        W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E
Main https://steamoss.com/profiles/76561198880163375
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➜ Silver 1 ✔
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➜ Silver 4 ✔
➜ Silver Elite ✔
➜ Silver Elite Master ✔
➜ Gold Nova 1✔
➜ Gold Nova 2✔
➜ Gold Nova 3 v✔
➜ Gold Nova Master ✔
➜ Master Guardian 1✔
➜ Master Guardian 2 ✔
➜ Master Guardian Elite Current
➜ Distinguished Master Guardian
➜ Legendary Eagle
➜ Legendary Eagle Master
➜ Supreme Master First Class
➜ The Global Elite
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1897 ден(дни) от последна забрана
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Trading Rules

If you want to upgrade or split my items/want me to downgrade, you will have to overpay!
Do not try to scam, I know all scam attempts and it is just a waste of time for you.
Send me trade offers if I am not online at the moment.
I do not accept tradebacks.

I am not accepting people ..
Have private profile if you have not offered on csgolounge.
Have an inventory without any valuable items

i will be lovely if you add a +rep
Mikke1sen 23 юни 2019 в 7:20 
+rep nice guy he playing like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mge i love him
★twitch.tv/th3is1fyr ♫ :0 8 юни 2019 в 4:48