Crack Sparrow
Saltwater Scourge
Ahoy there!

Shout a comment if ye be lookin' to parley 'bout tradin' or fire off an offer straight at me, aye?
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Ahoy there, mateys!

I be reckonin' ye might be splashing on this profile to offer on yers truly's treasures. If ye be wantin' to add a touch of splendor to yer plunder, this be the piece to do it; it'll be the envy of every scallywag on the seven seas.

Let me know if ye be interested, and we'll strike a deal that'll leave ye smilin' or we'll part ways, no biggie!

Fair winds and followin' seas to ye, me heartie!
Seik Il y a 20 heures 
Sent offer for the bombers hat, thanks
sockcuck [⇄] 6 févr. à 7h42 
owen 5 févr. à 16h21 
trade resent
owen 5 févr. à 15h52 
trade sent :D:
⟡ Ourple Brat ♡ 3 févr. à 3h24 
Trade sent
Junno 2 févr. à 19h03 
added to discuss trade, the furry head purple :bbtcat: