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214.9 год. загалом (197.7 год на момент рецензування)
This game is the first AC game I have played. It is also one of the first games I have picked up after being out of PC gaming for about 20 years. That said (and having dated myself) I will give my honest review.

I really do like the game as a way to escape into another world. Ancient Greece is beautifully rendered here, and it is really fun to just run or ride your horse through the landscapes and cities of the many Islands of the map. And as for naval adventure, there's plenty of that too.

I play with Keyboard and Mouse for this game - and after a little getting used to, it works just fine. I'd never go to a controller to this title. My Mouse is an Elecom Huge with a large trackball, and it makes looking around and doing combat a cinch. To each his own here - do what you're used to doing.

Thankfully I have not had a problem with the game crashing with the 24H2 update (I can't say the same for AC Origins, which I have not been able to start yet).

What I like about Odyssey:

- Open world. 98% of the time you can go wherever you want. See a mountain? Go climb it. See a castle? Go up any wall. There are a few smooth structures in the game that you can't climb, and some trees... but that's by design and no big deal.
- Side quests and main plot. Do what you want, when you want.
- Weapons and upgrades are exciting when you get them.
- Runs well on my mid grade system.
- You feel powerful as you level up. Things that were a problem early in the game become no big deal later on. But higher level enemies remain just enough of a challenge to keep things interesting. Of course you can choose your difficulty preference.
- You are always moving on in the story, but you can choose what you want to pursue. There are almost always multiple avenues to pursue. Want to go explore? See what life brings? Go ahead. Definitely no rails here!
- Mercenary system keeps things interesting - These guys and gals can muck things up for you mid mission, but taking them on is refreshing if you find that blasting through a base with minimal opposition was too easy.
- The Cult is a clear bad guy group - and going after them and dismantling their organization is fun.
- The skill tree is fun to build and play with.
- One of the BEST engravings is to get the ability to breathe underwater with Poseidon's Trident. Get it early and enjoy stress free diving.
- There is a tour mode where you can explore some of Ancient Greece through the lens of Ubisoft.

Things I don't like:
- The objectives regarding nations are sometimes ... fuzzy. Are you siding with the Spartans? The Athenians? Does helping one hurt the other? Am I wasting my time with conquests (other than getting loot and gear)? So far I can't tell one way or the other. There is an element of futility with pitting nations against nations. Is what I am doing making a difference somehow?
- Let's talk gear. So far, I have been underwhelmed with the gear rewards. Once in a very long while I will get rewarded with a worthy weapon or armor... but for the most part I stick with my selected weapons that I've been upgrading. All the new stuff doesn't compare. What I find or am rewarded with is almost always less powerful and at least a few levels below me, and I end up relegating it to inventory and eventually the scrap pile to be broken down for resources. Let me have a good reward every now and then!
- Blacksmiths were fun at the start, now... meh. I got the Blade of Yumminess early on and was stoked by it's power. Ever since I have been stopping at Blacksmiths looking for special weapons for sale. Nothing beats what I already have. It's almost to the point where I don't even check anymore. (I'm level 67 now).
- The engraving system is a bit nebulous to understand (for me anyway). I am always wondering if I am wasting an engraving or if I could be doing something better. Too lazy to go study it more in depth.
- The language is unnecessarily profane at time. Do you really think that they talked that way in ancient Greece? The amount of F-Bombs is a bit shocking. For me anyway. I love a good fight, don't mind blood, and I'm an adult so my sensitivities can handle everything fine. But, 'm not thrilled about having my kids hearing F-Bombs while Dad is playing his computer game.
- Many of the side quests (most) are inconsequential and trivial. Many start to feel repetitive. I've started ignoring them at this point. There really is no end to them. If you need a little more XP or loot, well, that's what they are there for. Early on it's good to do a lot of them to level up faster.
- Most of the side quests are similar. "I need you to take this to someone", or "I need this person/animal dead". It can even be as ridiculous as "They laughed at my acting." And you're like "so you want me to eliminate them?" and the response is "Yes. They ALL MUST DIE". That said, many of the more involved side quests are more intricate and multi-step, and some are pretty fun. (e.g. The mythical animals hunt).

Good or bad? You choose:
- The game feels like there is no end.
- The World is HUGE. So many islands and places to see, things to do.
- Side quests - unending.
- I have completed ONE storyline by accident. There really isn't any guidance as to what you should do or in what order.
- Some choices matter for what happens immediately and some down the road. You won't know til you get there.
- The skill tree choices change how you play. I tend to stick with a few skills but like the option of being able to experiment.
- The opportunities for romance can be explored or ignored with little to no consequence. Most of the time.

That's all I have for now. Do I recommend the game to discerning adults? Sure. it's a fun escape and definitely a beautiful game graphically speaking. Ubisoft outdid themselves with regard to the map size. There are some areas that feel similar (caves), but there are enough distinctions in geography and landmarks to set them apart.

My biggest gripe is that I wish Ubisoft would provide a way to turn off the profanity.

The rest is a pretty dang good game.
Додано 11 січня.
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3.2 год. загалом (0.6 год на момент рецензування)

Ubisoft released an update/ fix for the 24H2 problem! All of what I said below, I will leave it for posterity. BUT, now I can truly play the game and see what it's all about. I played for about a half hour so far, and not one freeze or glitch during gameplay. There was... an issue after I exited the game with my system freezing up and requiring a hard reboot... but I'm willing to chalk that up to happenstance at this time. If that persists, I'll be back to update this again.

For now... as of 2025.01.15, the game works! Now, I'll actually be able to review the game.

Kudos on the progress Ubisoft.


Initial review:

I bought this back in July, got busy and never installed. I didn't know about the 2 week refund rule from Steam. Live and learn. I thought it was only tied to play time. My mistake. (I only ran this game for a few minutes before I saw that it was unplayable.)

So - I finally got around to installing the game today, and to my dismay, it freezes every ten seconds, even on the cut scenes. I have played AC Odyssey for close to 200 hours, and never had a hiccup - so it was very surprising to see Origins have such a problem.

I suspect it is due to the Windows 11 24H2 update, but I cannot be certain (I've read others with similar 24H2 issues, and Microsoft surely takes part of the blame here. What a botched update!!). Nevertheless, I am definitely not nuking my system and going back to 23H2 just for this game.

It's a shame - I was really looking forward to exploring ancient Egypt.

I would recommend NOT buying this game at ANY price until Ubisoft confirms a fix. I have heard rumors that they won't be doing any more support for it... which is astounding.

In that event, I will not buy a single thing from Ubisoft ever again, seeing as their support only extends so far.

Prove us wrong Ubisoft. Fix your game and maybe we will try some of your other games.

Additionally, I won't be buying Steam games in advance any more. I have a bunch in my cart for the Winter sale now, but now that I know the two week rule is a thing, I'll just hold off until I am ready to install and play.
Додано 28 грудня 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 15 січня.
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32.4 год. загалом (4.0 год на момент рецензування)
I'm still a rank beginner, and new to sims like this. Heck this is the only modern sim I have right now. I haven't played "video games" in years. I got this on a sale just to try it out... and I am glad I did. It's a bit daunting at first, but the learning curve isn't too steep and the driving is pretty fun. It's not crazy racing - it's relaxing but requires concentration. It's casual but you're building a serious business. It's beautiful, but be careful taking your eyes off the road. I haven't scratched the surface yet, and I look forward to trying all the different things available! I know it's a game I will keep coming back to. Well done!
Додано 6 лютого 2024 р..
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4.7 год. загалом
I got Firewatch on sale, and played based on the large number of positive reviews. I played it through and enjoyed the story, finishing just today. I won't spoil anything (alright SOME of my critique is a tad spoiler-ish. You've been warned) but I will say that I left the game wanting a little... more. I wish it was a bit richer - in just about every aspect.

The world and effects are quite pretty and stylized in a cartoon-ish way. The previews give you a glimpse of that, and it's pretty easy on the eyes. It's relaxing and slow paced. The controls are easy, and there were just a few glitches and screen stutters. There was one Supply Box that just shoved me away about 6 paces when I tried to open it. Never got that one open.

The world navigation is pretty linear. Not open world. There are definite boundaries that direct you in the game. Some things where you are thinking "man I should be able to walk over that" you just get stopped. Eventually you come to understand where you can and can't go.

The dialogue with Delilah is interesting... but ultimately sort of shallow. Wish it could have gone a little deeper.

The choices in dialogue you get to make... they felt inconsequential. Like the game wouldn't change much based on how you chose. I might play again and choose completely different choices just to see.

The mystery was fun ... until it wasn't a mystery anymore and it was sort of just ... meh.

I wish the stakes had been a little higher.

I was not prepared for the salty language used throughout the game. Is this how all games are these days? (yes I have been away from gaming for a while). I wish there was a way to "turn off" the profanity. It's definitely R rated. I am an adult - so I can handle it. But I wouldn't recommend the game to kids or family members based on this alone. Give me a way to make it PG and I would.

Ultimately, I got what I feel I paid for - (Winter Mid Week sale). A quick diversion that was fun.

What this game and its makers really have is POTENTIAL. This could easily have a far superior sequel. Firewatch could be just the prologue in a far deeper and interesting story. Devs could take this in any number of directions. My biggest wants? Not in order of importance...

1. Clean up or give option to play a profanity free game.
2. Make it a truly open world. I understand some barriers need keys and quests. Make them real barriers - not something it looks like I should be able to walk or jump over. Anyplace I think I can walk, I should be able to walk.
3. Increase the peril. I would have enjoyed a little more respect for the heights or hazards in the game. Falling to your death is impossible in this game as it is, despite the high vistas.
4. Increase the stakes.
5. Make the threat to our protagonists more... of a threat.
6. Make the relationship more meaningful.
7. Give our protagonists the option for closure given certain choices.
8. Make the choices you make in dialogue more meaningful, even if it means having the story go a completely different direction.

Overall - I am glad I played. Maybe I thought it was something more ... but that's ok. Overall a cool game.

If there's another one that promises more of... all of it... I'm in.
Додано 14 січня 2024 р..
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