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Chantelise: Easy Final Boss Guide
Por Claytonic
Having trouble with the final boss? Here's the easy way to beat it! No grinding necessary!
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Have you tried the final boss yet? Did you think the first battle was tough as nails? You want to know the easy way to beat it? Maybe you don't know that there are three stages to the final battle? Well, sorry to break it to you, but this game is broken and unbalanced. But that's okay because it means that those ridiculously difficult bosses are a piece of cake when you know the secrets to defeating them! Well, this guide will show you how easy the final boss really is without maxing out your HP or grinding for days on end. You're welcome!
Before you attempt this string of final battles, I suggest you get the following items first. Some can be bought at shops or better yet, obtained in a secret treaure chest.

- Darkness Crystal
This item is ESSENTIAL to this guide. This item lets restore HP when you hit an enemy with a charged attack. Get it from the secret treasure chest in the Crystal Hall (second area of the final dungeon).
- 2 Attack Boosting items
The stronger, the better, obviously. You can buy the White Gauntlet from the shop and get the Rocket Glove from the secret treasure in the Sealed Door room (the room before the final boss).
-2 Magic Defense Boosting items
You can get the Hallowed Charm from the engine room and the Miracle Charm from the Path to the Palace. Just look up a treasure guide if you need to. Or you can buy your charms from the shop.

For the first two of the three battles, equip your Darkness Crystal, an attack boost, and a magic defense boost. The fourth slot can either be another attack boost or a magic defense boost. An attack boost will make the battle end faster, but a magic defense boost will be safer.

I also recommend your HP be around 300. You don't have to grind any higher than what you feel comfortable with as long as you do your due diligence and get the secret treasures with Ferromins in them (one of them is in the first battle of the final boss).
Battle 1: Shadow
Equip your Darkness Crystal, an attack boost, and a magic defense boost. The fourth slot can either be another attack boost or another magic defense boost. An attack boost will make the battle end faster, but a magic defense boost will be safer.

In this battle, you fight against a shadow of Elise. She is very resistant to magical attacks, but there will be a lot of magic gems showing up in the center of the arena. The spell you care about most is two earth gems which makes Super Armor. Cast this, then run up to the shadow and start attacking.

Make sure you occassionally charge up an attack to do your HP drain move. Do this whenever you are at about half HP to make sure you don't die. Your Super Armor will prevent you from receiving any knock-back when the Shadow hits you. You can collect other magic gems around you and cast some big spells, but it's not necessary.

Half-way through this battle, another shadow will appear. Just keep attacking, renewing your Super Armor spell, and absorbing HP with a charge attack. It doesn't matter which shadow you attack. Just keep attacking.
Battle 2: The Forgotten Archdevil
Again, equip your Darkness Crystal, an attack boost, and a magic defense boost. The fourth slot can either be another attack boost or a magic defense boost. An attack boost will make the battle end faster, but a magic defense boost will be safer.

The boss has three parts you can attack: Two hands and the body. You need to defeat the body to end this battle, but destroying the hands will drop a bunch of magic gems. So go destroy one of the hands first so you can get some gems to renew your Super Armor spell.

The body will not take any damage until you summon an elemental creature to weaken it. This means collect four of the same color gem and casting a spell with all four. This will summon a creature who will put the body of the boss in a weakened state. Eventually, the body will stop taking damage (you'll see zeros) which means you need to collect four gems of the same color and cast a summon spell again.

Repeat this, making sure to renew your Super Armor spell and absorbing HP from your charge attack on a regular basis, and the fight will end soon enough. If you die too quickly, you can always go into time trial mode and practice this stage of the boss fight without having to retraverse the whole level again. Once you get to this stage of the final boss, you can select it from time trial on the world map.
Battle 3: Archdevil Out of Reach
For this battle, you won't be able to attack the boss directly, which means your Darkness Crystal is now useless. Equip two Attack Boosts and Two Magic Defense Boosts to make the best of this battle.

The battle will start with Elma as your fairy. Simply hit the magic ball of light Elma is carrying three times before Chante will tag in.

Now the boss will start attacking back. Most of the Archdevil's attacks are fireballs. They are all completely avaoidable by running side to side or jumping over some of them. You attack the boss by hitting the magic balls Chante makes for you. This is done by simply pressing the attack button anywhere, although you do have to wait a few seconds between attacks for Chante to charge up another magic ball. Now that you've made it to this battle, you can retry it instantly from the map under time trial. Do this if you die here so that you can learn the boss's attack patterns and how to dodge them. This really is an easy battle, but you no longer can heal yourself, so you have to be more careful.
Video Proof Using this Strategy in about 10 minutes.
Here is a video of me using this strategy to beat the final boss in about 10 minutes. I use only four items (although I have a fifth item slot from a post game dungeon, just ignore that). If you have any other questions, please ask below.

2 comentário(s)
Claytonic  [autor(a)] 15/mai./2019 às 11:17 
Good to hear!
Vassago 15/mai./2019 às 7:13 
Thanks! I'll try it out today, the Darkness crystal thing sounds really helpful.
Also I heard something interesting about the third and final form of this boss on another guide, it seems that it's attacks are physical defense based and not magical defense, so I'll try to use shields instead of charms to see it that makes things easier.