总时数 300 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 3 日
成就进度   51 / 65
总时数 51 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 1 日
成就进度   0 / 17
总时数 14 小时
最后运行日期:1 月 20 日
成就进度   1 / 1
Dead by Fleshlight 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 6:27 
You should be thanking me for asking you to improve yourself instead of spending some intense counselling session with me aka psychotherapy.

Please bring Mori and attach some OP red add-on. I am disappointed you didnt kill me fast enough. Dont hook me for 3X. Just mori me on second hook. My Mama need me to continue writing love letter to DBD game developers.

Next update. Killer can mori themself by mistake if wifi connection not good . Reason : End game faster for everyone.
Dead by Fleshlight 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 6:26 
DBD master?! Very well said . Wait for me finish reading that legendary survivor rulebook and graduate later with Phd. Why not we both go study together. Play swf and see who dies first.
Dont worry. I will sacrifice myself to save you. Coz u think I am crybaby. Let me prove to you how strong I am. When I die, please dont cry for my heroic actions. I have been moried too much. I bet some killer felt guilty for their sadisfaction.

I play many other games. Valorant, PUBG, Brawl stars. I have seen many playstyles. U dead serious in thinking I judge people playstyles? WTF logic.

Please bring mori offering next time. Mori me ASAP. Is quite boring for me to run around map finding totems to cleanse.
带带大日料 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 6:10 
For fun? Just for your fun. Oh, 'I don't like your playstyle.' Still the same old words, who fu_ing cares about your judgment? Who are you? A DBD master, right? Why haven't you realized that every single word you say is measuring others by your so-called rules? Disgustingly arrogant. Just manage yourself, that's enough. When you freely comment on others' profiles, receiving criticism from others is what you deserve.
带带大日料 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 6:08 
You certainly can't be considered a bad person, you're just a crybaby. 'I don't like his playstyle, I don't like her playstyle.' There are plenty of playstyles in the world that you don't like, but you, as a crybaby, still haven't realized that everything is relative. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean others don't like it. Everyone has their own playstyle when playing games, so why do you always center everything around yourself and measure others by your so-called standards?
Dead by Fleshlight 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 5:24 
Malicious comment? Very good. U just know how to exaggerate.

Criticize. I play game for fun too. I rarely comment on people wall . Once in a full moon when killer play too well and I congratulate them for their playstyle in a sarcastic manner and they couldn't take it and call me a bad person.

Angry ? U call this angry? Maybe you should chillax and play more killer instead of judging people blindly.
Dead by Fleshlight 2024 年 4 月 15 日 上午 1:52 
Nobody ask you to check out my Instagram. My Instagram is for people who want to message me for common game.

Crybaby? You are the one who write long essay for my few sentences. My simple gentle reminder . If you cannot handle comment, then uninstall DBD. Look like you are the one crying instead.

Am I teaching you how to play? OMG. U r so noob to understand what I trying to say. Tunnel n camp all you want . Survivor can choose to complain all they want too. Baby killer so noob . Talk so much. I no need tunnel people also can 4 kills . That is what I hoping you to achieve. Never force you to follow .