some ♥♥♥♥ is still unclear to me
#31797 +(322)- [X]<Dejer> anyone know where the hell Femunda cheese comes from

<InCDeathmeister> Femunda these nuts
#34315 +(1026)- [X]<murder`> lol i just got the rot password to the linux machine running the network im on

<m0zzie> you mean root pass?

<murder`> yea whatever its called do u know some cool commands like to hack ppl?

<m0zzie> try this one.. rm -rf /etc

<phoenix> rofl

<murder`> that one just paused for ages and came up with a few forbidden msgs

<murder`> got any better ones?

<m0zzie> hmm.. try rm -rf /root

<murder`> that one just paused for a bit again, dont u know any to really hack someone?

<agent3> lol

<m0zzie> ugh, ok I guess you're gonna keep harrassing us until we tell you how to hack people aren't you?

<murder`> yep

<m0zzie> ok do this exactly without the quotes: "rm -rf /home" then do "shutdown -h now"

<murder`> k sweet man thx!!

[n] Quit [murder`]-[Read error: Connection reset by peer]

<m0zzie> I'm a bastard.
#36121 +(44)- [X]<@MerdeDeSinge> heh makes me wonder if women treat penises like that

<@MerdeDeSinge> or a mother teachering her daughter

<@MerdeDeSinge> "just treat it like an over size tampon"

<@[R]a[Z]o[R]> unless the guy has a small penis

<@ShockSMX> then its a normal size tampon, razor
#41122 +(96)- [X]<@happy> fat chicks are fun, just get really drunk and pretend you're swimming
#41607 +(239)- [X]<Samus> With some minor manipulation, I can make my uncircumcised penis look like Birdo from Super Mario 2
#44795 +(32)- [X]<ibor132> on irc, if you dont have a picture you are automaticly a 50 year old man with a bucket of KFC in one hand and your ♥♥♥♥ in the other

<mulletman13> but in reality they are 45 year old x-con child rapists who get off to you...
#45221 +(238)- [X]<xcham> I'm going to move to the middle east and start a gentleman's club

<xcham> and call it "the Gaza Strip"
#48744 +(151)- [X]<Deusa> I've never seen snow

<tm2> It's very overrated

<tm2> Try sitting in your refrigerator sometime...
#56661 +(604)- [X]<Blizzard> Man, we have a female wrestler on our team

<Nucleotide> We care why?

<Blizzard> She's PREGNANT

<Sirdoudofapples> Hmmm...

<Sirdoudofapples> Seems like an inefficient way to move up in weight class...
#62685 +(477)- [X]<puppydo> what speed do you burn svcd at? 48X ok?

<_super_> 12

<_super_> never 48

<_super_> no

<_super_> never go that fast fools

<_super_> think of the reader

<_super_> give it a break

<_super_> why stress the dvd player

<_super_> trying to read at 48x

<_super_> stupid

<_super_> just slow that ♥♥♥♥ down

<_super_> just because a burner is fast is no reason to go that fast

<_super_> it isnt that fast anyway only on the edges

<_super_> so cd has all kinds of speed on it

<_super_> fluctuates

<_super_> too mnuch

<ciscosyko> wait a minute..are u telling them if they write the cd fast the dvd has to read it at that speed?

<_super_> yes

* ciscosyko stares at super for a minute and wanders off
#69724 +(97)- [X]<crunchyfish> The space shuttle Columbia walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, why do you look so down?" The shuttle says, "Oh, I just broke up with my crew."
#83772 +(20)- [X]<GeNOc|DE> man ur making as much sense as a letter box in africa
#86848 +(1716)- [X]<cali310> I heard the most ridiculous comment ever made by a newscaster last night on fox........

<cali310> He said, "the Iraqis have hundreds of seasoned suicide bombers"

<cali310> How in the ♥♥♥♥ does one become a seasoned suicide bomber?
#87517 +(1366)- [X]<Cotton Mouth> How do you describe the color blue to someone who is blind and has never seen a color before?

<NickBlasta> 0 0 255
#98423 +(228)- [X]<EarthQuake> which came first? the chicken or the egg? :o

<EarthQuake> hehe

<@omega> omega came first

<@omega> then the chicken got pregnant
#154952 +(640)- [X]* Gand -> rape a prostitute

<gurov-cali> shoplifting !
#181260 +(390)- [X]<@Usama> I am gonna get a tattoo of a $100 bill on my penis.....because women like to blow money and I like to watch my money grow.
#191171 +(342)- [X]<xScoobyxDoo42ox> "My name is Saddam Hussein. I am th"
1 comentários
ellie! 14 jun. 2020 às 7:01 
what the fuck