United States
Airplane wings can't suddenly, momentarily disappear. Aluminum jets can't penetrate steel skyscrapers. Jet fuel can't melt (nor weaken to the point of total collapse) steel beams.
ICXCNIKA 2024年12月6日 20時45分 
Glory to Assad!
ICXCNIKA 2024年10月31日 17時16分 
Unfortunately, American Ziocuck Evangelicals lack basic reading comprehension skills and somehow have managed to interpret "kingdom" to mean "republic" and "Synagogue of Satan" to mean "God's chosen people".
ICXCNIKA 2024年10月7日 13時11分 
Happy 7 October, frens.
ICXCNIKA 2024年7月29日 16時34分 
GTA III is the best GTA game, change my mind.
ICXCNIKA 2023年10月29日 20時29分 
@Ezekiel2&3 Are you a protestant?
Ezekiel2&3 2023年10月29日 13時51分 
Christmas is a sin, breaking the Sabbath is a sin, eating pork is a sin. Read Jeremiah 10:1-4, Deuteronomy 12:2-3, 30-32, Ezekiel 20:19-21, Matthew 5:19, and Isaiah 66:16-17. And the Messiah's name is Yeshua, not hippie Jesus. Loving your neighbor means to rebuke their sin, not give them a sandwich. Read Leviticus 19:17-18. Now go repent and read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation so you aren't the guy destroyed for lack of knowledge in Hosea 4:6.