Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

You were expecting Dio, but it was me, Mercy!
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"So my last artwork (which was like a year ago) mentioned I had an idea for a Mercy image and I'll be perfectly honest, this is NOT what I meant. This is actually for a gag in a youtube video I'm making but ♥♥♥♥ it I may as well release this as a "teaser" of some sorts. That original idea I had, which was just a generic Mercy flying in to do healing thing, will probably never see the light of day. For the 2 of you out there that have me followed for some reason and most likely will never see this in their activity feed anyway, I have another image fully rendered and will be released once my youtube video is out. Maybe a third if I really feel dedicated with having an outro image. It's anybody's guess.

Shameless self-plug:
Thumbs up don't mean anything on steam but I'm still gonna plug my gallery that has aged worse than milk."