Karim Muhammad Amir Yousef Ali
Karim Muhammad Amir Yousef Ali Ibrahim 2   Panjab, Bamian, Afghanistan

MAIN ACCOUNT..................................................................................... [pnrtscr.com]

Hello my name is Karim and i am the owner and founder of "Fake Kindergarten". And i am responsible for 50 procent of Afghanistan's total income with world famous videos such as "Little Aida gets dirty in the sandbox" and "Little Yousef gets picked up from kindergarten by his uncle" if you want you view more or get a Fake Kindergarten subscription for only 599.99 rupees a month, visit WWW.FakeKindergarden.AF :steamthumbsup:

TRADELINK: https://steamoss.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=471787000&token=tLKhjCuE
1,726 時間プレイ

- Fun game

- Fun with good friends (sometimes when they're bad)

- Free language lessons/Swearing lessons

- Strengthens your ability to withstand people who had sexual intercourse with all your family members

- Gives you a quick look at how people from Russia and other countries are as people

- Interesting and innovative mechanics

- Amazing feature to kick toxic teammates last round when winning


- No English version (only a Russian version)

- A lot of people with xray super powers

- A high chance of causing crippling depression

- More addicting than black tar heroine

- European servers = Russian server

- The ranks actually goes as follows: Silver - DMG = You are matchmaking with either people who are trash or a 10% chance that your teammates are good. LE - Global = People who are mid or maybe good and a 50% chance that your enemy are cheating.

- 10% of weapons are usable and the rest 90% are weapons you use when trolling

- When you are a psychopath like me you have a big tendency to execute your teammates

- Your average teammates consist of at least 2 Russian teammates who think the whole world speaks Russian, 1 kid who apparently lost his virginity to my mother and the guy who has 12000 hours but plays equally to a person with rheumatoid arthritis but rarely you can find the gamer-girl that gets harassed and verbally abused the whole game

In conclusion i would give this game 5 mentally retarded Russian teammates out of 5 mentally retarded Russian teammates

3月4日 に最後にプレイ
3月2日 に最後にプレイ
2月22日 に最後にプレイ
Balladolhala 3月5日 8時02分 
Let's leave our mark on this game
Sik3 2024年6月30日 18時11分 
-rep cheater
Bordred 2024年5月10日 11時56分 
Nice awp
NovaPhantom 2024年3月30日 11時22分 
added for trade ^^
Karim Muhammad Amir Yousef Ali 2024年3月27日 15時22分 
BadL1fe 2024年3月27日 13時56分 
the worst mate ive ever had, decides to troll a 10-1 game.