Columbia Heights, Minnesota, United States
Now Playing: get off my profile (Ft. Nobody) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐⠀►► 4:20 / 6:90⠀ 🔊 ───○ ⚙️ ❐ [].
KungFuZombie17 4 ส.ค. 2023 @ 7: 15pm 
bros skin looks like if you shoved Donald trump into a cauldron of nacho cheese and then greased him up with bits of pizza found in the large dumpster outside of an office from their employees baby shower.
pokynose 9 เม.ย. 2023 @ 6: 58pm 
spaghettimeister 1 เม.ย. 2023 @ 7: 40pm 
i need to see your balls