Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

110 beoordelingen
Harley Davidson Store RICO
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2.333 MB
28 aug 2017 om 4:40
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Harley Davidson Store RICO

Harley Davidson Store for all your bikers!
Model 268 tris
LOD 28 tris
RICO Ready
23 jobs, level 3, low commerical
6 opmerkingen
CesarKiller 19 apr 2020 om 11:49 
Hellow, it is growable??
Golddigga 21 sep 2019 om 12:54 
now if we had an Indian, Honda, Yamaha and all the other brand's that AREN'T harley :)
JustDucky 30 aug 2017 om 7:54 
Lextacy 29 aug 2017 om 21:54 
You from Sturgis!? Im not too far from Rapid !
Dave 28 aug 2017 om 21:39 
Ah, CrazyGraham, there is a "Harley-Davidson moto" out there. :)

My bikers thank you, barcasam7, because now they don't have to make the dangerous two-hour trek to the next town to buy bikes and related merchandise. I was just thinking the other day how neat it'd be to have a HD dealership in my city, and you must have read my mind!
CrazyGraham 28 aug 2017 om 5:38 
Now we need Harley Davidson bikes for the Sims and also props to make this great.