Kat   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
mlexi 2022年8月25日 11時37分 
WUH LUH WUH 2022年7月26日 3時16分 
On your mark, get set! We're riding on the internet! Cyberspace, set free, hello virtual reality! Interactive appetite! Searchin' for a website! A window to the world, got to get online! Take a spin, now you're in with the techno-set! You're goin' surfin' on the internet!
mlexi 2022年7月25日 22時39分 
On your mark, get set! We're riding on the internet! Cyberspace, set free, hello virtual reality! Interactive appetite! Searchin' for a website! A window to the world, got to get online! Take a spin, now you're in with the techno-set! You're goin' surfin' on the internet!
WUH LUH WUH 2022年7月24日 17時13分 
I'm not a gamer, I'm white
mlexi 2022年7月7日 11時33分 
What ARE you???? :DoctorK:
Eifiekatx44 2022年7月6日 23時20分 
tHiS CoMmEnT Is aWaItInG AnAlYsIs bY OuR AuToMaTeD CoNtEnT ChEcK SyStEm. It wIlL Be tEmPoRaRiLy hIdDeN UnTiL We vErIfY ThAt iT DoEs nOt cOnTaIn aNy hArMfUl cOnTeNt (E.G LiNkS To wEbSiTeS ThAt cAn aTtEmPt tO StEaL PaNtSu- I MeAn iNfOrMaTiOn).