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1 zarejestrowana blokada VAC | Informacje
Dni od ostatniej blokady: 1498
AL0nenosleep 23 października 2023 o 0:52 
wasd научись ходить инвалид
kriškojebkoッ 28 sierpnia 2023 o 14:51 
The story behind my vac ban is silly. One day my brother wanted to play CSS with me so I found a server that would fit him. During our gameplay I noticed a dodgy player so I decided to record him with the source-engine record function because with a source recording you can replay it in private and use admin commands and programs, like cheats. I downloaded a program to enable wallhack-like things to help me investigate and while I was doing that my parents called us for dinner. I had been taught to not sit infront of the computer when I they called me, so I closed the recording and got up immediately. When I came back the game was still on and I had forgotten about the cheats so I joined a vac secured server and after a week or two I was banned. :( I knew at the time I could have used admin commands to do the job but I thought it would be easier to DL a program than to figure out which commands to use. Also if I had closed the game the cheats would have closed too. *facepalm*
kriškojebkoッ 24 kwietnia 2023 o 16:55 
Ооооох баля🔥🔥, чё за глаза у тебя❤️❤️, лээээ, у меня всё во всём😍, словами не описать. А чё за ресницы😍😍😍, пипеееец просто. Я бы эти ресницы трогал и чувствовал бы. Ууууууф💘💘💘. ♥♥♥ ну у тебя и клюв тоже ни чё так. Ахуеть!!!!!!! ЧЁ ЗА НОЗДРИ, Я В АХУЯХ!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
not nullexe 26 stycznia 2023 o 17:03 
hello mr. derrio i think we can be good friends to show that regardless of whatever conflicts there are in the world friendship will always prevail :steamhappy:
nullexe 5 stycznia 2023 o 18:12 
nullexe 5 stycznia 2023 o 18:08 
fam what comment did i delete enjoy your vac ban btw