United States
:goobert: :stimulation:
SB 24 fev. 2023 às 11:19 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at semper enim, sit amet viverra purus. Morbi nisl purus, rutrum eu dignissim vel, ullamcorper aliquet nunc. Nullam faucibus nisi felis, id rutrum libero facilisis porta. Vestibulum tempus enim vitae tellus laoreet hendrerit. Ut eu elementum lorem. Duis porta at massa gravida cursus. Donec et tortor ac lorem tincidunt semper. Nullam lacinia, justo a accumsan pulvinar, odio mi bibendum nisi, et rutrum tortor nisl ac nibh. Sed eu nunc scelerisque, porttitor erat in, rutrum ipsum. Etiam gravida eu est a pellentesque. Aliquam ac finibus diam. Proin vehicula scelerisque feugiat.
SB 24 fev. 2023 às 11:16 
You're getting this email because you're part of a class in the UD CIS Department that is using Discord as its primary means of communication.

For further information about the UD CIS Discord, see this page.

If you don't have a Discord account already, click here to sign up for one.

Click here for the verification site.

Once you're on the guild, right-click Sage's name on the right side of the screen and select 'Message'.
Send just your hash code and join the official guild using the link that Sage sends back.

Your hash code is: URMOM

We hope to see you on the guild soon!
- The Discord Admin Team