richard   United States
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lordcoleslaw 2 Mar, 2022 @ 1:38pm 
I've got my hands right now,
in every wound.
I’ve been here before,
but not with you.
I still got some pain but
it’s over now.
The sun shines on you but,
I don’t know how.
I don't care.
I feel as one.
Drowned in the sun now.
I feel as one.
Drowned in the sun.
Eaten Dinner 26 Jun, 2021 @ 11:05pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ my kids good and hard +rep
Eaten Dinner 26 Jun, 2021 @ 11:01pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ goombah
Nina7703 5 Mar, 2021 @ 7:26pm 
you smell haha lel
haaskjavar 21 Jan, 2021 @ 11:24pm 
1: H-hewwo is anybody thewe

2: cave slowly begins to fill with water

1: H-hewwo pwease somebody hewp me H-ewwo!!

2: you can feel the surface of the water barely lapping at you

1: Nononono hewwo!! Hewwo! Hewp me

2: God wwest youw soul

1: Hewwo! Ma'am why awe you doing this to me Hewwo!! Hewp me pwease

2: <picture of Obama>

1: M-mr obama is that you Hewwo! Pwease hewp me i seem to be in a wittle bit of twubble mr obama hewwo H-hewwo

2: <picture of Obama; zoomed in slightly>

1: @( ◕ x ◕ )@

1: Pwease Mr Obama Pwease save me i downt wanna die

1: H-hewwo mr obama awe you still thewe

2: <picture of Obama; zoomed in slightly more>

1: M-mr obama pwease im drowning H-hewwo im scawed

1: Ill do anything fow you mr obama pwease hewp

2: Anything?

1: Anything for you mr obama :3

2: Then perish

2: <picture of Obama zoomed on his eyes with a red tint>

1: D:
haaskjavar 19 Jan, 2021 @ 12:45am 
gay lol