Dirty Bomb
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100% Achievements - Guide
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Road to 100% Completion

Tags: MP-Requires, Collect, Grind
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Assault Course Achievements
Bronze - Achieve Bronze Rank on the Assault Course
Press the "Play" button in the top middle and choose "Assault Course" on the left.
To get bronze medal you need to reach 300 score or more.

Silverado - Achieve Silver Rank on the Assault Course
To get silver medal you need to reach 700 score or more.

Golden - Achieve Gold Rank on the Assault Course
To get gold medal you need to reach 1150 score or more.

Blue Steel - Cobalt Rank on the Assault Course
To get cobalt rank you need to reach 1450 score or more.
It's hardcore. Practice makes perfect.

You might want to watch this youtube video as help. Credit to WTSFM.

And guide can help you >>> Click here <<<. Credit to [-Dark-] Ocean.

Here's a screenshot. It should look like this.
Level Up! Achievements
Level Up! - Achieve account level 2
To reach level 2 you need to farm total 2,000 XP.

Level Up! - Achieve account level 5
To reach level 5 you need to farm total 54,500 XP.

Level Up! - Achieve account level 10
To reach level 10 you need to farm total 1,303,500 XP.

Here's a list of XP.
Needed XP
2,000 XP
8,000 XP
22,500 XP
54,500 XP
126,500 XP
300,000 XP
558,000 XP
903,500 XP
1,303,500 XP

Combat XP
Combat XP is awarded per point of damage you deal to an enemy after they die - either as Kill XP, Assist XP or Finish XP. Combat XP is colored red.
Kill XP
Damage dealt XP
Assist XP
Damage dealt XP
Finish XP
Damage dealt XP
Place (Deployable)
25 XP
Reclaim (Deployable)
5 XP
Neutralize (Deployable)
25 XP

Game Mode XP
In Objective Mode and Stopwatch Mode, Game Mode XP is earned by completing objectives.
Game mode XP is colored yellow.
Attack Action
Get XP
Defense Action
Get XP
Arming C4 on Secondary Objective
100 XP
Defusing C4 on Secondary Objective
Fraction of the defusing you have done x 100 XP
Arming C4 on Primary Objective
200 XP
Defusing C4 on Primary Objective
Fraction of the defusing you have done x 200 XP
Destroy Primary Objective
1000 XP
Destroy Secondary Objective
300 XP
Repair Secondary Objective
Fraction of the repair x 300 XP
Damage Primary Objective
Damage dealt XP
Repairing Primary Objective
Fraction of the repair x 500 XP
Destroy Secondary Objective
300 XP
Repair Secondary Objective
Fraction of the repair x 300 XP
Delivering Objective
1000 XP
Return Objective
250 XP
Round Win
200 XP
Round Win
200 XP

Values referring to the stats from Official Dirty Bomb Wiki[dirtybomb.gamepedia.com] and our own ingame experiences.
Turtle Achievements
Blue Shell - Craft or Trade Up to a Turtle Cobalt Card & Turtle Power - Gotta Get 'Em All
To get both Achievements you need to own 4 colour turtle cards on your dirty bomb account (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Cobalt). It costs Fragments and Credits. Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Craft" -> "Turtle". But you need to have credits and fragments enough to craft them.

Here's list of Fragments and Credits (or Crafting Kits with real money).
Crafting Kits

How to get Fragments? You need to recycle cards.
Please don't recycle turtle cards and don't waste the turle cards. Be aware: (Recycle = Sell)
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Choose any card (no turtle) to move -> "Current Balance" to get Fragments.
If you recycle Cobalt card you will get 13.000 Fragments.

Here's list of Fragments.
Baby - Play for 30 minutes with Turtle in your Squad
For more information see Adult.

Juvenile - Play for 5 hours with Turtle in your Squad
For more information see Adult.

Adult - Play for 20 hours with Turtle in your Squad
You need to have Turtle unlocked to get this achievement. Then play the game for 20 hours while this merc is in your sqaud. You don't have to actually play with him as having him with you in your squad of 3 is enough.
Javelin Achievements
Look Good in Blue - Craft or Trade Up to a Javelin Cobalt Card
To get this Achievement you need to craft a Javelin cobalt card from "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Craft" -> "Javelin" -> "Cobalt". It costs 20.000 Fragments and 50.000 Credits (or 10 Crafting Kits, but you need to buy them with real money) to get this cobalt card.

How to get Fragments? You need to recycle cards.
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Choose any card to move -> "Current Balance" to get Fragments.
If you recycle a cobalt card you will get 13.000 Fragments.

Here's list of Fragments.

Air Cav - The sky is no limit
This description means you need to play as Javelin and use rocket launcher to send the rocket in the air (don't forget to press right mouse to change from "-" to "o") so that you can move rocket with your mouse move until it explodes automatically. Credit to Kitt.

Rock It - Play 30 minutes with Javelin in your squad
For more information see Rocket Queen.

Rocketeer - Play 5 hours with Javelin in your squad
For more information see Rocket Queen.

Rocket Queen - Play 20 hours with Javelin in your squad
You need to have Javelin unlocked to get this achievement. Then play the game for 20 hours while this merc is in your sqaud. Yout don't have to actually play with her as having her with you in your squad of 3 is enough.
Guardian Achievements
Blue Sky Thinking - Craft or Trade Up to a Guardian Cobalt Card
To get this Achievement you need to craft a Guardian cobalt card from "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Craft" -> "Guardian" -> "Cobalt". It costs 20.000 Fragments and 50.000 Credits (or 10 Crafting Kits, but you need to buy them with real money) to get this cobalt card.

How to get Fragments? You need to recycle cards.
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Choose any card to move -> "Current Balance" to get Fragments.
If you recycle a cobalt card you will get 13.000 Fragments.

Here's list of Fragments.

Five Point Palm - Revive 5 teammates at once
You have to revive 5 teammates at once! This is probably the hardest achievement to get in Dirty Bomb. Best way to get that is to ask the community to help you. If you don't like to boost this your best way would be to go in a server with as much possible teammates as possible. Try a 8vs8 server. If you want to boost it, >>> Click here <<< to join the group.

Vigilant - Play 30 minutes with Guardian in your squad
For more information see Guardian Angel.

Watcher- Play 5 hours with Guardian in your squad
For more information see Guardian Angel.

Guardian Angel - Play 20 hours with Guardian in your squad
You need to have Guardian unlocked to get this achievement. Then play the game for 20 hours while this merc is in your sqaud. You don't have to actually play with her as having her with you in your squad of 3 is enough.
Hunter Achievements
A Bolt Out of the Blue - Craft or Trade Up to a Hunter Cobalt Card
To get this Achievement you need to craft a Hunter cobalt card from "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Craft" -> "Hunter" -> "Cobalt". It costs 20.000 Fragments and 50.000 Credits (or 10 Crafting Kits, but you need to buy them with real money) to get this cobalt card.

How to get Fragments? You need to recycle cards.
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Choose any card to move -> "Current Balance" to get Fragments.
If you recycle a cobalt card you will get 13.000 Fragments.

Here's list of Fragments.

Charged Up - Kill Phantom with an EMP Bolt
Appareantly this one is bugged for some. To get this achievement you are supposed to kill a Phantom as Hunter with your EMP-Bolt. Just keep distance and try again.

On Your Marks - Play 30 minutes with Hunter in your squad
For more information see Take a Bow.

Keeping Track - Play 5 hours with Hunter in your squad
For more information see Take a Bow.

Take a Bow - Play 20 hours with Hunter in your squad
You need to have Hunter unlocked to get this achievement. Then play the game for 20 hours while this merc is in your sqaud. You don't have to actually play with him as having him with you in your squad of 3 is enough.
Phantom Achievements
Turning the Air Blue - Craft or Trade Up to a Phantom Cobalt Card
To get this Achievement you need to craft a Phantom cobalt card from "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Craft" -> "Phantom" -> "Cobalt". It costs 20.000 Fragments and 50.000 Credits (or 10 Crafting Kits, but you need to buy them with real money) to get this cobalt card.

How to get Fragments? You need to recycle cards.
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Choose any card to move -> "Current Balance" to get Fragments.
If you recycle a cobalt card you will get 13.000 Fragments.

Here's list of Fragments.

Melee Master - Kill Hunter with a Katana
Simply kill a Hunter with your Katana.

Ace in the Hole - Play 30 minutes with Phantom in your squad
For more information see Phandom.

The Ghost Who Talks - Play 5 hours with Phantom in your squad
For more information see Phandom.

Phandom - Play 20 hours with Phantom in your squad
You need to have Phantom unlocked to get this achievement. Then play the game for 20 hours while this merc is in your sqaud. You don't have to actually play with him as having him with you in your squad of 3 is enough.
Mission & Secondary Objective Achievements
Missionary - Complete a Mission
You need to complete one of three missions (see screenshot). But they are different missions. You have to do that.

Missionary 2 - Complete 3 Missions
You need to complete 3 missions.

Missionary 3 - Complete 10 Missions
You need to complete 10 missions, after you completed the first 3 missions, next 3 more missions will available in around 2 hours.

Job On The Side - Complete a secondary objective
To complete a secondary objective it's like repair or blow up a machine (white symbol) to get a door open or closed, and other things that you can do that are not the main objective but things that help. The achievement may not work in some of the maps and sometimes you need to do all of the secondary objectives, but you should get easily.

Job On The Side 2 - Complete 10 secondary objectives
See above. Just repeat same step.

Job On The Side 3 - Complete 50 secondary objectives
Best way: You can boost with partner on "Underground" map and can plant bombs on left & right sides to open the doors. After exploding both sides just repair then plant both again. Just repeat same step. If someone joined just search and find other empty server. You can play as "Turtle". It's easy and faster. If you defuse bomb, it doesn't count for achievement.
Kills & Weapons Achievements
Headburst - Earn a first kill with a Burst-Fire weapon
For more information see Headburst 3.

Headburst 2 - Earn 30 kills with a Burst-Fire weapon
For more information see Headburst 3.

Headburst 3 - Earn 300 kills with a Burst-Fire weapon
Kill 300 enemies while using a burst-fire weapon (STARK AR or BR-16, one or both used by Arty, Fragger, Javelin, Kira, Skyhammer, Stoker & Thunder).

Helmet, off - Earn a kill with a headshot
For more information see Helmet, off 3.

Helmet, off 2 - Earn 5 kills with a headshot
For more information see Helmet, off 3.

Helmet, off 3 - Earn 20 kills with a headshot
Kill 20 enemies with a headshot. You can use shotgun, rifle, burst-fire rifle (if you stay near the enemy) or use sniper (keep distance) to shot headshot. If enemy will repair/plant/defuse secondary objective/bomb, you can kill him with a headshot.

Click Bait - Earn a first kill with a Semi-Automatic weapon
For more information see Click Bait 3.

Click Bait 2 - Earn 30 kills with a Semi-Automatic weapon
For more information see Click Bait 3.

Click Bait 3 - Earn 300 kills with a Semi-Automatic weapon
Kill 300 enemies while using a Semi-Automatic weapon ("Dreiss AR" used by Arty, Javelin, Kira & Redeye, "Grandeur SR" used by Aimee & Redeye, Hunter's Crossbow or any of the semi-automatic secondarys like the Caulden, DE .50, M9, Selbstadt .40, Smjüth & Whetsman, Simeon .357 or the Holgat.224).

Sprayer - Earn a first kill with an Automatic weapon
For more information see Sprayer 3.

Sprayer 2 - Earn 30 kills with an Automatic weapon
For more information see Sprayer 3.

Sprayer 3 - Earn 300 kills with an Automatic weapon
Kill 300 enemies while using any automatic weapon (like the M4 with the default Skyhammer card).

Marksman - Earn a first kill with Sniper Rifles
For more information see Marksman 3.

Marksman 2 - Earn 30 kills with Sniper Rifles
For more information see Marksman 3.

Marksman 3 - Earn 300 kills with Sniper Rifles
Play as Vassili, Aimee or Redeye and kill 300 enemies while using a Sniper Rifle (make sure you aren't using Redeye with the Dreiss AR for this but sniper from semi-automatic weapon is good for "Click Bait 3" and "Marksman 3" achievements. Both together in one run.).

Shanker - Earn a first melee kill
For more information see Shanker 3.

Shanker 2 - Earn 20 melee kills
For more information see Shanker 3.

Shanker 3 - Earn 200 melee kills
Kill 200 enemies while using a melee weapon (knife, katana or cricket bat, it doesn't matter). Recommend: You can play as phantom and use cloak and katana.

Gunner - Earn a first kill with Shotguns
For more information see Gunner 3.

Gunner 2 - Earn 30 kills with Shotguns
For more information see Gunner 3.

Gunner 3 - Earn 300 kills with Shotguns
Kill 300 enemies while using a shotgun (you can use the default Aura or Proxy card).
Revive/Heal/Ammo & Match Achievements
Hoarder - Deliver a round of ammo to a team mate
For more information see Hoarder 3.

Hoarder 2 - Deliver 20 ammo clips to a team mate
For more information see Hoarder 3.

Hoarder 3 - Deliver 75 ammo clips to a team mate
Play as "Skyhammer" and press "E" to drop ammopack(s) and wait until your teammate(s) will pick up this 75 times.

Nurse - Deliver a Unit of health to a team mate
For more information see Nurse 3.

Nurse 2 - Deliver 12000 units of health to a team mate
For more information see Nurse 3.

Nurse 3 - Deliver 25000 units of health to a team mate
Give health to a teammates. Place Aura's healthstation or drop medkits to teammates to heal them.

Doctor - Revive a team mate
For more information see Doctor 3.

Doctor 2 - Revive 20 team mates
For more information see Doctor 3.

Doctor 3 - Revive 100 team mates
Revive a teammate. Either use the defibrillator of a medic class or pick one of your downed mates up by holding "F" 100 times.

Victory! - Win your first multiplayer match
For more information see Victory 3.

Victory! 2 - Win 8 multiplayer match
For more information see Victory 3.

Victory! 3 - Win 25 multiplayer match
Your team needs to win 25 matches on Object or Stopwatch mode. You can join browser server and check which team has a good chance to win a match. Join a good team to win a match easy. It counts for achievement-progress.
Trade Up & Unlock Merc Achievements
Moving on Up - Trade Up for a Loadout Card
For more information see Moving on Up 3.

Moving on Up 2 - Craft 3 Loadout Cards
For more information see Moving on Up 3.

Moving on Up 3 - Craft 10 Loadout Cards
You can recycle any card to get fragments and craft 10 same lead cards.
Go to "Barracks" -> "Loadout Cards" -> "Recycle".
Recommend: Just craft Lead Cards to save more fragments.

Operator - Unlock a Merc
For more information see Operator 3.

Operator 2 - Unlock 3 Mercs
For more information see Operator 3.

Operator 3 - Unlock 7 Mercs
Go to "Barracks" -> "Mercs". See bottom they are mercs.
To unlock 7 mercs you need to pay with credits or real money.
Recommend: Just unlock Turtle, Javelin, Guardian, Hunter & Phantom important Mercs for other achievements. Or just buy DLC called "Dirty Bomb - All Merc Pack". Link
We hope, this guide can help you. If you have problem/suggestion then leave a comment here.
43 коментара
Flevami 3 юни 2024 в 21:19 
I need 4 more. With two being the Cobalt curse and the Guardian one. Oh this is painful
Archurichou 11 ян. 2024 в 9:27 
Someone to get the specific achievements? :(
Dayman 4 юли 2023 в 10:43 
Can't get to unlock the operator 2 achivement for some reason. DM me if you can. Thanks :)
G.E 14 март 2023 в 4:49 
Looking for people to complete the "Five Point Palm" achievement
SBA3 | kulpole 13 март 2022 в 5:15 
I am looking for people to complete the achievement "Five Point Palm". Add me as a friend.
Suicidal Loli 30 дек. 2021 в 8:51 
Looking for five point palm achievement.
76561198131935268 23 юли 2021 в 20:41 
looking for people to do five point palm achievement add me on steam
XXBCZBCZBXA 20 юли 2021 в 8:17 
I'm still looking for people who can help with Five Point Palm achievment. Add me in steam pls
XXBCZBCZBXA 26 май 2021 в 4:52 
Add me who going to Five Point Palm achievment
Tiny Tippo 17 дек. 2020 в 2:24 
I'm looking for help on DB achievements, especially the Five Point Palm. If anyone still plays this game (which I doubt) add me please.