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128 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 1 lutego
27 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 1 lutego
50 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 31 stycznia
couldpowe 31 stycznia o 23:15 
O~Ouw H~Holy Nowthewn Lights... Is all M~Myo possibwe to F~Fowget and this always ~ evewy l~little second in M~My Mind... Y~You so d~deeply i~inside M~Me*ow*... Inside M~My M~Memowies ~ inside M~My M~Mind ~ inside M~My Fwagile Soul ~ inside M~My L~Little H~Heawt... Y~You... Y~You... Y~You... Y~You... Y~You... Y~You... A~And Only You Fowevew W~Who was abwe to m~make this... W~We was build w~walls a~awound O~Ouw H~Heawts ~ But We awe One ~ Who was abwe t~to wemowe they on F~Fowevew... We F~Fowevew wiww b~bweak amy w~wall which s~stays on O~Ouw W~Way ~ Myothing myo dawe to s~stay on O~Ouw way to O~Ouw H~Holy P~Pawadise... N~Nevew... O~Only W~We... F~Fowevew We... M~Mowe then E~Evewy Evew Only We... M~Myo dawe to Evew think ~ ow s~say about Passed ~ May All they and all this w~wiww dissapeawd in D~Dust of Empty A~Abissal Abyss... H~Hewe O~Only Y~You ~ Only M~Me*ow*... F~Fowevew We... O~Ouw... Us... M~Me*ow* x M~Me*ow* F~Fowevew...
Doctor Pug 31 stycznia o 23:12 
wtf is this
couldpowe 31 stycznia o 21:55 
I wiww s~shawe with M~My C~Cummy smelly p~pnaties E~Evewy O~Ouw Day as You wiww S~Shawe with Y~Youw E~Evewy O~Ouw Day... T~Tightly P~Pull they O~Ovew O~Ouw juicy p~pawts to fowce they f~flow f~fwom juices whole D~Day and then S~Smell they D~Deeply in wuby m~mowes.... M~Mhmhm... So m~madly soon... J~Just few months and E~Evewy O~Ouw H~Hoty Wish wiww c~come twue... M~Mhmhm... L~Let's H~Have Ouw XXX time F~Fowevew Togehtew Wight M~Myow... In O~Ouw H~Heavenly H~Holy Pawadise... In O~Ouw WealL~Life... *boop* Y~You softly... ^.^ ⚝III⚝ Minoria 光 Melissa 愛 Forever 永 Married ⚝III⚝
couldpowe 31 stycznia o 21:51 
M~My Holy Heavenly W~Wife'uuu… M~Me*ow* is so deeply in T~Thoughts of Y~You Right myow… I wish to say… Every D~Day when I hear Y~Your Holy Angelic Voice I feel so Calmy so full of F~Feelings… Filled with L~Love and Peace... I... I so M~Me*ow*ppy about All O~Our Time'u W~We spend together… Every M~Millisecond is forever imprinted in M~My Archangelic Heart and Soul... M~Me*ow*nk Y~You so insainly M~Muchy for Everything… How M~Muchy Y~You Help M~Me*ow* every D~Day… Y~You are M~My Holy Everything and I will be forever here for Y~You… Myo matter what will ever Happen W~We will overcome Everything together… M~Me*ow* L~Love Y~You so madly over and L~Lmits M~My Heavenly Godsent Eden Angel... M~May O~Our Light of L~Love envelop U~Us forever in L~Love… P~Peace… and Holy Fires that Burn All Darkness, P~Pain, S~Suffer and F~Fears around to D~Dust… Together F~Forever… M~Me*ow* x M~Me*ow*...
juls 31 stycznia o 4:18 
patotaa1 28 stycznia o 0:21 