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Senaste recensioner av RushingTide

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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
68.2 timmar totalt
I cannot recommend this game. Overall very below average in every aspect except for visuals. If you REALLY want to see this game for what it is wait for a really good sale or just watch someone play it. Please save your money especially in this economy. 3/10 This is the tl;dr, I'm going to go into detail.

I'll start positive. Aside from the goofy darkspawn designs and the qunari designs this game got the visuals down fairly well. Proportions of characters are odd sometimes but the environments are beautiful and the lighting is very well done. 7/10

The combat can be summed up like this, okay for a videogame, terrible for a dragon age game. If I wanted to play an action game, I'd go play Monster Hunter. Coming straight off playing the other 3 dragon age games Veilguard's combat is so far off theme it's irritating. You don't control your other party members. Why? You only have 2 other party members. Why? The change from tactics based combat to real time, fighter action game style is not what I want from Dragon Age. It often feels exhausting and simplistic with enemies solely focusing on your character, forcing you to play dodge simulator. It gets tedious having to be the party's tank and it's much less engaging than prior installments of the franchise. The farther you get in the game, the more mind numbing the combat becomes. I'm playing on the second hardest difficulty and can breeze through fights while actively hindering myself by not spending skill points. A lot of my personal fun from Dragon Age was how unique the gameplay was. I'd never played a game with Dragon Age's style before and it was a fun learning curve. That being said, despite my complaints I don't outright hate the combat itself, in a completely different franchise, I'd probably enjoy it more. 2/10 (4/10 if it wasn't Dragon Age)

Outside of combat missions and exploring are ok at best and laughably bad at worst. Starting companion quests are copy pastes of each other being summed up as: follow x character to x place, press E on a few things, and listen to them talk. Exploring is a bit more fun since the environments look nice but, I find the puzzles in the world insultingly easy. 4/10

You have to download this game onto your SSD, which means you have to clear out 80 gigs to let the game run properly. Thanks EA...disregarding that, I've run into a few visual bugs and the very rare gameplay bug. The game runs fine 99% of the time. Do NOT download this onto an external drive or it will not run properly. 8/10 (Deducted 2 points just for the SSD thing)

This is by far the one of the worst aspects of this game and it's sad because Dragon Age's dialogue, story beats and writing is some of the best in gaming. Somehow this game completely drops the ball and I found myself hating at least half the dialogue in any given scene. To put the issues with the dialog into bullet points-
-Line delivery is terrible, conversations feel choppy and do not give off the tone they are meant to convey
-"Humorous" options aren't funny, at all
-Characters aren't speaking like they would compared to previous installments, there's a distinct show of modern language and mannerisms that's out of place
-The "forceful" or "mean" dialogue sounds like your character is doing their best to not insult anyone
-Most characters feel hollow and bland as if they're adhering to a certain archetype and not allowed to reveal more depth about themselves
-Every time there's a great moment of interaction, there's always a couple of terrible lines to yank you out of the moment
-The game is scared to be a dark fantasy and adopts a safe tone
-Modern language in this franchise is painful to hear, completely un-immersive
-There's no such thing as being "evil" or having any choice. You are forced to be a good guy, agreeable to near everything and the worst that can happen is a slap on the wrist with "x companion disapproves" that doesn't affect anything at all

The best way to describe the writing of this game is that it's cosplaying a Dragon Age Game rather than being a Dragon Age game. 2/10

Similar to the writing, the companions are terrible and that is a problem for a Dragon Age game where your investment in your companions should be front and center. There are some nice moments but overall there is nothing to be invested in. For the sake of not spoiling anything I won't go into detail but my opinions on each character are as follows, listed in order of enjoyment-

Emmerick- the most pleasant companion, well voice acted, unfortunately suffering because he's trapped in this game. Truly the diamond in the rough

Neve- is ok, she has some of the better quests and dialogue the game has to offer, questline has untapped potential but is held back by awful writing

Lucanis- has great moments, could have had a true traditional dragon age story line with dark themes and depth but the modernism of Veilguard holds him back immensely

Davrin- connected well enough to the main story, had 1 actually good cutscene, decent voice acting, suffers from boring writing, great deal of potential if his story was given to competent writers

Harding- The best compliment I can give her is awkward. This is the most below average companion with a mixed bag of "okay" and "bad". The lore dump of her plot is the most interesting thing about her but all of it feels undeserved and weightless

Bellara- the tone of this character is straight out of a Disney film, terrible writing, uninteresting quests and her motivations are alright but lacks any momentum behind them. the most forgettable companion

Taash- Lord have mercy this is god awful. I wish I could defend this character, I really do. I don't want the bigots to have any fuel. Sadly they wrote an identity, not an actual character. I'm half convinced Taash is a mild self insert with how bad they're written. Nothing else to say except, yikes.

The romance in this game is awful. I only romanced Neve on my 1 playthrough because I'm NOT playing this game again. Her romance had cute moments and flirting options but left little impact on how I felt and interacted. There's nothing of substance to cling onto other than flirty dialogue, 2 cutsie moments, and 1 scene that was very jarring and I was not in the mood for when it finally came along. Romance is painfully slow, there's little time dedicated to even being friends with your companions much less romancing one of them. (2/10) and those 2 points are all for my boy Emmerick, may he somehow escape the prison that is Veilguard

Respect for Player Choice:
This has to be my biggest gripe against Veilguard. Prior installments truly impressed me with the respect given to player choice and the fact that my Warden in Origins had lasting effects into the third installment, Inquisition, is amazing. With Dragon Age 2, my Hawke's choices were mentioned even more as DA2 heavily bleeds into Inquisition. It felt good that all my characters and their decisions mattered and that's extremely rare to see in choice games. Veilguard falls into the trap of scrapping any and all player history giving the biggest backhand to longtime players. Only 3 choices from Inquisition matter, I won't spoil it here because this review is spoiler free. But decisions made in Origins, Dragon Age 2, and Inquisition don't matter at all. This is a true mistake because characters from DA2 show up in Veilguard and this might leave a few people wondering why major choices involving said characters didn't mean anything. This problem becomes even harder to ignore with Inquisition as Veilguard is a direct continuation of the consequences of the Inquisitor and their choices. Plot points that SHOULD come up never do. 1/10
Upplagd 11 november 2024.
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882.0 timmar totalt (470.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
If only I passed the insight check that told me this game would consume my entire existence.
Upplagd 28 oktober 2023.
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1,845.7 timmar totalt (779.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Dead by Daylight is a great game despite some issues. The game has two game modes where you can play as the killer and survivor. I play both fairly equally.

On the killer end, with this recent patch, it's a fair game regardless of your killer choice. It will take a long time to become a good killer since each has their own power and certain things need to be learned to do well. (I recommend watching others play). Killer can still become somewhat frustrating since survivors can (not always) make playing hell with certain builds but it's somewhat rare and the meta has been shaken up as of late. However, you may encounter a "bully squad" where they will blind you, stun you and run circles around you. It'll happen, but you'll get better at killer with time and it'll get a little less irritating. The one major downside to killer specifically is that each killer is so different you will end up spending money or time grinding for in game currency to play the killer you want. Perks from each killer is also a major contributing factor since most good killer perks are not on the basic set of killers you start with.

On the survivor end, things get a little weird. If you have a group of friends or even just one friend to play with, you'll have a good time. If you're solo, other teammates can be frustrating. However, this doesn't happen a lot for me. Sure people will make bad plays but that happens to everyone at some point. A lot of good survivor perks are available for free and which survivor you choose to play does not matter in the long run since they all function the same way unlike killers. Just pick the one you find cute and start leveling up each for perks to put on the survivor you like most. Much of the game is dictated by the killer you're matched up with which means you may encounter a killer that "tunnels" or "camps" you. Tunneling is when a killer targets one person specifically. This can be done in a toxic manner to get someone out the game as soon as possible or in a non toxic manner where the killer needs to confirm a kill to apply pressure on the survivors. Same goes for camping. It can be strategic for a killer to camp someone on hook if they see other survivors near the hook or think it would be beneficial. Or the killer could be toxic and camp you while there are 5 gens remaining. All of this will happen but it doesn't stop me from playing the game because the core game is good and it's not by any means every match.

At it's core DBD is a good game that I recommend giving a try.
Upplagd 20 juli 2022.
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3,647.8 timmar totalt (1,794.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Considering the amount of playtime I have, yes I'm going to recommend this game. It's flat out addictive in the best ways. However, I have to talk about some issues and important points everyone needs to keep in mind while playing the game.
-New content for the game is a little on the slow end if you're playing as much as I do (about 15 hours a week) It use to be monthly updates a year prior but currently seasons are the new format in 2021 with 4 major updates in the year.
-If you're new, do the Maiden Voyage and DO THE TALL TALES! It's less risk of losing loot while you get a handle on the game mechanics. If you aren't bothered by losing loot, go for it just please don't put kegs on the deck of your ship. (I've seen it way too much and take advantage of things like this to sink people.)
-This is a PvPvE game. Wether you like it or not people will attack you. I encourage actively learning the PvP mechanics so you can at least defend yourself. However I will say, sometimes more experienced players will be toxic towards less skilled players for even trying but don't let them discourage you. Even they at some point were less skilled at the game and it takes practice. (If people get toxic, mute other crews in audio settings and PLEASE report people using slurs through the xbox app. We don't want those people on the seas.)
-Outside of verbally toxic behaviour, sinking/killing people is NOT part of toxicity. Sea of thieves is sandbox game and anyone can sink you for any reason they want. When you play this game, it is simply the risk you take. Tips to avoid pvp that have worked in the past: turn off the lights on your ship, do not use glowing sails, do not run an emissary flag, sell your loot often, learn sailing mechanics to run away efficiently, learn to board other ships to drop their anchor and slow them down, do not put up the reaper's mark flag (marks you on the global map), do not pick up reaper chests or bounties (red and gold skull symbols on the global map. They're chests you can find in shipwrecks)
Upplagd 1 juni 2021.
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230.9 timmar totalt (86.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is a great game overall and I would recommend getting it. This game reminds me of Deceit which is another good betrayal game and if you enjoyed that then you'll most likely enjoy Project Winter. All you need to watch out for are people that take the game too seriously and end up being plain mean because of it. It's just a game and some people really don't understand that. I'm sure the majority of them are decent people but they decide to be complete jerks when online. So go in with a positive mentality and don't get upset at others for either making mistakes or not doing what you want to do. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy playing the game.
Upplagd 11 juni 2020.
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1.9 timmar totalt
An endearing, emotional little game that makes you feel for Chris, aka Captain Spirit. It's free and takes about 90 minutes to play so just play it if you're going to buy Life is Strange 2. This really adds to Chris' character and it has made me more sympathetic towards him. The mainline game gives Chris a decent amount of characterization but no where near as much as this mini story.
Upplagd 19 maj 2020.
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325.4 timmar totalt (92.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
An absolute blast especially with friends. The story is coming along nicely and with Chapter 3 on the horizon I can only see this game getting better. There are a few bugs that need to be fixed but they're nothing game-breaking. So, weigh the anchor, set the sail, and survive upon your own Raft!
Upplagd 18 februari 2020. Senast ändrad 24 november 2021.
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6.6 timmar totalt (1.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
-Amazing atmosphere
-A good story
-You will cry

I recommend this game 100%
Upplagd 18 februari 2020.
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7.8 timmar totalt (1.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A very relaxed game that allows you to unwind. I enjoy the soundtrack as well as the game play itself. I do wish it was a little more detailed but roaming around in the wild already keeps you on edge protecting your kittens. Art style is also something to be amazed by. It's very unique. It's a great game to just sit down and chill with.
Upplagd 14 februari 2020.
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0.0 timmar totalt
The origami butterfly is absolutely adorable and you can represent the best voice in the game with the well designed TMC gear.
Upplagd 19 december 2019.
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